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Thread: "Currants Bw..."

  1. #20761
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    Quote Originally Posted by Douglas Reynholm View Post
    While I agree the crying for 7 thousand years is a bit pathetic, so is the 'you lost get over it' attitude.
    No it's not, there's absolutely nothing they can do about it and smashing windows helps nothing.

  2. #20762
    They/Them GP's Avatar
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    Sure, but if you live in a democratic society, you absolutely have the right to discuss, debate or even protest if you wish.

    The minute that's no longer allowed, what does that make us?
    NOTE: The location of this post has been moved and the thread title (which was previously Wenger is Leaving) has been manipulated by a notorious pro-Wenger moderator. What was previously a message that contained no profanity and made a comment on a real life event has now been manipulated by a deliberately provocative title. An old and crude propaganda and censorship technique.

  3. #20763
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    Quote Originally Posted by Douglas Reynholm View Post
    Sure, but if you live in a democratic society, you absolutely have the right to discuss, debate or even protest if you wish.

    The minute that's no longer allowed, what does that make us?
    I'm not saying people shouldn't prostest, but smashing windows over a democratic vote is not a protest that a democratic society should be having.

  4. #20764
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    As I have been saying, the left needs to reclaim the left from these socialite cuckoos. I have plenty of time for the real left, though I don't agree with a lot of the stuff they tag on to the fundamentals and can't figure out why they have to carry so much trivial baggage along with them. But as a stage we could pass through towards genuine liberty we stand a better chance with the left than the corporate hijacked right. I think the tribalism you refer to is fake, simply a way for frat houses on the same campus to distinguish themselves and that's why they do it so noisily, in case anyone notices the fundamental similarities. This is a poor substitute for the genuine ideological differences that used to drive the far more serious debates and struggles from the past.

    Here's a marxist I'd rather listen to than any of those shitty, liberal "progressives" on the centre left (aka authoritarianism) or those antichrist type religious materialists on the centre right (aka authoritarianism). It's a calm put-down for all the hair tearing fags who have shit a brick as they await the arrival of Hitler Trump at their door. If anything Trump will probably do less than the almost comatose Obama.

    Good video and thanks for the share. But why have you shared this video? In fact, hasn't Trump pulled off the ultimate distraction with all the division he has caused? It's gone from Occupy Wall Street to total division other there.

    Haven't I been saying from the get go that he'll become one with the system and get swallowed up? It's why your comment about Trump bringing possible peace and prosperity seem naive. It's hard to grasp exactly where your coming from. You should at least understand that the people protesting the election results and referendum results feel they're also being squeezed by the current system and want their say.

  5. #20765
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    Quote Originally Posted by Power_n_Glory View Post
    I bet he won't spend an extra £350m a week on the NHS either

  6. #20766
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goonermarvee View Post
    I'm not saying people shouldn't prostest, but smashing windows over a democratic vote is not a protest that a democratic society should be having.
    That's a small fraction of the anger bubbling under the surface across the whole of society. Whether an experienced worker or a fresh faced student. Yet while it appears that there are two sides amongst the people, ironically, everyone is crying out for the exact same thing and the trick that keeps being played on people is to distract them into believing they are not. But once Trump is shown up to be as useless as everyone else before him, we can only hope that invisible divide finally disappears for everyone to pull together for the same cause.

  7. #20767
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    Quote Originally Posted by Power_n_Glory View Post
    Good video and thanks for the share. But why have you shared this video? In fact, hasn't Trump pulled off the ultimate distraction with all the division he has caused? It's gone from Occupy Wall Street to total division other there.

    Haven't I been saying from the get go that he'll become one with the system and get swallowed up? It's why your comment about Trump bringing possible peace and prosperity seem naive. It's hard to grasp exactly where your coming from. You should at least understand that the people protesting the election results and referendum results feel they're also being squeezed by the current system and want their say.
    What I have been saying all along is I'm relieved that witch Clinton didn't get into the Whitehouse. Not just because she's a long term criminal but because we were on course for more of the same dangerous shite if she got in and held the door open for the crowd of neoliberal loons that have infected American politics since the late 90s (not 2001 because 2001 was their other shoe dropping, their golden ticket). The fact she didn't get in is a big win for America and a big win for the rest of us. None of this has anything to do with Trump beyond the fact he's not Clinton and he's not in bed with these crackpot warmongers. I'm not sure who he's in bed with but one of his partners is the US military who don't want any of this warmongering shit either. The neoliberal crazies know the game is up for the American debt economy and their solution is the same one every tinpot tyrant (and the more notable tyrants too) have turned to when the economic Ponzi scheme has run out of steam - war.

    With war now off the table, sure, there will be other problems but war is off the table and that "trumped" every other consideration by a wide margin. Well it's off the table for the time being because the American economy still has to collapse and when that happens there will be huge uncertainty and nasty consequences. We'll have to see, but at least we won't be actively pursuing a war path. That said, the degenerate Obama doesn't leave until January and he has nothing to lose now he's been exposed as just the latest charlatan. These will be a dangerous few months.

