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Thread: Summer transfer joy and happiness

  1. #161
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    I remember someone said Aubergine isn't a striker dependent on service. That he could create something out of nothing. Doesn't seem to be the case.

  2. #162
    Member Power n Glory's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vieira View Post
    I remember someone said Aubergine isn't a striker dependent on service. That he could create something out of nothing. Doesn't seem to be the case.
    I thought that was the sort of striker we were getting as well. He doesn't like that way at all. That's what we needed.

  3. #163
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vieira View Post
    I remember someone said Aubergine isn't a striker dependent on service. That he could create something out of nothing. Doesn't seem to be the case.
    There was a big write up about him just before we signed him. Said he was ENTIRELY dependent on service and created very little himself. I suppose the idea was to bring Mkhitaryan in so the good old days of Dortmund could be recreated. Unfortunately that would require 8 other outfield players on the same wavelength and Wenger seems to have overlooked that basic requirement. So no Dortmund, still the same old Arsenal.

    Lacazette, on the other hand, was supposed to be a more rounded player. And in fact he was. But it doesn't make any difference in Wenger's tippy tappy universe. You either tip and tap with the rest of them or you're not going to get into the game. Wenger's ceaseless cowardice, even against relegation strugglers, has meant the one striker he plays is always isolated and chasing scraps. We could compensate for this when Alexis was forcing the issues with individual play. But not now. Alexis sussed things relatively quickly and fucked right off. Santi used to be able to make things happen in the middle, another one of Wenger's sheer luck and circumstance finds. But Wenger likes playing players into the ground when he randomly hits on one that can help him out. So Santi's dead now.

    Wenger has fucked up everything he touches. He's easily the worst manager in the world when you look at what he's done. He's not even a proper manager. He's a trumped up caretaker who orders people around and sends out a team to be as negative as possible with the main aim of not losing, rather than winning. A coward. A fraud. A liar and as good as a thief when you consider what he's given back in return for close on a tenth of a billion quid in wages since his last significant achievement.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  4. #164
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    It also comes back to Ozil. What the fuck is doing? He's not that good of a playmaker. Why can't he set these guys up for more chances?

  5. #165
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Delusions of Grandeur View Post
    It also comes back to Ozil. What the fuck is doing? He's not that good of a playmaker. Why can't he set these guys up for more chances?
    Because for a striker to find the space and be effective the whole team has to be drilled in attacking play. Look at any of our midfield. Their first instinct is to play the ball to the safe zone. Look at how static everyone is when we have the ball. We don't play space, we don't get the ball forward with pace. We play triangles and safe zones, across the pitch one way, back across the other. And nobody can cross a ball either. Kolasinac and Mkhitaryan used to be able to cross balls, but I swear Wenger must fine players who put a decent cross in. You cant expect anything from a striker when the team behind him is virtually playing another match. And the same is true for Ozil and Mkhitarian. Neither are Alexis types - and remember how much Alexis used to get criticised for losing the ball? I could never understand that. At least he was trying to make thing happen, doing something a bit ambitious, shaking things out of the zombie state we play in. In other words, he must have told Wenger to go and fuck himself, and played his game anyway. That's where the dressing room unrest came from I bet, as all of Wenger's pets rushed to the defence of their dad.

    This isn't a football team. It's a collection of footballers who are in some sort of holiday camp during a hiatus in the careers. Some will go on to play football again, at real teams. Others will likely die here, peacefully passing away in their sleep while playing CM. A wizened old Wenger laying them to rest followed by a minute's silence in memory of the time he personally built the whole club with his bare hands.

    Ozil has embraced everything Wenger has put on offer. Mkhitaryan will too, you can already see it. Sounds like Jack won't though. And possibly not Ramsey either, although I think with the latter he's probably just after a bit more spending money so he can knock around with the rich kids and not feel inadequate or deprived.

    Not a real football team.
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  6. #166
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    When Nick Anelka got the ball and started arrowing towards the opponent's goal with defenders shitting themselves and falling over all around him, remember those days? It was always useful to look at what the other forwards and midfielders were doing at the time. They'd all be advancing, usually two at pace, one on either side of Anelka so he had options if he couldn't finish the job himself. And Paddy would be there in the middle like a quarterback, watching the whole play develop and deciding whether he could go or not. It was a sight to see and the whole thing would happen in seconds. Bang!

