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Thread: Would Wenger win the league with another team?

  1. #1
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    Would Wenger win the league with another team?

    My contention is that if we (Manchester United) changed nothing other than bringing in Wenger as our manager, that we'd win the league or challenge City far closer than anyone else would manage to do.

    I wondered if anyone else had any thoughts on Wenger's ability or likelihood to do that job at another club, seeing as that majority seem to now form a consensus of wanting him out of Arsenal.

    is there a feeling that it is his personal failings which is why he should leave, or a combination of the club and himself which makes him not a good fit, specifically for Arsenal FC?

  2. #2
    Administrator McNamara That Ghost...'s Avatar
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    Wenger is in a comfortable space (I mean in the structure of the club, not the supporters obviously). Steve Bould for all he contends - it just isn't convincing that Wenger is still hungry to succeed. Or maybe he is but because he has allowed himself to drift in to a comfort zone, it's very difficult climb back out of that again when your in the same position, in the same place.

    At another club, any other top club would tell him exactly what they expect and what to achieve from the outset and the consequences of not achieving that.

    Wenger couldn't go directly to Florentino Perez and bargain for a stay of execution for instance, it wouldn't be tolerated.

    My personal thoughts are I think this experience with Arsenal in the last few years has scarred him. NQ is not wrong that there is a fearfulness in how he approaches the big games now, there's no conviction and I don't think he can untangle himself from that - in the league that is.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by McNamara That Ghost... View Post
    Wenger is in a comfortable space (I mean in the structure of the club, not the supporters obviously). Steve Bould for all he contends - it just isn't convincing that Wenger is still hungry to succeed. Or maybe he is but because he has allowed himself to drift in to a comfort zone, it's very difficult climb back out of that again when your in the same position, in the same place.

    At another club, any other top club would tell him exactly what they expect and what to achieve from the outset and the consequences of not achieving that.

    Wenger couldn't go directly to Florentino Perez and bargain for a stay of execution for instance, it wouldn't be tolerated.

    My personal thoughts are I think this experience with Arsenal in the last few years has scarred him. NQ is not wrong that there is a fearfulness in how he approaches the big games now, there's no conviction and I don't think he can untangle himself from that - in the league that is.
    Until your last paragraph I was going to agree and say this is why I think he'd be a success at another big club, because you can't take away his natural gift for free flowing football. Put him at City with those players for example and I fully believe he would have the same results as Pep.

    But this idea of him being scarred is something I hadn't considered, and taking that to another club - the baggage that is, may be too much to bear.

    /Closed (I guess).

  4. #4
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Free flowing football?

    Have you not watched us in the last few years (decades)?

    If back to goal, sideways, backwards, safety first at a snail's pace with a lack of movement beyond training ground adjustments to triangular patterns is classed as free flowing then football is in a worse state that I thought.

    He's one of the most negative managers in the league now, stuck in that mindset that if you keep the ball away from the opponent they can't hurt you with it. Which is theoretically correct, but football is also about scoring goals, defending well when the other team tries to score goals and doing it in at least a semi-entertaining manner so the fans have a reason to turn up. Wenger has lost all of that and instead produced a one-dimensional approach that any coach worth the name can figure out and counter with ease.

    He couldn't win the league of we were the only team in it. His mindset is not geared to winning, it's completely focused on not losing. And then the crazy begins. Because he point blank refuses to correct the catastrophic flaws in our midfield and defence. First we went all Barcelona without the vital ingredient which was the work rate off the ball. Now we've gone all Italian but again without the vital ingredient, defensive coherence and integrity.

    Wenger should have handed over these responsibilities years ago but his ego doesn't allow it. Even in the one area where the myth persists and he's supposed to be the master, attacking football and the final third, have you not seen our guys make that extra pass when they could shoot? Or make that extra pass when they could cross? Or go wide instead of coming central and into congestion? Or try to walk it in when a good whack would do the job?

