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Thread: The Wish They Were All Dead Tory Cunt Thread

  1. #521
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    I didn't know - you think I remember which page all your posts are on?!
    But thanks I will remind myself.

  2. #522
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    I didn't know - you think I remember which page all your posts are on?!
    But thanks I will remind myself.
    No, I don't think that. I think you remember the ones you ignore though, at least for a time. And when enough time has elapsed you hit the BBC or whatever other approved source you can find and go around again.

    Ignorance irritates me. Ignorance expressed as definitive knowledge, even more so. Majority compliance and conformity has underpinned more bullshit than could ever be weighed. So much bullshit now the mob can't keep up with what they are told to think next.

    Anyway, you can (and will) carry on joyously expressing your ignorance and I'm not playing any more. Your post today shows you don't listen, you don't consider and ultimately you don't care enough to value your own thought processes. You are a poster child for the masses.

    The reason I get pissed is because I do care. To draw the warmist "debate" to a close, I have no doubt you'll get your tax. Just as I have no doubt that further down the line, when the money has been banked and ownership has been firmly established, the "science" will fade away to be replaced by science. When that time comes you'll probably be on here posting, "Global warming? You have to be a tin foil hat wearing nutter to believe that shit! Here's my link from the BBC".

    And there will be even more pollution, but the polluters will be untouchable. Keep trailing along behind your fellow travellers but see if you can remember this post when you get to your inevitable destination.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  3. #523
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    Oh yeah. That post. I did mean to reply at the time but got busy and things moved on and I never got round to it. But OK, here goes...

    As usual it's a load of vague assertions, not backed up with anything. And, as usual, all implying that that you know better than me and other poor saps like me.
    Obviously what you believe is RIGHT. What I believe is WRONG. I'm the deluded one, it couldn't possibly be you, could it?

    Except yes, it could. Clearly. Because, by definition, if you're deluded by something you don't know you're deluded. That's what the word means. You're so sure in your beliefs that you don't question them. Interestingly, even when you're shown to be wrong you simply shift your opinion so you were right all along (We're 5 points off the top after 4 games, we will DEFINITELY be 10 points off after 8). Wrong. So now rather than reconsidering your entrenched position you just shift the goalposts so you were right after all. It's quite a common thing for people to do.

    As for all the stuff about God facepalming because we're burning fossil fuels rather than harnessing the sun's energy. Two things about that. 1) Burning fossil fuels IS harnessing that energy because that energy all gets locked up in those fuels. 2) Of course harnessing it directly would be preferable but a couple of hundred years ago when the industrial revolution kicked off they didn't have the technology to. Solar, wind and wave power is now being generated although I'm not sure how efficient it is - if you get solar panels on your roof it's not going to take enough off your bills to be worth the cost. Cold fusion was thought to be the answer to limitless clean fuel but that's proved to be a trickier nut to crack than was hoped. Your assertion that free energy is being ignored is nonsense.

    The science about global warming and man's role in it is pretty solid, the debate about it in science isn't over - nor should any debate in science should be - but it's not far off:

    Now, of course you will dismiss that link because you have to. Your confirmation bias is so strong that you have to ignore all the evidence about global warming and cling on to the scraps of evidence to the contrary - a few vague assertions about a some out of context quotes from emails. Those have been subject to several investigations and no wrongdoung has been found but, of course, those investigations are bogus. They have to be, otherwise what you've decided to be true must be wrong. Ignore the mountain of evidence, hang on to the scraps. And all the while look down your nose as us poor saps buying into the evidence. What you believe is right. Obviously. We WILL be 10 points off the top after 8 games. Definitely...

  4. #524
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Good grief. It's like trying to have a discussion with an answerphone. Read it again and this time address the key point. Or don't. Makes no difference in the grand scheme.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  5. #525
    Champion Forker PGFC's Avatar
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    or don't seems the best way to go

  6. #526
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    Quote Originally Posted by PGFC View Post
    or don't seems the best way to go
    Pretty much (not that I'm really convinced there were any points, let alone a key one)

  7. #527
    Champion Forker PGFC's Avatar
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    Nice to see that lovely Mr Corbyn fellow wearing a poppy, singing the National Anthem and giving a polite nod when laying his wreath, good lad.

  8. #528
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    Not sure about Corbyn but the way certain sections of the press hammered him for the remembrance day bow was disgraceful

    Pretty desperate stuff.

  9. #529
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    If he didn't realise before he must know now how much compromise is involved at this level of politics. Wouldn't be surprised if he decided not to see it through until the next election, let alone anyone trying to push him out. His rise has been interesting for now but like every other politician people will have to realise that there are too many levels to power for a dream to ever come to fruition.

    There has only ever been one 'good' war to support anyway, every other one we should never have been a part of.

  10. #530
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kano View Post
    If he didn't realise before he must know now how much compromise is involved at this level of politics. Wouldn't be surprised if he decided not to see it through until the next election, let alone anyone trying to push him out. His rise has been interesting for now but like every other politician people will have to realise that there are too many levels to power for a dream to ever come to fruition.

    There has only ever been one 'good' war to support anyway, every other one we should never have been a part of.
    He'll never be off the hook with the media, that's for sure. If he does make it to election day, even if he has compromised away 99% of everything he believes in, that final 1% will still represent the first honest element to be introduced into the election process since the war everyone was fussing about last week. The fact we wonder if an honest man can even make it to the polls says it all.

    Like mostly everyone I guess, I had relatives who died in the war and I'm pretty damn sure they wouldn't want cunts like Cameron turning up to offer them anything at all. They probably wouldn't have minded a nod from Corbyn though. Can't imagine any of them would do it all again for the shit we are looking at today. Waste compounded by waste.

    You have to wonder at the mental and moral state of all those tools who turned up, pretending to give a shit for those who died in war. Maybe they viewed it as a little breather, a break from all the hard work they have been doing trying to start wars against Syria, Iran and, with the more unstable fucks, Russia and China.
    Für eure Sicherheit

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