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Thread: FIFA Ethics Committee Investigation

  1. #61
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    Well, his resignation is essentially an admission of guilt so I don't see how anyone can presume him innocent, even if he's officially innocent, which doesn't make a difference at all imo.

  2. #62
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    THE man at the centre of the FIFA bribery scandal has resigned as its vice-president.

    Jack Warner, the longest-serving member of FIFA's executive committee, had been suspended pending the outcome of the corruption inquiry.
    FIFA said the ethics committee had now dropped procedures against him "and the presumption of innocence is maintained".
    Warner, of Trinidad and Tobago, had been accused of arranging backhanders to try to secure Asia football chief Mohammed Bin Hammam's election as FIFA president.
    Sepp Blatter won in a farcical one-horse race after Qatar's Hammam was suspended with Warner.
    Warner, 68, also quit as president of the Confederation of North, Central American and Caribbean Association Football (CONCACAF).
    In a statement today, FIFA said: "Jack A. Warner has informed FIFA about his resignation from his posts in international football.
    "FIFA regrets the turn of events that have led to Mr Warner's decision.
    "His resignation has been accepted by world football's governing body, and his contribution to international football and to Caribbean football in particular and the CONCACAF confederation are appreciated and acknowledged.
    "Mr Warner is leaving FIFA by his own volition after nearly 30 years of service."
    Warner and Hammam were accused of giving or offering bribes of £25,000 each to the 25 members of the Caribbean Football Union.
    A source close to Warner said he had taken the decision "for the good of the game" but refused to comment when asked if he had jumped before he was pushed.

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    Thats why probably

  3. #63
    Wibble Coney's Avatar
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    What a cop-out. It is not just because he is getting off - that is not the reason for the FIFA statement. The real reason for doing it this way is that if they had investigated him, other shit about other members would probably have come out of the woodwork. It is just a continuation of the sleeze of FIFA.

    We criticised the MPs for claiming a few grand for a duckhouse or draining a moat. These FIFA guys seem to be fiddling numbers that make our MPs look like Mother Teresa.

  4. #64
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    I don't see how anyone can presume him innocent, even if he's officially innocent, which doesn't make a difference at all imo.
    Anyone with a nose can smell the rank stench of someone being forced out before they take everyone down with them, I feel sure Mr. Warner was recompensed for his troubles too.

  5. #65
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    A Fifa ethics committee report says there is "comprehensive, convincing and overwhelming" evidence that member Mohamed bin Hammam tried to bribe officials during his presidential campaign.

    The report also states that former Fifa vice-president Jack Warner was "an accessory to corruption".

    More to follow.
    fifa, what a fucking joke they are

  6. #66
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    A Fifa report seen by the Press Association says there is 'overwhelming evidence' that Mohamed bin Hammam used bribery in his presidential campaign.

    The ethics committee also stated that former Fifa vice-president Jack Warner was "an accessory to corruption".

    Warner resigned from his role on Monday and quit all football activities.

    As a result, football's governing body dropped all investigations into Warner, adding that "the presumption of innocence is maintained".

    However, the full report of the ethics committee headed by Namibian judge Petrus Damaseb said there was "comprehensive, convincing and overwhelming" proof that bribes had been paid to officials to support Bin Hammam's campaign for the Fifa presidency, and that Warner had facilitated this.

    Continue reading the main story
    I believe Jack Warner should be made to answer these charges - it's not enough just for him to resign
    Tory MP Damian Collins
    Both 68-year-old Warner, from Trinidad and Tobago, and Qatar's Bin Hammam, 62, were provisionally suspended on 29 May.

    Bin Hammam withdrew as a candidate in the Fifa presidential race against Sepp Blatter on the morning of his ethics committee hearing on 29 May. Both Bin Hammam and Warner deny the allegations.

    The 17-page Fifa report was faxed to Warner on 14 June. Three days later, he informed Fifa he was quitting.

    The report obtained by the Press Association concludes that there was "compelling" evidence that Bin Hammam and Warner arranged a special meeting of the 25 members of the Caribbean Football Union [CFU] on 10 and 11 May in Trinidad and that, with their knowledge, cash gifts were handed over.

    Statements from witnesses, contained in the report, said they were handed brown envelopes each containing 40,000 US dollars. One of the witnesses, Fred Lunn from the Bahamas, photographed the cash before returning it.

    The document also stated that four witnesses claimed that Warner told the CFU delegates on 11 May that the "money for the 'gifts' allegedly distributed the day before had been apparently provided by Mr Bin Hammam".

    Warner's evidence to the 29 May hearing is described as "mere self-serving declarations" and that he "failed to provide the Fifa ethics committee with a plausible explanation".

    Bin Hammam said in a statement: "There is nothing I can say more than I deny the allegations and insist that I have not done anything wrong during the special Congress at Trinidad."

    Damian Collins, the Tory MP who is campaigning for a reform of Fifa, believes the case against Warner should be re-opened.

    "This makes Fifa's claim that Warner can be presumed innocent absolutely incredible," he said. "I believe Jack Warner should be made to answer these charges - it's not enough just for him to resign.

    "This shows it was a big error of judgement by Sepp Blatter to call off the inquiry and cover this up.

    "Fifa should also confirm Mohamed Bin Hammam should not similarly be allowed to resign in return for having the investigation dropped."
    the complete article. fifa allowed warner to resign and presume innonence yet the report says he is guilty? i am actually lost for words

  7. #67
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    Didnt want to make another thread.

    This is the country that FIFA gave the World cup to

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