Quote Originally Posted by Marc Overmars View Post
I think when you make 5 changes to a very settled team it’s going to have a bit of an impact on how effectively things click. Plus you’re kind of sending out a message that there are bigger games ahead so finding the intensity levels perhaps won’t come as easy. The crowd was very flat too because of the expectation of 3 points.

For me this was the perfect way to deal with what was our easiest remaining fixture. No fuss whatsoever. A complete non-event.
It's the wrong philosophy and another feather in this eternal lie that the PL today is somehow tougher on players than division 1 yonks ago. Don't forget, Terry fucking Butcher was playing back then. Yet strikers turned up week after week, albeit on life-support machines. A settled squad for the run-in will do the business. A mix-and-match, what do the GPS vests say approach will yield precisely ZERO, as was always the case in recent years. Hungry fucking tigers that want it every 3 days, that'll win it. Rotating, oh dear, we've done our bit faggots - nope.