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Thread: "Currants Bw..."

  1. #29591
    bye Xhaka Can’t's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GP View Post
    the wife?
    If you don’t send this signature to ten people, you will become a Spurs fan.

  2. #29592
    bye Xhaka Can’t's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    There's plenty of your other crap I didn't respond to, so if what you claim is true it means you, a moderator on the forum, is persistently trolling. That could be true, but it's more likely you have developed a subconscious hatred of the elderly because you view them as responsible for Brexit, and you have been hopelessly brainwashed by the media on that subject. This is not mere speculation on my part, it s based on a long-standing pattern in your posting and commentary. Regardless, this isn't about me, it's about you.

    As for your consistently dishonest fallback in claiming my "prophecies" are debunked - as a war rages in Ukraine and global warming continues to fail to wipe out the planet (who is accurate, who is insane?) - it shows how you operate. You say, go on then, explain. Then you immediately suffix a warning that whatever is said will be discounted using the same dishonesty as you apply to everything else.

    All I said was you are extremely ignorant. The remedy for that is to read a book. Which I have also advised.
    TBF, it is hardly trolling to post a link to a news item - if thats what it takes to get a bite - thats on you. I say this even though I almost fully agree with your position on the ‘cashless’ society.

    We were hurtling towards this end prior to the pandemic - now we’re at warp speed. In the blink of an eye all currency we own can be wiped out. This was also possible but more complex and slow to do post gold standard. Additionally, everything we receive and everything we spend it on can and will be tracked (pretty much is already).

    Yep, this hybrid cashless state has its conveniences for most right now, but the potential and increasingly likely impacts will be devastating for many.
    If you don’t send this signature to ten people, you will become a Spurs fan.

  3. #29593
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    Quote Originally Posted by LDG View Post
    Tbf if money becomes non-physical, then its value amd quantity will be controlled by….
    Well the banks already control that, in a general sense. It's the issuance or withdrawal of the "right" to buy and sell at all that will fall into the hands of the very worst characters. As we've already seen, in a nascent form, in Canada. Sweden is also a study in how fucked up and discriminatory it could become. And if linked into the utterly headfucked idea of a universal basic income you'll quickly realise the tyrant's wettest dream will become our reality.
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  4. #29594
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xhaka Can’t View Post
    TBF, it is hardly trolling to post a link to a news item - if thats what it takes to get a bite - thats on you. I say this even though I almost fully agree with your position on the ‘cashless’ society.

    We were hurtling towards this end prior to the pandemic - now we’re at warp speed. In the blink of an eye all currency we own can be wiped out. This was also possible but more complex and slow to do post gold standard. Additionally, everything we receive and everything we spend it on can and will be tracked (pretty much is already).

    Yep, this hybrid cashless state has its conveniences for most right now, but the potential and increasingly likely impacts will be devastating for many.
    I think you know he's a troll, mainly because he boasts about being one. Yes, in isolation it's a single post. No, in context it's one of an ongoing series spanning years, all taken from the same sources. Are they all designed to "get a bite"? Anyway, irrelevant on the grand scale and compared to something as chilling as the cashless society.
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  5. #29595
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    There's plenty of your other crap I didn't respond to, so if what you claim is true it means you, a moderator on the forum, is persistently trolling.
    I dispute persistently. Although I would note that you defended Cripps to the hilt who definitely did do that. And there's the difference I'm not "a troll". He was. That was Cripps' entire identity. Do I sometimes troll? I guess, but in a very low key way. In this example I posted an article about moving towards a cashless society. It was a very gentle dig in your direction, as I know you have certain views about that. But I'd emphasise the "gentle", if that post was enough to get you "triggered", as the kids are saying, then I'd suggest it's you who has the problem. I am a mod but I think I'm allowed to have a bit of fun and, honestly, this board is barely moderated these days. Hence us allowing you to be quite abusive and even threatening towards people. Which I'd suggest is a lot worse than me gently ribbing you here and there. But since Gary's intervention a while back I have tried to keep things more civil between us.

    it's more likely you have developed a subconscious hatred of the elderly because you view them as responsible for Brexit, and you have been hopelessly brainwashed by the media on that subject.
    Holy shit it was just a joke. Lighten up. I am pretty ambivalent towards old people, for the record. I only mentioned them in my post because that's what the article I linked to was about.

    This is not mere speculation on my part, it's based on a long-standing pattern in your posting and commentary.
    It is speculation because whatever you based it on, it's still your interpretation of it. And it's incorrect. An ability you believe you possess, but repeatedly show you don't, is to accurately discern people's motives, intentions and beliefs. You generally believe them to be dishonest and/or malicious. You certainly believe me to be, despite me repeatedly telling you that I am messing around - and that isn't "mere speculation", because I know what my own motives and intentions are.

