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Thread: "Currants Bw..."

  1. #28261
    They/Them GP's Avatar
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    Stabbed himself in the back 17 times.
    NOTE: The location of this post has been moved and the thread title (which was previously Wenger is Leaving) has been manipulated by a notorious pro-Wenger moderator. What was previously a message that contained no profanity and made a comment on a real life event has now been manipulated by a deliberately provocative title. An old and crude propaganda and censorship technique.

  2. #28262
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    So some Green Party Peer said in the House of Lords she would back a curfew for all men from 6pm in the evening and now the first minister of wales has said something similar.

    What do these idiots hope to achieve here? There will be a debate on how to make the streets safe for women, thats fair enough but coming out with ideas like this which are so moronic, it will just polarise the debate and lead to nothing.

  3. #28263
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    What are you actually supposed to do about the fact that men are statistically stronger than women and more aggressive.
    There's a type of feminism which annoys me because it pretends that men and women are the same. They just aren't.
    Most violent crimes are committed by men. And, actually, men are more often the victims too.

    Yesterday this was said in parliament:

    "If a man was killed every 3 days there would be investigations at every level of society" - Dawn Butler

    Actually, Dawn, it's more than once a day for men:

    So...I'm not denying there's a problem but what are you actually supposed to do about it?

  4. #28264
    Member IBK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    What are you actually supposed to do about the fact that men are statistically stronger than women and more aggressive.
    There's a type of feminism which annoys me because it pretends that men and women are the same. They just aren't.
    Most violent crimes are committed by men. And, actually, men are more often the victims too.

    Yesterday this was said in parliament:

    "If a man was killed every 3 days there would be investigations at every level of society" - Dawn Butler

    Actually, Dawn, it's more than once a day for men:

    So...I'm not denying there's a problem but what are you actually supposed to do about it?
    Putting the laughter back into manslaughter

  5. #28265
    MOe Marc Overmars's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ollie the Optimist View Post
    So some Green Party Peer said in the House of Lords she would back a curfew for all men from 6pm in the evening and now the first minister of wales has said something similar.

    What do these idiots hope to achieve here? There will be a debate on how to make the streets safe for women, thats fair enough but coming out with ideas like this which are so moronic, it will just polarise the debate and lead to nothing.
    That is possibly one of the most pathetic things I’ve ever heard.

  6. #28266
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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    That curfew idea does sound ridiculous but still, in general I think some people on this board need to take a look at themselves when it comes to attitudes to women.

    Somewhere in a thread there was talk about why not many people are here, Letters made a good point about how many people use message boards these days, but still there’s no way a woman would feel remotely welcome here – it’s not my board so if that’s ok with you and you prefer it as substitute for a chat between blokes down the pub then that’s fine, but it’s nevertheless a fact, whereas when I could get in to Arsenal Mania that was a clearly far more open (and dare I say popular) forum in those terms.

    There is some perfectly acceptable humour here which tbh we know women replicate etc. when talking generically about men, but NQ has posted some completely vile stuff about women which is actually quite concerning, and I’ve seen other posts which IMO stray into very negative stereotyping. I can't remember her name but that TV celebrity who committed suicide was a really good example, there were some pretty dismissive comments on here which were dissappointing from what seem like a bunch of generally decent people.

    Believe me I’ve very little time for the whole gender equally argument when it strays into self-identification etc (which is total BS) and tbf there are some quite vocal women who agree with the basic point that there are basic physical differences in terms of physical size etc. which it's silly to ignore when it comes to women doing certain jobs etc, but at the same time we need to be careful to recognise that men don’t come from a background of centuries of degradation, exploitation and suppression whereas women do.

    It saddens me what while we live in what should be a relatively safe area (although only ‘safe’ in London terms), my wife wouldn’t want to take a walk through the streets at night under normal circumstances and every time anyone says something derogatory about women it adds to that element in society.

    Anyway them’s me thoughts on this…

  7. #28267
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    So, I asked above what we're supposed to do about all this.
    And I think some of what you're saying Mac is stuff we can do.
    This is, primarily, a football board. That means it's going to be fairly male dominated and that means "locker room talk" is a bit more likely.
    On this page:

    Both of us have said things which I probably wouldn't say at church. It's a kinda laddish humour which I've always thought fairly harmless in a certain context but is it part of the problem? I mean, I'm not going out attacking women. But does it add to a culture which makes it more likely?

  8. #28268
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    So, I asked above what we're supposed to do about all this.
    And I think some of what you're saying Mac is stuff we can do.
    This is, primarily, a football board. That means it's going to be fairly male dominated and that means "locker room talk" is a bit more likely.
    On this page:

    Both of us have said things which I probably wouldn't say at church. It's a kinda laddish humour which I've always thought fairly harmless in a certain context but is it part of the problem? I mean, I'm not going out attacking women. But does it add to a culture which makes it more likely?
    all fair Letters and I’m not trying to take the moral high ground over people here, I like this board and it's really cheered me up especially during lockdown as I think I’ve said elsewhere.

    And yes the example you give is exactly what I think you’d catch women saying amongst themselves too.

    as I said I get more concerned when I see some of the reactions to things like that celebrity killing herself - does it directly cause women to get attacked in the street? well it's that excuse that the tabloids use all the time when they use all kinds of stereotypes and hate speech then claim it's only words and they never actually TOLD anyone to harass certain individuals or types of people did they... ? It's a question of which side you want to be on, which wolf you feed etc...

    As for the board being all-male, all I can do is repeat that Arsenal Mania has a much more mixed set of contributors, again no biggie in itself but it proves that talking about football isn’t itself something which necessarily precludes women from joining in the conversation

  9. #28269
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    As for the board being all-male, all I can do is repeat that Arsenal Mania has a much more mixed set of contributors, again no biggie in itself but it proves that talking about football isn’t itself something which necessarily precludes women from joining in the conversation
    I realised that you're a relatively recent "signing", back in the day there were a fair number of women on here.
    Over time people have drifted off which includes all the women so yeah, it's a bit of a sausage fest now.
    I actually quite like the fact that I can talk on here in a way which I wouldn't elsewhere, it's quite a useful place to vent at times.
    Hard to know where the line is though.

    My worry with the "Stop telling women to be careful, tell men to stop attacking women!" attitude is that it could stop women getting or following sensible advice about safety. And yes, it would be nice if we lived in a world where they didn't have to. It would be nice if I didn't have to lock my door when I go out. But we live in the real world where these things are necessary. Getting men to think about how they behave and their attitudes is also useful, but I suspect the sort of men who will heed that aren't the kind of men who go around attacking women anyway.

  10. #28270
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    I actually quite like the fact that I can talk on here in a way which I wouldn't elsewhere, it's quite a useful place to vent at times.
    Hard to know where the line is though.
    yes, agreed and i miss the times after the match when i was in the pub with a bunch of guys and we could have a laugh and not mind our language etc, no doubt about that. Oh well, next season hopefully...

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