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Thread: Coronavirus Pandemic

  1. #2351
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    NQ, Basically you describe any mainstream news as fake (apart from whwn it says something you agree with of course) and yet you'll throw any number of 'some guy with a webcam and out-there views' videos and ask us to take them as gospel

    Take a step back, go for a walk in the woods, smell the grass, listen to the birds and you'll feel much better for it, trust me
    Go asleep. There's nothing to see. Go along to get along. Go and graze the sweet grass.

    Thanks. But I'll pass.

    I do say the mainstream media is fake news. And then I show you why. Over and over again. Maybe the millionth and first time will do the trick?

    I'm not saying you're not allowed to be fooled. Have at it. It's almost a free country. All I'm saying is, hey, you're being fooled. If you don't want to listen, or if you don't agree, that's fine. But don't go telling me to fall asleep too. It's an almost free country for me too.

    In the end, should you even decide to consider such things, you'll have to make sense of why cheap drugs are evil and expensive drugs are good, or why racially motivated riots are safe from the virus, but protests against the lockdown pose a health threat, or why the ice caps have melted and flooded the planet yet they are still actually there and we're not wet, or why weapons of mass destruction definitely exist but are never found, or chemical weapons attacks happen but didn't, according to the people sent to investigate.

    These are all bigs lies that significantly affect all our lives. You may not be interested in such things, but fortunately enough people are. You are at liberty to pretend none of this is happening. I won't try to stop you.
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  2. #2352
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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    that's very kind of you

    but i've said enough beforfe for you to konw i realise teh media is skeded in one way or another even if not quite in the way you suggest, and that there's a lot of 'official' stuff taht's bullshit, and our own politicians and Trump are doing a lot to blur the lines even further wiht their 'black is white, 2 plus 2 makes 5' approach but still i don't buy into your wider conspiracy stuff and i'll say once more the stuff about Gates is total BS

    the most well-organised malevalent forces in our world are still governments - China and Russia - and we know where they are and who they are

    Trump and Johnson are also malevalent, especially trump, but they are not well-organised as they are too stupid, ignorant, lazy and arrogant

  3. #2353
    Administrator McNamara That Ghost...'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Go asleep. There's nothing to see. Go along to get along. Go and graze the sweet grass.

    Thanks. But I'll pass.

    I do say the mainstream media is fake news. And then I show you why. Over and over again. Maybe the millionth and first time will do the trick?

    I'm not saying you're not allowed to be fooled. Have at it. It's almost a free country. All I'm saying is, hey, you're being fooled. If you don't want to listen, or if you don't agree, that's fine. But don't go telling me to fall asleep too. It's an almost free country for me too.

    In the end, should you even decide to consider such things, you'll have to make sense of why cheap drugs are evil and expensive drugs are good, or why racially motivated riots are safe from the virus, but protests against the lockdown pose a health threat, or why the ice caps have melted and flooded the planet yet they are still actually there and we're not wet, or why weapons of mass destruction definitely exist but are never found, or chemical weapons attacks happen but didn't, according to the people sent to investigate.

    These are all bigs lies that significantly affect all our lives. You may not be interested in such things, but fortunately enough people are. You are at liberty to pretend none of this is happening. I won't try to stop you.
    N_Q is woke confirmed.

  4. #2354
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    that's very kind of you

    but i've said enough beforfe for you to konw i realise teh media is skeded in one way or another even if not quite in the way you suggest, and that there's a lot of 'official' stuff taht's bullshit, and our own politicians and Trump are doing a lot to blur the lines even further wiht their 'black is white, 2 plus 2 makes 5' approach but still i don't buy into your wider conspiracy stuff and i'll say once more the stuff about Gates is total BS

    the most well-organised malevalent forces in our world are still governments - China and Russia - and we know where they are and who they are

    Trump and Johnson are also malevalent, especially trump, but they are not well-organised as they are too stupid, ignorant, lazy and arrogant
    You're making a serious mistake if you think "Trump and Johnson" (I take it you mean their respective states, as opposed to the individuals who are actors in temporary roles) are disorganised, stupid, ignorant or (especially) lazy. Arrogant I'll give you. Trump and Johnson, the actors on the stage, are not directing the banks or the multinationals. These are the entities that make the major decisions. The politicians organise the bureaucracy that has been put in place in the service of their masters, who are certainly not the people. If you still believe there's a genuine political divide and control rests in the hands of transient bureaucrats, and won't accept my "conspiracy theory" about an idealogical economic divide and the plutocratic realities of governance, then it won't be possible for you to understand what's happening in the world.
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  5. #2355
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by McNamara That Ghost... View Post
    N_Q is woke confirmed.
    You spelled wacko wrong

  6. #2356
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    You're making a serious mistake if you think "Trump and Johnson" (I take it you mean their respective states, as opposed to the individuals who are actors in temporary roles) are disorganised, stupid, ignorant or (especially) lazy. Arrogant I'll give you. Trump and Johnson, the actors on the stage, are not directing the banks or the multinationals. These are the entities that make the major decisions. The politicians organise the bureaucracy that has been put in place in the service of their masters, who are certainly not the people. If you still believe there's a genuine political divide and control rests in the hands of transient bureaucrats, and won't accept my "conspiracy theory" about an idealogical economic divide and the plutocratic realities of governance, then it won't be possible for you to understand what's happening in the world.
    If you don’t realise Johnson is lazy you’re really not paying attention – he is well-documented (plus it’s just obvious to anyone with eyes and ears) as really not giving a f**k about policy which is why he leaves it to a c**t like Cummings

    you just can't let your sir Humphrey/big business theory go even though there are a thousand examples of how one political party would do one thing in government and another something else - look at the recent controversy about how the Tories voted against a Labour motion to raise NHS pay for example - increasing the finances of important workers to society, and btw meaning they can spend more in the economy, is a major decision which one party took one choice on and another the opposite.