    As for your consistently dishonest fallback in claiming my "prophecies" are debunked - as a war rages in Ukraine and global warming continues to fail to wipe out the planet (who is accurate, who is insane?)
    I mentioned one prophesy which has been...well, not debunked. That's the wrong word. The exact opposite of what you said would happen has happened. You keep ignoring this, but it demonstrably has. I don't remember you making any prophesies about Ukraine - feel free to remind me. As the dreaded MSM were warning of looming war you seemed to think it wouldn't happen - although you were a bit vague so I'm not clear if that is what you meant.
    As for global warming, you haven't made any prophesies as far as I can tell. And you are straw manning the prophesies which climate scientists made.
    They said the earth would warm up, and it has - the climate has noticeably changed in my lifetime. They said there would be consequences, and there have been. ( )

    it shows how you operate. You say, go on then, explain. Then you immediately suffix a warning that whatever is said will be discounted using the same dishonesty as you apply to everything else.
    Discounted? Literally this week I replied in some detail to one of your posts, you quoted the first sentence, accused me of dishonesty and basically said "la la la, not listening". It's your go to tactic when you don't want to deal with something. You routinely dismiss anything which doesn't fit your agenda. You talk about "real doctors" and "real scientists", what you really mean is they're the ones who agree with your worldview. The rest are dismissed.

    All I said was you are extremely ignorant. The remedy for that is to read a book. Which I have also advised.
    I am ignorant of some things, I'm ignorant of the history and politics of the situation in Ukraine which is why I've mostly refrained from commenting.

  6. #29596
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    something as chilling as the cashless society.
    What do you think will actually happen? It's certainly the direction of travel, but I'd suggest that direction is being driven by the consumer. It's the same reason we have supermarkets now and not a high street. People like convenience. It's clearly more convenient to get everything in one place than it is to go from shop to shop. Is it a shame that it has decimated the high street? In some ways it is, but if people really wanted to go in to lots of individual shops then they could have. It's not that people don't go to the high street because it's been destroyed by supermarkets. It's that the high street has been destroyed because people were preferring to go to supermarkets. For a cashless society, I prefer to swipe my card when I get on and off a train than queuing up for a ticket and having to pay cash for it. The first experience is demonstrably more convenient and efficient. I find it more convenient to use a card for most things these days. I doubt cash will disappear any time soon but people are increasingly moving away from it. Obviously you object to your transactions being tracked - I don't, but that's a different discussion. What are the dangers you see, that people can be stopped from operating in society if there's no cash? "They" can stop you doing anything by freezing accounts and so on. I mean, they could and I know they have. But is that a difference? I don't have bundles of cash under my mattress, they could already stop me from buying things if they wanted to. I can see some of the dangers, but I think that horse has already bolted.

  7. #29597
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    What do you think will actually happen? It's certainly the direction of travel, but I'd suggest that direction is being driven by the consumer. It's the same reason we have supermarkets now and not a high street. People like convenience. It's clearly more convenient to get everything in one place than it is to go from shop to shop. Is it a shame that it has decimated the high street? In some ways it is, but if people really wanted to go in to lots of individual shops then they could have. It's not that people don't go to the high street because it's been destroyed by supermarkets. It's that the high street has been destroyed because people were preferring to go to supermarkets. For a cashless society, I prefer to swipe my card when I get on and off a train than queuing up for a ticket and having to pay cash for it. The first experience is demonstrably more convenient and efficient. I find it more convenient to use a card for most things these days. I doubt cash will disappear any time soon but people are increasingly moving away from it. Obviously you object to your transactions being tracked - I don't, but that's a different discussion. What are the dangers you see, that people can be stopped from operating in society if there's no cash? "They" can stop you doing anything by freezing accounts and so on. I mean, they could and I know they have. But is that a difference? I don't have bundles of cash under my mattress, they could already stop me from buying things if they wanted to. I can see some of the dangers, but I think that horse has already bolted.
    there's also the privacy element, so if all money is electronic basically they can track what you're spending money on and where and when

    pre-covid i was still using cash a lot partly for that reason, also it just made the money seem more 'real', but have now given up for the most part - if the powers-that-be really want to know what I got at the Co-op or the pub that's ok...

  8. #29598
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    global warming continues to fail to wipe out the planet .
    well a) you're (quite deliberately like all the other right-wing morons) using an outdated terminology - as you know full well it's 'climate change' because it isn't all about blanket warming and b) the evidence is all around us - you're just refusing to acknowledge its existence

  9. #29599
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    there's also the privacy element, so if all money is electronic basically they can track what you're spending money on and where and when.
    I think this is often raised as a concern. My take is: Meh. So what? (There may be a good answer to that but I've yet to hear one apart from "the principle of it")

  10. #29600
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    I think this is often raised as a concern. My take is: Meh. So what? (There may be a good answer to that but I've yet to hear one apart from "the principle of it")
    I think its all about manipulation and control. Information is power. We are already in an era where there is both obvious and covert manipulation of much of what we do and think. So in the same way as online transactions are monitored and fed into algorithms that market products to us and seek to influence furture purchases; and search histories are used to direct us to online content - inlcuding news and opinions that fit into our online profiles (and some say used by social media companies and outside agencies to influence the way we think); so spending information can potentially be used as a form of social regulation.
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