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Thread: Black Lives Matter

  1. #431
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GP View Post
    If I walked into my office tomorrow and declared there were "So many damn blacks" how do you think my "Well I'm factually right" defence would go?
    If you just randomly said it out of context then not very well.
    If you were responding to someone who claimed that black people were being systematically removed from your office and you were a bit pissed off because you knew that was bollocks then while I continue to agree the word "damn" adds nothing and if anything yes, undermines the point, the point remains valid.

    What I'm defending, or rather what I'm railing against, is the idea that people can say something which is true and be sacked for it because they said it the wrong way or because the thing they said, while true, goes against the woke culture we increasingly live in.

    I'm open to the idea that I am becoming a grumpy old bastard who rails against young people's attitudes.
    "I used to be with it but then they changed what it was" - Abe Simpson

  2. #432
    They/Them GP's Avatar
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    Can't even be openly racist anymore. It's PC gone mad.
    NOTE: The location of this post has been moved and the thread title (which was previously Wenger is Leaving) has been manipulated by a notorious pro-Wenger moderator. What was previously a message that contained no profanity and made a comment on a real life event has now been manipulated by a deliberately provocative title. An old and crude propaganda and censorship technique.

  3. #433
    They/Them GP's Avatar
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    A Cambridge University college has said comments made about slavery by TV historian David Starkey are 'indefensible.'
    NOTE: The location of this post has been moved and the thread title (which was previously Wenger is Leaving) has been manipulated by a notorious pro-Wenger moderator. What was previously a message that contained no profanity and made a comment on a real life event has now been manipulated by a deliberately provocative title. An old and crude propaganda and censorship technique.

  4. #434
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    "We support and promote freedom of speech in our academic community..." long as you don't say that

  5. #435
    Pureblood The Wengerbabies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post

    I'm open to the idea that I am becoming a grumpy old bastard who rails against young people's attitudes.
    "I used to be with it but then they changed what it was" - Abe Simpson

    You're actually being quite reasonable, the left has become so extreme and unhinged anything that goes against their beliefs is alt-right and Nazi.

  6. #436
    bye Xhaka Can’t's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Wengerbabies View Post
    Also just lol at "it's only confederate statues"

    These people want to tear down all history, Orwell was scarily right “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. History has stopped.”
    The mountain is a fucking eyesore. An act of complete vandalism.

    I’d be saying the same thing if they carved Kylie Minogue’s ass from the Spinning Around video on it.
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  7. #437
    Pureblood The Wengerbabies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xhaka Can’t View Post
    The mountain is a fucking eyesore. An act of complete vandalism.

    I’d be saying the same thing if they carved Kylie Minogue’s ass from the Spinning Around video on it.
    It could definitely be improved

  8. #438
    bye Xhaka Can’t's Avatar
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    Black Lives Matter

    They don’t put one and done Presidents on there unless they’re assassinated.

    Now, if they put his boss on there, that might be different.
    If you don’t send this signature to ten people, you will become a Spurs fan.

  9. #439
    Member Globalgunner's Avatar
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    In times past I used to cut Letters a little slack because I thought he was just being an agent provocateur trying to drum up traffic to this site with his stream of dumb comments. Then this BLM issue came up and I realized he just might be o e of those people who denies being racist because he has had lunch with some black people In the office.
    Imagine if I said in a public forum that Hitler wasn't all bad because he was the architect of the first autobahns. Which is also factually true.

    I've had a rethink again because you can tell from his pontificate actions here that brook no challenge that he actually thinks he is superior to all mankind. Black, brown or white. He is a Letters supremacist. He needs our help.
    Make 2mrw better than 2day

  10. #440
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    If you can’t debate like a grown up then don’t bother.
    All you’ve done is declare the argument dumb and then made an ad hominem attack.
    Oh, and you threw in a false equivalence logical fallacy just for the lolz.

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