Quote Originally Posted by GP View Post
If I walked into my office tomorrow and declared there were "So many damn blacks" how do you think my "Well I'm factually right" defence would go?
If you just randomly said it out of context then not very well.
If you were responding to someone who claimed that black people were being systematically removed from your office and you were a bit pissed off because you knew that was bollocks then while I continue to agree the word "damn" adds nothing and if anything yes, undermines the point, the point remains valid.

What I'm defending, or rather what I'm railing against, is the idea that people can say something which is true and be sacked for it because they said it the wrong way or because the thing they said, while true, goes against the woke culture we increasingly live in.

I'm open to the idea that I am becoming a grumpy old bastard who rails against young people's attitudes.
"I used to be with it but then they changed what it was" - Abe Simpson