    Talking of crosses (and other set pieces) it's hard to comprehend just how bad we are. Ridiculous. It's totally unacceptable and totally the norm for us. And you see players drop a level within weeks of arriving. Like Mkhitaryan. He looked class when he arrived. Now he's starting to pick up all the terrible flaws that must be the foundation of Wenger's training methods. The guy ruined Lacazette too and I have no doubt whatsoever he'll destroy Aubameyang.

    He's a walking disaster. Could he win the league with another team?


    I mean obviously - no.

    Of course not.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raymond Reddington View Post
    My contention is that if we (Manchester United) changed nothing other than bringing in Wenger as our manager, that we'd win the league or challenge City far closer than anyone else would manage to do.

    I wondered if anyone else had any thoughts on Wenger's ability or likelihood to do that job at another club, seeing as that majority seem to now form a consensus of wanting him out of Arsenal.

    is there a feeling that it is his personal failings which is why he should leave, or a combination of the club and himself which makes him not a good fit, specifically for Arsenal FC?
    Letters setting up an account pretending to be a Manc

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  6. #6
    Pat Rice LDG's Avatar
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    Wenger was (no longer) good at buying technical players that were better than the normal rugged PL players at the time.

    He was better at using the best health and fitness techniques, which gave his teams physical advantage.

    He also inherited a “spirit” from a backbone of hardy diciplined (tactically) players, the dilution of which over time is plain to see.

    He was of a time.

    He is not tactically profficient. He doesn’t spot talent. He isn’t any good at developing players.

    At this point in time, he simply puts faith in whatever eleven men he selects, following a training session which pretty much focuses on stats and ball retention. His philosophy is clearly “keep the ball until you cannot fail but walk the ball over the line, and if you can’t start again from the back”.

    He is waaaaay past being able to manage himself, let alone a team of overpaid retards.

    He will never win a title with another team, unless he plunders third world football.
    It's better to burn out, than to fade away.

  7. #7
    MOe Marc Overmars's Avatar
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    Maybe from 2007-2011 I’d say he was still good enough to win the league with another team because even though we won nothing we played decent football with average players, which is something I’ve only just come to appreciate in hindsight, given how poor the quality is now with better individual talent.

    I think it’s fairly clear he doesn’t have the Midas touch anymore when it comes to getting the team to play in a certain way. The team woefully lacks shape and doesn’t really have the guile you’d associate with Wenger teams of the past. He’s also become very risk averse which probably stems from the high profile beatings we’ve taken in the past decade. He’s had plenty of time and money to give himself a fair crack but he’s a shell of a manager now living off the crumbs of his reputation.

    I’m sure if you gave him City’s squad he’d probably do well but then so would any coach with a modicum of ability because of the sheer talent they have. However the pertinent point is would he even assemble a squad that good? Judging by the money he’s wasted with us, my guess is probably not. He’d need someone above him to identify players.

  8. #8
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    The PL is too competitive these days.
    Back in the day there was only one serious contender and Wenger's fitness techniques and knowledge of the overseas game - and a bit of steel from the old guard - helped lift us above them for a while.
    I don't think Wenger is as bad as many on here claim, but he's not good enough to win a PL title.
    Maybe with City's current squad which is on a different planet to everyone this year but that is unusual.
    He certainly wouldn't win it with Utd's squad.

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    I'd love nothing more than Man U to take Wenger from us, it would be win win, we'd finally get rid of the guy holding us back and we'd no longer have to sit through repeats of the same situations season after season as well as the same frustrations for years.

    On top of this we'd be able to watch Man U plummet and struggle, getting knocked out of the race for ny significant prizes like we do every year fairly and never genuinely challenging again.

    The reality is the guy isn't a top class manager and never has been, his success was a lot due to circumstances, knowledge of the French game at the time it was at it's peak, inheriting players that offered exactly the leadership and desire he could never instill amongst other things. In the last decade he's really been found out.

    If you want him please, please take him, you'd be doing us a massive favour, just bear in mind you'd no longer be challenging for any of the big prizes, your fight would be for what he deems to be the main prize, the top 4.
    Last edited by Özim; 31-03-2018 at 03:36 PM.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vieira View Post
    Letters setting up an account pretending to be a Manc

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    Chill out, Dave; was only asking.

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