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Thread: Non home grown

  1. #131
    MOe Marc Overmars's Avatar
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    Ozil is entitled to do whatever he wants with his money and the same goes for the club with theirs.

    The only fact we can see from this is that a player hasn’t been involved for 7 months and quite obviously has no future here, yet is content with his situation. Anyone who respects their career would have long gone but it seems like he has packed it in.

  2. #132
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    How hard can it be to understand that Ozil did NOT simply refuse to take a pay cut. He actually offered to take a bigger pay cut, but he did ask for certain conditions like it guaranteeing no redundancies of non playing staff. The club refused
    I don’t think anyone comes out of this whole Ozil saga particularly well.
    I have to believe that if Ozil really wanted to he could be playing, if he’s not putting the effort in then that’s inexcusable. But it does also feel like Arteta and the club are sidelining him for petty reasons too.
    I agree, am not saying Ozil is blameless and can't understand why he doesn't want to go and play elsewhere, but the club and manager are the ones who should be able to do better than simply leave him on the bench

  3. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by selassie View Post
    I guess if you look at things simplistically then you are spot on he has loads of money, but wealth and actual available cash flows are two different things...but you know that right?

    I don't know if Kroenke has plenty of money or not, my above point about wealth vs cash flows is what I was driving at with you in my earlier post but it seems to be going way over your head.

    I gave examples, not facts..not opinions, examples of why I felt the likes of you and others could be wrong about some of the things you are saying because you are looking at everything simplistically and at a high level.

    What we know of the Ozil situation and it's been reported widespread across the media, Ozil has even admitted it himself. See below;

    It's not an opinion, it's a fact that he was the only first team player to REFUSE take a pay cut, why should he be exempt? Especially given he earns way and above what anybody else earns.
    There's a good chance he has plenty of money he can call on, or certainly raise at the drop of a hat, as I said he's a billionaire, not an average joe walking down the street, Abrahmovic/the City owners doesn't seem to have a problem finding 200 million here and there so why is that different for Kroenke? Yes we don't know for a fact but we do know he's worth a lot and that even if he has to borrow in the short term it would easy for him (if he needed to). What we do know about Kroenke since he joined us is he doesn't like to put his own money in, he just wants the business to run itself.

    You gave examples of a couple friends, I know people who got made redundant and got not to nothing, in fact almost all those I know that have been made redundant got a minimal amount (one who didn't even get his last months pay thus far), so your examples are just that a few random examples.

    We all know about the Ozil situation but theres' always two sides to a story, as well as this, it was the club that allowed him to run down his contract, it was the club that gave him that money, it was the club that decided not to pick him (though clearly he's not breaching his contract and is still willing to do what's required of him or they'd have fined him or had him for breach of contract), let's not pretend Arsenal are this morally superior example of a football club, they're not, they're record is actually pretty dreadful on that score in recent yes.

    But actually you can ignore all that because it's unrelated, this is about Arsenal FC, they wanted Ozil to take a pay cut, he said he won't unless it protects jobs, they said no, he told them to stick it, fair enough if you ask me, if the cost cutting wasn't to protect jobs what was it for exactly?

    He's not exempt, but it's a choice, noone had to accept it, in the same way Arsenal don't need to be told how to spend their money I guess, you say Ozil has no right to do that, fair enough, but they have no right to ask him to take a pay cut either. Let's not compare footballers to the real world either, it's completely different, they have a contract for a certain period entitling them to what's been agreed and if you want rid you had to pay them off (I don't necessairily agree with that but that's the facts) maybe it should be like that in the real world as well but it isn't, hey ho. Personally I think Ozil is right in this case, take the pay cut but make sure it does some good, don't take it not knowing if it's going to be used postively.

    Either way Arsenal have not come out of this well, you say Gunnersaurus might have been better off and had a big pay off, I doubt it as it was clearly a money saving exercise so if they gave him a big pay off greater and then brought him back a year later they'd barely save anything, realistically because it's cost cutting they'd be lookingat minimising how much they pay out, that's the logical thing surely?
    Last edited by Özim; 17-10-2020 at 09:36 AM.

  4. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marc Overmars View Post
    Ozil is entitled to do whatever he wants with his money and the same goes for the club with theirs.

    The only fact we can see from this is that a player hasn’t been involved for 7 months and quite obviously has no future here, yet is content with his situation. Anyone who respects their career would have long gone but it seems like he has packed it in.

    I think there's clearly something going on here, it's not just a case of him being told he's not needed, the fact he's so adamant he won't leaves suggests he feels Arsenal haven't treated well (rightly or wrongly), this isn't just some player who lost his place and has been told that if he wants to play he needs to find another club. Don't get me wrong I'd rather he'd have left, but it's clear there's more going on then meets the eye.

    This is the club that goes round and rubs others clubs up the wrong way after all, just like they did with Liverpool with Suarez.

  5. #135
    MOe Marc Overmars's Avatar
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    PL squads have to be registered today and as expected Ozil has reportedly been left out.

    350k a week to turn up for training. Sickening.

  6. #136
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Well that's crazy. The mismanagement that must have gone on here is hard to imagine.
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  7. #137
    MOe Marc Overmars's Avatar
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    Yep he’s been left out and most likely played his last game for us.


    Tossed in the bin by country and now club.
    Last edited by Marc Overmars; 20-10-2020 at 06:45 PM.

  8. #138
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    At a time when we have almost zero creativity to not even keep him as an option is about as ridiculous as trying to send our 30 million defender Saliba on loan, first to France, then to the Championship and then failing (ironically with Holding being injured Arteta may be forced to play him and if he performs well his judgement will be in question.

    What is going on at this club, there's this Wengeresque quality about Arteta where he seems to make the oddest decisions.

  9. #139
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    How have the clowns allegedly running this place not even managed to get him out the door on a loan deal? Even if we ended up covering half his wages? Is there no club anywhere that would take a cut-price Ozil?

    There can't be a more ridiculous club anywhere on the planet when it comes to contracts. Not just this contract, but a string of them going all the way back. Maybe Utd rival us for sheer waste, but they can afford it. Our lot is always saying we have no money. But we can just piss Ł10mill a year down the bog?

    We've paid a loyalty bonus to a player who isn't on the roster. How does that work?
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  10. #140
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    Genuinely mind-boggling how much we've managed to cock this up.

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