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Thread: The End of Atlantis

  1. #1
    Wibble Coney's Avatar
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    The End of Atlantis

    The 8 July ascent will be the 135th shuttle launch and the 33rd of Atlantis.
    End of an era. When are we going to be boldly going again? I think we need to get a manned trip to the asteroid belt next. Fairly straightforward compared to Mars, but expanding the horizons.

  2. #2
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Tbh I don't think space exploration has been that exciting since the space race in the 60s culminating in the moon landings.

    I'm not convinced we'll get to Mars or do anything else that exciting any time soon, just don't think there's the political will to spend the sort of money that could make that happen <add your own 'is NASA run by Wenger?' joke here>

    I did see a Shuttle launch one time when I just happened to be in Florida when one went up. Was pretty bloody impressive.

  3. #3
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    The US space agency (Nasa) is retiring its shuttles to make way for crew and cargo transportation services that will be operated by private companies.
    Horrible, horrible, horrible. Space for the shareholders rather than the human race, fucking despicable. I suppose their poxy rockets will carry McDonalds and Nike logos? I hope every last one of the fucking things explodes.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  4. #4
    Wibble Coney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters (TPFKA WWTL@WHL) View Post
    Tbh I don't think space exploration has been that exciting since the space race in the 60s culminating in the moon landings.

    I'm not convinced we'll get to Mars or do anything else that exciting any time soon, just don't think there's the political will to spend the sort of money that could make that happen <add your own 'is NASA run by Wenger?' joke here>

    I did see a Shuttle launch one time when I just happened to be in Florida when one went up. Was pretty bloody impressive.
    Missed a shuttle launch when I was there as it was delayed 2 weeks. This after I'd specifically timed the holiday so it would be in the middle of the fortnight. However, what I REALLY missed was all those years ago which was a Saturn V launch. It was far more spectacular than a shuttle launch (by all accounts) and there is the additional buzz of watching a vehicle launch 3 guys heading for the moon. If I had a time machine, it would have been the Apollo 17 Saturn V launch I'd go for as that one was at night. Must have been spectacular.

    If the Chinese keep doing what they are at the moment, which is planning to land men on the moon to start to exploit it, I am hoping that there will be a US-Russia-Europe cooperation to match it and we can get this off the ground again. Sadly, unless there is a competition for economic and/or military domination, it just doesn't happen. So come on the Chinese and let's get the next race under way.

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    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    We were lucky 'cos the Shuttle should have gone up before we got there but was delayed.
    Less lucky last January (2010, I mean) when we got VIP passes for a launch, went out to the space centre, were told we'd get to tour the place through the night before the launch but actually had less than an hour there, stayed up all night (it was a night launch, would have been amazing) and then the bastard thing was postponed
    It was freezing too, Florida does get cold night sometimes, that was one of them. Hmph.

    A Saturn V launch would have been amazing, just going to the Kennedy space centre and seeing that one in that hanger, till you see it you can't imagine how bloody big it is. It's incredible it got off the ground much less into space.

  6. #6
    Wibble Coney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters (TPFKA WWTL@WHL) View Post
    We were lucky 'cos the Shuttle should have gone up before we got there but was delayed.
    Less lucky last January (2010, I mean) when we got VIP passes for a launch, went out to the space centre, were told we'd get to tour the place through the night before the launch but actually had less than an hour there, stayed up all night (it was a night launch, would have been amazing) and then the bastard thing was postponed
    It was freezing too, Florida does get cold night sometimes, that was one of them. Hmph.

    A Saturn V launch would have been amazing, just going to the Kennedy space centre and seeing that one in that hanger, till you see it you can't imagine how bloody big it is. It's incredible it got off the ground much less into space.
    I give you fair odds that was the reason for the delay. The Challenger explosion was a result of the O-rings freezing and not sealing properly. Although they now have a third rubber seal instead of just the 2 they had before Challenger, when the weather is freezing, there is still a higher risk and they would not have dared launch with that possibility.

  7. #7
    Tennis Expert Syn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Horrible, horrible, horrible. Space for the shareholders rather than the human race, fucking despicable. I suppose their poxy rockets will carry McDonalds and Nike logos? I hope every last one of the fucking things explodes.
    Is there anything you don't have a strong opinion about?

    How about Fox's Viennese Chocolate - they're alright as far as chocolate biscuits go, right?

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    Member Japan Shaking All Over's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syn View Post
    Is there anything you don't have a strong opinion about?

    How about Fox's Viennese Chocolate - they're alright as far as chocolate biscuits go, right?

  10. #10
    Member IBK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Horrible, horrible, horrible. Space for the shareholders rather than the human race, fucking despicable. I suppose their poxy rockets will carry McDonalds and Nike logos? I hope every last one of the fucking things explodes.
    Funny - I'm kind of with you here. The Western World no longer does anything for the adventure; the prestige; the boundary pushing...its only to make money or for military aims. We live in very impoverished times, in this regard.

    And we will soon realise that our standard of living began to fall years ago - when the cheap consumer goods from former 2nd and 3rd world economies start drying up. Unrestricted capitalism/commercialism rots the soul.
    Putting the laughter back into manslaughter

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