    You really think Trump’s attitude and policies haven’t majorly affected the world? – or Johnson (by which I mean Cummings though Johnson takes the decision to do what he says) hasn’t through fuc*ing us over leaving the EU and causing thousands of unnecessary deaths FROM covid-19??

  7. #2357
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    If you don’t realise Johnson is lazy you’re really not paying attention – he is well-documented (plus it’s just obvious to anyone with eyes and ears) as really not giving a f**k about policy which is why he leaves it to a c**t like Cummings

    you just can't let your sir Humphrey/big business theory go even though there are a thousand examples of how one political party would do one thing in government and another something else - look at the recent controversy about how the Tories voted against a Labour motion to raise NHS pay for example - increasing the finances of important workers to society, and btw meaning they can spend more in the economy, is a major decision which one party took one choice on and another the opposite.

    You really think Trump’s attitude and policies haven’t majorly affected the world? – or Johnson (by which I mean Cummings though Johnson takes the decision to do what he says) hasn’t through fuc*ing us over leaving the EU and causing thousands of unnecessary deaths FROM covid-19??
    I assumed you weren't speaking about Trump and Johnson as if they are the government. But considering that seems to be the case, fine, Johnson's lazy? So what? How does that affect anything significant? The lazier he is the better, as far as I'm concerned. I'd prefer if he did nothing at all. Trump and Johnson have been stood up on stage to represent the voice of the people. This is the storyline. Then the drama ensues. Right against left, left against right. The media piles in. People get emotionally invested.

    And the government creates laws that exercise the will of the banks and the corporations.

    That's how the game is normally played. And still is in many respects. You just saw them pull trillions out of their arses and hand the majority of it to big business and the banks. And how many normal sods in the towns and cities have lost their jobs, or been locked away from their jobs and small businesses? What more evidence do you need to figure out how this works and who runs the show?

    Yeah, sure, they'll probably chuck a few quid at doctors and nurses after this. Our money anyway. Governments are always throwing crumbs to buy votes and so everyone remains focused on the theatre. Labour comes in and chuck crumbs to the working classes. The Tories come in and nick the pile of crumbs and hand it over to the middle classes and upper class. And class warfare is kept well oiled. Division and distraction.

    The major deviance to the norm at this particular time is the elites are having a major in-house disagreement on how things should continue to be run. Some of their ranks are a bit to crazy for even their colleagues to stomach, I suppose. I'm hardly privy to the upper workings of the power-mongers. But, it seems, some of them want to persist with their globalisation project and see it through to its bitter end, while others want to preserve the national model. I guess there's a pecking order with the elites too. Anyone who thinks Trump or Johnson can stop any of this is being a bit unrealistic. Hell, Trump can't even get his country fully opened. He can't get the police to do their jobs. Elements of the military have started making noises about disobeying orders. And he can't get the criminals who tried to impeach him on phoney charges locked up. So just how powerful do you think he actually is? Over here, Johnson didn't even pretend to be in power, he just handed everything over to the "experts". We've had corrupt incompetents like Ferguson effectively running the show. How does that play with your traditional (and approved) view of political power?

    The greatest victory the elitists ever pulled off was persuading the people they were robbing that no such robbery was being committed and the person doing the robbing didn't exist at all. And you see for yourself, when somebody suggest that the ultra powerful and wealthy might be pulling strings to control things to their continued advantage, the people below assume it would be a conspiracy theory to point to the string. I wonder who put that idea in everyone's heads?
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  8. #2358
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    You just saw them pull trillions out of their arses and hand the majority of it to big business and the banks.
    Is that true? I mean, they've certainly spent a shit ton of money on the Furlough scheme and other help for small businesses and the self employed:

    Tbh, while I think the government have cocked many things up in all this I do think they've tried fairly hard to protect people, with the above, making banks offer mortgage holidays, banning landlords from evicting people.

  9. #2359
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Is that true? I mean, they've certainly spent a shit ton of money on the Furlough scheme and other help for small businesses and the self employed:

    Tbh, while I think the government have cocked many things up in all this I do think they've tried fairly hard to protect people, with the above, making banks offer mortgage holidays, banning landlords from evicting people.
    Go and look at the numbers yourself. The crumbs handed out to the masses, one crumb each, pales compared to the first round of bailouts both here and in the US. Here we deal in billions. We have a smaller population hence smaller tax take. There they deal in trillions. Almost every last fucker robbed to prop up a long since failed financial system. You cannot run a Ponzi scheme forever. Eventually it eats itself. So we crashed when the mortgage scam unfolded - banks got bailed out, and we crashed when the COVID scam landed - banks got bailed out. In many cases it's not money directly injected, it can't be or else inflation would run off the charts. It's a promise to pay the bearer. We're going to be paying through the nose for this COVID caper for decades to come. It's be like repaying war reparations. Every time they fuck us over from now on - COVID19. No schools, no hospitals, no pensions - COVID19. We're going to be hearing it for a generation.
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  10. #2360
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    Btw - the (so-called) Independent is useless because they demand thievery of your data before you are allowed to read their fake news.
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