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Thread: The Wish They Were All Dead Tory Cunt Thread

  1. #1811
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    The trouble with democracy is people are bloody idiots.
    There should be a test before you can vote.
    If you're going to vote for Brexit because of the "bloody Frogs" then you're an idiot, you don't get a vote.
    And, for balance, if you're going to vote to Remain because you think the sky will fall in if we leave then you don't either.

    As for the "dilution" of Brexit. There was nothing to dilute. What did Leave say Brexit meant? Apart from lies like an extra £350m a week for the NHS.
    No-one knew what Brexit actually meant, it was a vote against something, not for anything. There wasn't anything on the table from either side to vote for.

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  3. #1813
    Tennis Expert Syn's Avatar
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    Talked to many esteemed researchers far more knowledgable than myself and with no political bias; all state Brexit was a stupid decision. If it were up to me, organisations like the IFS would be running the country. Enough brain power there to nail every major policy decision.

    Tommy Robinson? lol. His supporters are in awe of him because he can string a few sentences together. The lad's thick as shit and so are his supporters.

  4. #1814
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    The trouble with democracy is people are bloody idiots.
    There should be a test before you can vote.
    If you're going to vote for Brexit because of the "bloody Frogs" then you're an idiot, you don't get a vote.
    And, for balance, if you're going to vote to Remain because you think the sky will fall in if we leave then you don't either.

    As for the "dilution" of Brexit. There was nothing to dilute. What did Leave say Brexit meant? Apart from lies like an extra £350m a week for the NHS.
    No-one knew what Brexit actually meant, it was a vote against something, not for anything. There wasn't anything on the table from either side to vote for.
    Let's all live under a dictator then, we won't have to worry about voting.

  5. #1815
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    The trouble with democracy is people are bloody idiots.
    There should be a test before you can vote.
    If you're going to vote for Brexit because of the "bloody Frogs" then you're an idiot, you don't get a vote.
    And, for balance, if you're going to vote to Remain because you think the sky will fall in if we leave then you don't either.

    As for the "dilution" of Brexit. There was nothing to dilute. What did Leave say Brexit meant? Apart from lies like an extra £350m a week for the NHS.
    No-one knew what Brexit actually meant, it was a vote against something, not for anything. There wasn't anything on the table from either side to vote for.
    The deceit. Or self delusion.

    Brexit was about sovereignty. That's why it was raised, that's why it ever made it to the referendum stage. Not because the British people demanded it (although many did), but because the politicos were squeezed into a corner on issues they couldn't possibly answer so decided to rig a referendum instead. Even then, they lost.

    The Remain lot had zero argument. Absolutely nothing (correct me if I'm wrong). All they did was equate nationalism to racism. And if some people did vote for independence because they "hate the frogs", so what? Serious question. What makes you sanctimonious Remainers so bloody confident of your second hand arguments, considering the shit state every one of your policies has led to. A real debate has you running to the propaganda pile for the latest government statistics. The Gospel according to the Gullible.

    Plenty also voted for the foreign power because they got cheaper holidays. But most Remainers voted as they did because they couldn't be arsed to dig into the fundamental issues and instead gorged themselves with the propaganda. The utterly failed Euro super state project, transformed into a string of euphemisms and sold in the most Orwelian terms. Peace as war. Prosperity as servitude. Liberty as a litany of centralised directives.

    So sure, if there's a test before you can vote I guess question #1 ought to ask if you'll defend your nation over the interests of a foreign power. Wasn't so long ago every British citizen has to answer that question in one way or another. And if the answer is no, then at least don't agitate for the foreign power.

    Supremacy of the laws set down by a foreign power over the laws of the nation is the definition of dilution and the remedy being sought by fifth columnists at this very moment to subvert the democratic process. The twisting and turning in the debate will do anything to avoid this basic issue. The issue that underpinned Brexit. The nerve of these cunts, trying to dictate the terms under which we can tell them to fuck off. Their Fourth Reich falls when the UK leaves and they know it. So the UK will be allowed to leave in name only.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  6. #1816
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syn View Post
    Talked to many esteemed researchers far more knowledgable than myself and with no political bias; all state Brexit was a stupid decision. If it were up to me, organisations like the IFS would be running the country. Enough brain power there to nail every major policy decision.

    Tommy Robinson? lol. His supporters are in awe of him because he can string a few sentences together. The lad's thick as shit and so are his supporters.
    There are people out protesting who know fuck all about Robinson and don't care to know, because they realise he's not the central issue. It's what happened after his arrest that should have people worried.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  7. #1817
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syn View Post
    Talked to many esteemed researchers far more knowledgable than myself and with no political bias; all state Brexit was a stupid decision. If it were up to me, organisations like the IFS would be running the country. Enough brain power there to nail every major policy decision.

    Tommy Robinson? lol. His supporters are in awe of him because he can string a few sentences together. The lad's thick as shit and so are his supporters.
    Did they ever speak about how stupid it was to get tied up in it in the first place? As Arsenal fans we of all people know that sometimes you have to step back to regain the ability to go forwards. Corporate beneficiaries rigging the economy so the masses suffer pain if they don't play along is not a reasonable excuse for relinquishing sovereignty, cultural identity and ultimately liberty. Get yourself out of the mess, then deal with the riders on the gravy train later.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  8. #1818
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goonermerree View Post
    Let's all live under a dictator then, we won't have to worry about voting.
    Well plainly nobody has to worry too much about voting. As a form of theatre, a change in pace and mild entertainment once every 5 years or once in a blue moon should a referendum crop up, sure. It's a bit of fun. But don't expect to influence anything. Just hope the will of the people happens to coincide with the demands of the establishment. That way we can at least enjoy the illusion. And many do.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  9. #1819
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goonermerree View Post
    Let's all live under a dictator then, we won't have to worry about voting.
    Yeah. Or, you could respond to what I actually said rather than straw manning the shit out of it.
    Why are the only two options "everyone gets a vote" or "live under a dictator"? This is exactly the sort of black and white unable to think in any shades of grey bullshit which makes Arsenal debate so crappy.
    The principle of democracy sounds great. One man (or woman, I suppose), one vote. And in an election...who really knows who is going to best represent us, to an extent one option is as good (or bad) as another. But in a referendum on a complicated topic, it would be nice to think that people have actually thought about the issues at hand.
    If you need medical advice what do you do, start a poll on Facebook and see what your mates think or talk to some doctors?

    Brexit is a complicated issue. If we did get to the right decision then it will be because a load of people believed a bus, not wise analysis of all the issues from a discerning British public.
    Your mates might get the medical treatment right, given 2 options, but if they did it would be dumb luck, not because they know what they're talking about,

  10. #1820
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Yeah. Or, you could respond to what I actually said rather than straw manning the shit out of it.
    Why are the only two options "everyone gets a vote" or "live under a dictator"? This is exactly the sort of black and white unable to think in any shades of grey bullshit which makes Arsenal debate so crappy.
    The principle of democracy sounds great. One man (or woman, I suppose), one vote. And in an election...who really knows who is going to best represent us, to an extent one option is as good (or bad) as another. But in a referendum on a complicated topic, it would be nice to think that people have actually thought about the issues at hand.
    If you need medical advice what do you do, start a poll on Facebook and see what your mates think or talk to some doctors?

    Brexit is a complicated issue. If we did get to the right decision then it will be because a load of people believed a bus, not wise analysis of all the issues from a discerning British public.
    Your mates might get the medical treatment right, given 2 options, but if they did it would be dumb luck, not because they know what they're talking about,
    I don't think people did vote because of a bus, they voted for sovereignty mostly. They'd already thought about the issues and knew what they wanted.

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