    As I said with Brexit, Leave or Remain - NOTHING WILL CHANGE. And that's exactly what we have seen. The Tories have shuffled themselves around and have done precisely zero to execute the will of the people. The same will be true on a domestic level with Trump. He'll make a lot of noise but he won't touch any of the major levers that could rescue the American economy. He can't, he doesn't have access to them. That money printing machine the Federal Reserve is privately owned and unless he wants to send troops in there to shut it down (and crash the global economy in the process) the fuckers there will continue to dictate fiscal policy. The big pharma boys control healthcare so Trump might change the name from Obamacare to Trumpcare but the net result will remain people getting screwed when they are unfortunate enough to fall ill. He might be able to mortgage off the last few square yards of America to the banksters in return for funny money so he can embark on a public program of renewal. Well we all know what that means - the public will renew and the private interests will come in and steal it when the profits are ready for plucking. Maggie and Ronnie were the masters of that game, we could see it all again.

    So Trump/ Clinton, Clinton/ Trump will make no difference domestically but Clinton being disconnected from the process also disconnects the crazies who want to blow the shit out of everything and start again as last man standing. Trump will buy the military more toys to keep them onside. America will limp on for a few years more and Trump will consider it a successful presidency if the whole thing doesn't come crashing down on his watch.

    As for Mexicans and Muslims and boy/ girls and immigrants and all the other hot button leftist nonsense issues, nothing will happen. The collapse would happen faster if America rid itself of its slave labour and I'm sure Trump (having spent a life in construction) knows that all too well. People are shitting their pants not because Trump is a racist and a white supremacist but because the desperate Dems convinced them that was the reality.

    There are ways to fix all this but they are far too sane to ever be considered and the few would suffer while the majority gained, so real solutions are a non-starter.
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  8. #20768
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    Quote Originally Posted by Douglas Reynholm View Post
    Sure, but if you live in a democratic society, you absolutely have the right to discuss, debate or even protest if you wish.

    The minute that's no longer allowed, what does that make us?
    It makes us honest because democracy is just wallpaper. Sure, you can protest and complain and do all that stuff. And you can even do it for a worthwhile cause, unlike these losers who are objecting because their criminal didn't get the nod. But try taking action and see what you get. Tangible action that would put genuine pressure on the state is always viewed in the same way. Terrorism. Out come the paramilitaries who are pretending to be police and heads get cracked. The clueless majority in front of their TV screens shake their heads and conclude it's the only way to keep their two tier law/ lawlessness and order/ chaos system ticking along. Poor saps. They are always so keen to support the warden when a few inmates get rowdy.

    What was the last public action in the UK to provoke real change? You have to go way back to the poll tax "riots". The establishment was genuinely scared and limited concessions were made. This is how all change comes about. People stand up and punch the establishment in the face. We sanctify our grand democracy that goes back centuries but do you think King John would have negotiated if the other side wasn't holding swords and severed heads?

    So yes, we need real protest and we need that protest to lead to real action. But what we don't need is a bunch of turds running around protesting that the system isn't even more crooked and rigged, which is effectively what they are doing.
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  9. #20769
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goonermarvee View Post
    What is wrong with people theses days? I would never have voted for Trump in a million years but a democratic process voted him in, accept it and get over it! It's just like the remain voters here, keep having a referendum until we get the result we want. Stop being spoilt brats, just do what you can to make your own life and it's environs fair and happy.
    Of course the rioting is ridiculous but just because a vote goes a certain way that doesn't mean the debate is over and everyone on the 'losing' side should all go "OK, fair enough" and keep quiet
    Do you think that had the Brexit vote gone the other way - especially as it was fairly close - all those who wanted to leave would have just shut up about it for perpetuity? Farage is on record saying that a 52-48 vote to remain would be "unfinished business" and the infamous petition to have a second vote was actually set up by a Brexiter in anticipation of a vote to remain.
    And this is especially with Brexit because the vote was only about whether we should remain in the EU or not, there was no plan from anyone it seems about what life outside the EU actually means, what our relationship with the EU would be if we're outside it. So of course debate should continue and "you lost, get over it" is an unhelpful attitude. I don't think there should be a 2nd referendum - although it would be interesting to see what the results would be if they did given how many people have admitted they now regret their vote to leave - but debate about what a post-Brexit UK looks like absolutely continue and anger is understandable as many people voted to leave on the basis of a pack of lies.

    As for a democratic process electing Trump - he actually lost the popular vote to Clinton so it seems their process is as flawed as ours.

  10. #20770
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Of course the rioting is ridiculous but just because a vote goes a certain way that doesn't mean the debate is over and everyone on the 'losing' side should all go "OK, fair enough" and keep quiet
    Do you think that had the Brexit vote gone the other way - especially as it was fairly close - all those who wanted to leave would have just shut up about it for perpetuity? Farage is on record saying that a 52-48 vote to remain would be "unfinished business" and the infamous petition to have a second vote was actually set up by a Brexiter in anticipation of a vote to remain.
    And this is especially with Brexit because the vote was only about whether we should remain in the EU or not, there was no plan from anyone it seems about what life outside the EU actually means, what our relationship with the EU would be if we're outside it. So of course debate should continue and "you lost, get over it" is an unhelpful attitude. I don't think there should be a 2nd referendum - although it would be interesting to see what the results would be if they did given how many people have admitted they now regret their vote to leave - but debate about what a post-Brexit UK looks like absolutely continue and anger is understandable as many people voted to leave on the basis of a pack of lies.

    As for a democratic process electing Trump - he actually lost the popular vote to Clinton so it seems their process is as flawed as ours.
    How so?
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