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Thread: "Currants Bw..."

  1. #20301
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    OK, at that level he does. But the detail of how that would actually work in practice, not so much.

  2. #20302
    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    OK, at that level he does. But the detail of how that would actually work in practice, not so much.
    I had the discussion with him once, the original point I was making today is that there is no way in my view for it to work in practice and that's why we are essentially divergent.

  3. #20303
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    It may have worked back in the day (I mean a long time ago) when people lived in smaller communities but now with big population, big cities and large scale infrastructure I don't see how in practice it would.

  4. #20304
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Herbert_Chapman's_Zombie View Post
    if you see the world through the eyes of NQ, you think of any public sector, government, taxation, voting as a probably best not to consider it a wind up

    I often find NQ hard to debate with, it's a bit like a human and a germ debating with each other over who has the right to exist given that the existence of one usually means the denial of existence of the other. One view can only exist with the total negation of the other.

    I find NQ's opinions and his solutions interesting although ultimately impractical to the point where they aren't worth considering, he presumably finds me to be a slave who is glad of his chains happy to be one of the doped and lied to masses by a clandestine minority of the implacably evil.
    I don't see you as that at all and it's odd you'd get that impression. I see you as somebody who is prepared to have an opinion (importantly an opinion of your own) and then have at least some notion WHY you have that opinion. Therefore I can converse with you very easily, whether we agree or not is irrelevant.

    As to our positions and beliefs being mutually exclusive, that's not true in my case. I don't ask you for anything at all, absolutely nothing. My position is that you refrain from making demands on me. Or at least admit to the fundamental contradiction that exists in your model, one that is supposedly based on liberty, choice and the rule of law but can only exist provided liberty, choice and the law are undermined, eliminated or subverted. When you enforce your terms on me through the use of violence (and everything the state does is underpinned by the threat of violence) then you may have reached a practical solution (one invariably favoured by the state throughout history) and maybe it is even impractical for me to imagine I can curb your violence. But we're supposed to be more than simply animals. My view states we are more, your's states that is all we can ever be.

    As for Letters, he's brainwashed, pleased to be brainwashed and proud of being incapable of independent thought. Surely it is more difficult to converse with him?
    Für eure Sicherheit

  5. #20305
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Obviously you're on the wind up but if you think there's no value in cultural relations with other countries (which is the British Council's brief, English teaching and exams is a part of that) then we'll have to agree to disagree.
    There is a lot of waste in the Public Sector and probably in this organisation but there are better targets for your wrath than me
    No, I'm not on a wind up. I find it disgraceful you misappropriate the proceeds of my labour without my consent. You should be in prison but instead you shamelessly demand I vote so I endorse your outrageous behaviour. And your own behaviour cannot be excused by the even more excessive behaviour of others. Where is that written in your Bible? My son, proceed with your sinning, because the fucker over there is even worse!

    I am not making you a target for my wrath. I'm merely commenting on your latest world tour update. You brought it up, not me.
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  6. #20306
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    No, I'm not on a wind up.

  7. #20307
    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    I don't see you as that at all and it's odd you'd get that impression. I see you as somebody who is prepared to have an opinion (importantly an opinion of your own) and then have at least some notion WHY you have that opinion. Therefore I can converse with you very easily, whether we agree or not is irrelevant.

    As to our positions and beliefs being mutually exclusive, that's not true in my case. I don't ask you for anything at all, absolutely nothing. My position is that you refrain from making demands on me. Or at least admit to the fundamental contradiction that exists in your model, one that is supposedly based on liberty, choice and the rule of law but can only exist provided liberty, choice and the law are undermined, eliminated or subverted. When you enforce your terms on me through the use of violence (and everything the state does is underpinned by the threat of violence) then you may have reached a practical solution (one invariably favoured by the state throughout history) and maybe it is even impractical for me to imagine I can curb your violence. But we're supposed to be more than simply animals. My view states we are more, your's states that is all we can ever be.

    As for Letters, he's brainwashed, pleased to be brainwashed and proud of being incapable of independent thought. Surely it is more difficult to converse with him?
    My point is your beliefs would necessitate me being too comfortable in the prison of government, taxation, voting and other facets of the system. It's not an accusatory remark suggesting you think that i am less than, and i have never been offended by any of your assertions. I'm just saying that one set of values cannot exist without the negation of the other in the same way you cannot be both alive and dead.

    For what it's worth, what you have said is manifestly true......the state cannot exist without some form of coercion (concepts of crime and punishment) and that choice and liberty can never be fully universal within that model.

    But Absolute Liberty for one person can only for me exist with the curtailment of Liberty for someone else (the man vs the germ again)

    You believe you can do whatever you want, I believe that this has to be contingent on you doing what you want having no detrimental consequence for me

  8. #20308
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    Anyway...the consequences of Brexit continue

    I hope negotiations with the EU stay on track and don't hit the buffers...and so on.

  9. #20309
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    You have no answers, as usual. Because you don't/ can't comprehend the question. You find it quite normal to come on here glibly detailing how you'll dispose of the money you stole. Trips here, trips there, chattering here, chattering there. Meanwhile the elderly won't have heating this winter, the sick won't get timely treatment, millions will sit in poverty scraping together pennies for the next meal. I understand you need a job because that's how the system works. So why don't you get one then?

    Vietnam my arse. What possible benefit, even with the wildest stretch of the imagination, can society derive from you flying out there to do whatever it is you do? You lot should be back here, doing the shopping for the elderly, driving buses for school kids or something useful like that. Bloody millions of bureaucrats but not enough nurses. Crazy fucked up place this is.
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  10. #20310
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Anyway...the consequences of Brexit continue

    I hope negotiations with the EU stay on track and don't hit the buffers...and so on.
    Another subject you know fuck all about.
    Für eure Sicherheit

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