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Thread: Lest we forget

  1. #1
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    Lest we forget

    They gave their today, so that we could have our tomorrow. Never forgotten. RIP

  2. #2
    Member Olivier's xmas twist's Avatar
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    RIP, The real Hero's of our Country. Makes you Proud to be british, and wear that poppy with pride.
    Last edited by Olivier's xmas twist; 11-11-2012 at 10:12 AM.

  3. #3
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    We have all forgotten, most thoroughly. That's the whole point of this charade. The soldiers from WWI and WWII who were marched into machine guns by demonic politicians and bankers had no problem figuring this out. The con. They left behind thier own words but we ignore them and wave our fucking stupid fkags and say ****ish things like proud to be British.

    Well, look at your history and it is a shame to be British. How much do you need to lie to yourself before you miss such an obvious truth? All those men and woman slaughtered so their children and grandchildren could submissively roll over to the very same filth that caused so much bloodshed? Even if you insist on engaging with the myth, explain the European Union to yourself. You can't.

    Shove your poppy up your arse and give me a gun so I can properly honour and preserve the memory of all those who were sacrificed.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    We have all forgotten, most thoroughly. That's the whole point of this charade. The soldiers from WWI and WWII who were marched into machine guns by demonic politicians and bankers had no problem figuring this out. The con. They left behind thier own words but we ignore them and wave our fucking stupid fkags and say ****ish things like proud to be British.

    Well, look at your history and it is a shame to be British. How much do you need to lie to yourself before you miss such an obvious truth? All those men and woman slaughtered so their children and grandchildren could submissively roll over to the very same filth that caused so much bloodshed? Even if you insist on engaging with the myth, explain the European Union to yourself. You can't.

    Shove your poppy up your arse and give me a gun so I can properly honour and preserve the memory of all those who were sacrificed.
    they may have been sacrificed by politicians however given we didnt have conscription until very late in the wars, they chose to fight for what they believed in. they chose to defend their country, they chose to the defend and fight for the rights we have today, and that is why they are remembered and respected. they volunteered for this, just like every solider still does today, they chose to defend what we take for granted, and thats why we respect and remember them.

    they fought so that we can have our tomorrows in a free world, not one under a fascist dictator who would have taken away all rights from those who werent fully german, blue eyed and blond hair. you may not agree with it, but without those who died in the great wars, you wouldnt be able to express that opinion. remember that.

  5. #5
    Member Gervinho's Forehead's Avatar
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    I don't like how in recent years the poppy has been hijacked to be all about Afghanistan, I wear a poppy in memory of my great great uncle who died on the Somme and who's name is on the thiepval memorial.

  6. #6
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    Never worn a poppy in my life.

    Not because i dont respect what these people did but mainly cos i cba

  7. #7
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gervinho's Forehead View Post
    I don't like how in recent years the poppy has been hijacked to be all about Afghanistan, I wear a poppy in memory of my great great uncle who died on the Somme and who's name is on the thiepval memorial.
    Exactly right. There's no way the millions who died intended to sacrifice themselves for Shell oil and Exxon Mobil, DuPont, Bechtel, KBR and all the other profiteers that have hijacked the armed forces and turned them into corporate mercenary units (and war criminals one and all by the way). Of course it is right for the descendants to honour the memory of men and woman whose courage (and grim circumstances) I doubt any of us could muster or understand these days. But to see those absolute fucking bastard **** politicians carrying those wreaths and all the fucking hangers-on trying to tie this to a religious message that after all clearly states - THOU SHALL NOT KILL - is vomit inducing. If you are going to honour the dead then at least THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE HONOURING! Don't just wear a poppy and stay silent for one minutes because some ****ing politician or the fucking BBC (****s) hypnotise you.

    There was a fabulous documentary on More4 last night called Somme. It's the words of those soldiers we should listen to on this Remembrance Sunday. Not some fucking, fucking, warmongering **** like Cameron. Or some fucking paedo bishop. There are so few left from the first great banker's war now. And in a couple of decades the survivors of the second great banking war will be few. I wonder how perverted the whole "memory" business will be once they are gone and can no longer counter with the truth? Besides, doesn't the act of remembering actually dishonour the dead - considering we all stand by and allow the "mistakes" of the past to be repeated over and over again and for ever more cynical and self serving reasons? I bet the dead wouldn't want to even know us ****s considering what we allow to happen. And they sure as hell wouldn't want to be associated with it once a year on the most cynical and stage managed Sunday imaginable.

    A few years back words weren't a crime and you could say what you wanted in our "free" society. Now that fear is foremost in our liberated minds, you can't speak any more. But if I could, the things I would say about Cameron and Blair and their crony court in attendance. I'll just have to think it while thinking remains free from limiting legislation.
    Für eure Sicherheit

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