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Thread: Coronavirus Pandemic

  1. #6141
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    And that's AFTER the "Switch now and SAVE!" companies raised their prices twice on average this year BEFORE the big 4 came to the "rescue". It's almost as if...
    Für eure Sicherheit

  2. #6142
    Member Globalgunner's Avatar
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    Well, those free vaccines are not going to pay for themselves are they?. Taxes going up, benefits going down. Its all a natural consequence of pure economics. No one saw this coming.
    Last edited by Globalgunner; 29-09-2021 at 04:09 PM.
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  3. #6143
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Globalgunner View Post
    Well, those free vaccines are not going to pay for themselves are they?. Taxes going up, benefits going down. Its all a natural consequence of pure economics. No one saw this coming.
    Well, sure. The vaccines, the furlough scheme, the general economic effects of the pandemic. Yes, this needs paying for.
    So what's your suggestion? They didn't have a furlough scheme, they just let loads of people go bankrupt and more companies go bust? Should they have charged more directly for the vaccines?

  4. #6144
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Well, sure. The vaccines, the furlough scheme, the general economic effects of the pandemic. Yes, this needs paying for.
    So what's your suggestion? They didn't have a furlough scheme, they just let loads of people go bankrupt and more companies go bust? Should they have charged more directly for the vaccines?
    The suggestion was not to transfer £1Trillion of wealth to the ultra rich from everyone else and destroy all competition in the process. Radical but achievable if we'd treated covid just like every other respiratory disease, which is exactly what it is, as all data and evidence clearly shows.

    Don't you ever find it odd that every cost flows one way and every profit the other during these necessary bank bail-outs, health "emergencies", etc? What are the odds of that being coincidental?

    I don't suppose you've been keeping up with what has been happening to the NHS (that we are all going to be paying extra taxes to maintain)? Again, pure coincidence and totally unavoidable. Nothing to see, until the next time, and the next, when people still won't see it.

    We keep getting fucked hard in the arse and most of us aren't even gay yet.
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  5. #6145
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Good idea on charging directly for the vaccine though. You want a vaccine? Pay for it. You don't want a vaccine? Don't pay for it. Give people on low income a subsidy if you have to. But why should I pay for Lord Fuckface to get boosted and then go on TV and call me a cunt for not getting high? All I wanted was a thank you, you're welcome.

    Of course nobody would have bothered if they could actually see the outrageous cost of the thing. Which would mean loss of easy profits for highly publicised and praised altruists from Oxford (aka. AstraZeneca).

    Next time I need medicine (which will be never) can I get a handout too? No?
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  6. #6146
    Member WMUG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Next time I need medicine can I get a handout too? No?
    If you mean getting it on the NHS, then yes.
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  7. #6147
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    Quote Originally Posted by WMUG View Post
    If you mean getting it on the NHS, then yes.
    No you don't. It costs per item, if you aren't on low income. In fact the con-artists in Westminster made a big play of prescription charges and why they were necessary. So why not apply the same (lack of) principles to a supposedly voluntary and (in most cases) entirely unnecessary vaccine?
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  8. #6148
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    So why not apply the same (lack of) principles to a supposedly voluntary and (in most cases) entirely unnecessary vaccine?
    You know why.
    Because it was the only way to get a high uptake
    Which was seen as the way to get us back to normal life.
    Which it has.
    Well, we are pretty much back to normal right now. You may dispute that’s because of the vaccine.
    And we don’t know whether we’ll get through the winter unaffected.

  9. #6149
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    You know why.
    Because it was the only way to get a high uptake
    Which was seen as the way to get us back to normal life.
    Which it has.
    Well, we are pretty much back to normal right now. You may dispute that’s because of the vaccine.
    And we don’t know whether we’ll get through the winter unaffected.
    So are you saying people would choose not to take the vaccine sacrament if they had to pay for it at source? But they will take it if they can pay twice as much* later? Good job these are the "smart" people or else we'd be at the mercy of crooks and conmen.

    This is interesting because it implies (or at least you imply) people (or a significant number of people) wouldn't think the vaccine was worth £28 a pop (or whatever inflation has done to that figure). Which makes me wonder why people are taking something they place so little value in of which they know absolutely NOTHING about in terms of future efficacy and potential complications. I bet they all happily spend that much on the idiot device they have stuck to their nose and glued to their thumbs? But not the life giving vaccine from God?

    And then you have arseholes who want to punish people who want to make medical choices for themselves, or people who understand the facts and the data and can spot such a transparent scam from a mile off? People who want a two tier system of the clean and unclean, or might as well call them what they metaphorically are, the "good" people (what's the word?) and the Jews.

    Regardless, because people can't figure out when they are being robbed and think they benefit from "free" stuff (like a "free" health service LOL), I should have to pay for the idiocy? Why? Is this your do as the mobs says or GTFO (and go to absolutely nowhere else that exists where authoritarian dickheads aren't in charge) liberalism in action again?

    * You need to earn more to pay more tax, a high percentage of the tax is then flushed down the toilet on "administrative" costs and other bullshit. The waste and inefficiency is breathtaking. And that's before the criminal activity is applied.
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  10. #6150
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Build Back Better is a conspiracy theory.

    Only it's not a conspiracy theory.

    When somebody who opposes Build Back Better mentions it, it's a conspiracy theory.

    When somebody who supports Build Back Better mentions it, it's real.

    Got that?
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