    Aubameyang and Lacazette would thrive in a system like that, and so would Ozil.

    This thing we have though, the tip tap thing, the backwards sideways rigamarole, I suppose they want to play in that about as much as we want to watch it. Tipping tapping at 2mph while the opposition defence strolls from defensive position to defensive position.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  7. #167
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    NQ - Go back and look at the Spurs game. How comes Iwobi was able to muster up a good chance Lacazette within minutes? Not every move on the pitch has to be calculated chess pieces on a board. I've seen Wilshere pull off really good chances for players. Sanchez would do it all the time. He's an underrated playmaker. Heck, Alex Song was able to carve stuff out for RVP on a regular.

    During that Spurs game there was an early chance to break on them but Ozil fucked up the pass. That's on Ozil to make that pass. It's on the manager to give him a slap for sloppy play. You have to stop buying excuses for this guy. Not every team is a well oiled, mistake free machine. I can't understand why Ozil can't force more mistakes for defenders if his playmaking ability.

  8. #168
    Quote Originally Posted by Delusions of Grandeur View Post
    NQ - Go back and look at the Spurs game. How comes Iwobi was able to muster up a good chance Lacazette within minutes? Not every move on the pitch has to be calculated chess pieces on a board. I've seen Wilshere pull off really good chances for players. Sanchez would do it all the time. He's an underrated playmaker. Heck, Alex Song was able to carve stuff out for RVP on a regular.

    During that Spurs game there was an early chance to break on them but Ozil fucked up the pass. That's on Ozil to make that pass. It's on the manager to give him a slap for sloppy play. You have to stop buying excuses for this guy. Not every team is a well oiled, mistake free machine. I can't understand why Ozil can't force more mistakes for defenders if his playmaking ability.
    Ozil is a lazy mercenary what he does and doesn’t do in a game is largely dependent on whether he’s up for it

    Iwobi is literally one of the only players in the team that either can or will dribble on the ball therefore he can make space that way that other players won’t

    I think what we refer to is whether our players are self motivated or not. And more often than not that’s on them

    Problem is some of our players can be self motivated but either no confidence or quality. Welbeck is prime example of this, through sheer effort he was our best player in my view last night (although that isn’t saying a lot).

    Xhaka and Ramsey in midfield are never going to work even if you had Pep managing them, but on top of that Xhaka also is a lazy cunt

    For a team to work under Wenger they have to be technically good and self motivated and players of that kind are probably now going to be in the 100million bracket

    And that’s why Ancelotti would be a no go. He is like Wenger too relaxed. These players need a hard drilling disciplinarian
    Last edited by HCZ; 02-03-2018 at 02:18 PM.

  9. #169
    Member Globalgunner's Avatar
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    Im sorry. Iwobi is crap. He can do something once in a while, just like a stopped clock is right 2ce a day. Iwobi a dribbler. Dont make me laugh!. Can he do what Sane did to us yesterday without tripping over himself?

    Our players are mostly junk. Ozil is a certain type of player, he needs other types of players around him. we blame Ozil because he is not the player we want him to be. Whereas he is today, exactly the same player that he was in Madrid and in the German national team.
    No point buying a Ferrari and being pissed because it is shit at towing a caravan.
    Make 2mrw better than 2day

  10. #170
    Quote Originally Posted by Globalgunner View Post
    Im sorry. Iwobi is crap. He can do something once in a while, just like a stopped clock is right 2ce a day. Iwobi a dribbler. Dont make me laugh!. Can he do what Sane did to us yesterday without tripping over himself?

    Our players are mostly junk. Ozil is a certain type of player, he needs other types of players around him. we blame Ozil because he is not the player we want him to be. Whereas he is today, exactly the same player that he was in Madrid and in the German national team.
    No point buying a Ferrari and being pissed because it is shit at towing a caravan.
    No of course he can’t and of course he’s third rate

    But he’s the only player we can have that either can or will dribble at all

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