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Thread: The Wish They Were All Dead Tory Cunt Thread

  1. #1471
    Quote Originally Posted by GP View Post
    That's for PMing me those bomb making instructions and MPs addresses, by the way.
    Chaos reigns!

  2. #1472
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    I think the principle is closer to "we don't know who is guilty so we will keep an eye on everyone". And I'm OK with that IF it doesn't affect the innocent, which it generally doesn't, or hasn't so far. You are not treated as guilty, your freedoms to go where you want and say what you want are not restricted. If you feel they are then explain how. My phone isn't "tapped", no-one is sitting there listening to my conversations. There are probably algorithms sitting there listening out for certain words and at some point I may become someone that "they" are interested in but if so then something will have gone seriously wrong. And that is a concern, but I doubt it happens often.
    How else can "they" know who to target?

    That is not what is being proposed and no I wouldn't try and justify that.
    That is precisely what has been proposed.

    In case you are in some doubt, for whatever inexplicable reason, the proposal is as follows:

    The government, a pack of lying, thieving, warmonger scumbag, propagandists, 99.9% of which are out for their own self enrichment (correct the bits you disagree with, but make sure you base your amendments of the historical record);

    Will decide, arbitrarily it seems as no specifics are forthcoming, on what is deemed right wing propaganda (not left wing, just right wing mind you), what is acceptable and what is not acceptable to watch online. So that's a bunch of raving propagandists deciding which propaganda is legal;

    Will monitor everyone to determine if proscribed material has been viewed;

    Will determine who should be punished and who is exempt;

    Reserves the manufactured right to impose jail sentences of up to 15 years on those who do not comply.

    And you are okay with this because, apparently, these government cunts who already bury all their worst excess under a blanket of national security, have been caught abusing their powers and lying on innumerable occasions, are assumed to be responsible and will exercise restraint. And because bad shit would never happen, even though it already has and we've seen documentation of the court cases to prove it.

    Meanwhile, the same cunts are busy losing files that out the pedophiles in their ranks.

    I'm pretty sure you have zero clue about the people you are dealing with. I'd go as far as to accuse you of actually believing them to be public servants.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  3. #1473
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    I see some dangers in this. I don't think politicians are as bad as you make out though. Most of them I imagine get into it with the best intentions.
    Those that climb the tree will inevitably become more corrupt and self-serving as they do so and many of them are incompetent. I don't think they are out to get me though.
    I don't think they're doing this because they want to control everything I do or stop me getting on with my life - as I've said surveillance is not a new thing and it hasn't affected me in the way people like Orwell predicted yet.
    There is a concerning direction of travel and I do think a jail term for simply watching videos (not as a one off, the suggested law is about repeated watching of such material) is draconian.
    I don't have a huge problem with the banning of videos about how to make bombs, why the hell would anyone be watching those if they were up to something. Other things are poorly defined and would need to be before I could comment about them.

  4. #1474
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    I see some dangers in this. I don't think politicians are as bad as you make out though. Most of them I imagine get into it with the best intentions.
    Those that climb the tree will inevitably become more corrupt and self-serving as they do so and many of them are incompetent. I don't think they are out to get me though.
    I don't think they're doing this because they want to control everything I do or stop me getting on with my life - as I've said surveillance is not a new thing and it hasn't affected me in the way people like Orwell predicted yet.
    There is a concerning direction of travel and I do think a jail term for simply watching videos (not as a one off, the suggested law is about repeated watching of such material) is draconian.
    I don't have a huge problem with the banning of videos about how to make bombs, why the hell would anyone be watching those if they were up to something. Other things are poorly defined and would need to be before I could comment about them.
    Is an elephant out to get an ant when it inadvertently tramples it? This isn't about who is out to get you, this is about who is serving their own interests. A well funded, competent security service with an agenda designed to serve the public good and a competent police force that is focused on law and order, rather than tax collection, is what is required to preempt and prevent terrorism. This is obvious. And they don't need vast and all encompassing laws to do that job. You cannot protect liberty by abandoning it. But you can protect it by seeking out those who wish to do harm using traditional as well as modern methods. The security services themselves complain about having to wade through avalanches of data. This snooping and invasion of privacy isn't helping them, it's servicing an entirely different agenda, one of establishment control and its maintenance. This is also very obvious. And it doesn't matter a bit if a politician wants authority to do good. I dispute the very notion of that because anyone who wants authority is a sad cock, full stop. But it's irrelevant because the only way you can work up the ladder to a position of influence is to embrace corruption. All senior politicians are corrupt to the core because that's the nature of their position, it's intent.

    And then, on the other hand, you have these immigrants streaming through the borders, some of them legitimate (fleeing the bombs we dropped on them I suppose), others very clearly illegitimate - benefit tourists and outright Jihadis who make no secret of it. So we aren't allowed to watch certain videos, but potential terrorists are invited in and then paid to stay here? WTF? And anyone who calls for tightening up the border is called a racist. It's insane. The actual terror threats are being ignored while the security services and police are directed into spying on the people whose liberty they are supposed to be defending. Bonkers. Nonsensical.

    And then there's our cyclical policy of dropping bombs on people who, believe it or not, get pretty pissed off about it. And our policy of funding and arming nutters who are intent on killing each other. And our undermining of genuine democracies, bolstering of tinpot tyrants, grubby deals with the very scumbags who fund global terror.

    It's not worth adding any more. If people can't see why we need to get rid of these government bastards, as opposed to handing them even more power, then they'll never see it. Not until the knock comes at their door I suppose. Liberty is lost through complacency and won through bloodshed. The more power we give these bastards the harder it is going to be to resist them when the inevitable time comes. Humanity cannot carry on forever under the increasing pressure of these weakest of all individuals. Survival of the weakest, the most unfit, the most corrupted, the most perverted, the least altruistic is not the defining motive of mankind (peoplekind, theykind, jedi'fkin'kind).

    Because that's it, isn't it. The great debate. Should we or shouldn't we have transgender toilets?
    Für eure Sicherheit

  5. #1475
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    Für eure Sicherheit

  6. #1476
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  7. #1477
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    It's all going to end with the destruction of government everywhere*. The slow burning results of 2001 and 2008.

    *Excludes North Korea and Liverpool.
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  8. #1478
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    Despotic regime in Madrid imposes direct rule on Catalonia.

    Meanwhile, two Italian regions set to hold their own independence votes.

    Hurry up and get this Brexit thing done or there won't be an EU to leave. When the end comes for them it will happen fast.
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  9. #1479
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    By Despotic regime do you mean the elected government?

  10. #1480
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    By Despotic regime do you mean the elected government?
    Which elected government? The one in Madrid or the one Madrid has just overthrown? Or Hitler's elected government?
    Für eure Sicherheit

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