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Thread: "Currants Bw..."

  1. #22771
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Perhaps you should write to them as they may not have had a chance to read your condemnation here?
    OK. You do the same with Wenger in case he's missed your posts.

    I'm not sure I'm "offended", that implies some personal slight, but I am appalled by the way they have acted. They have made this all about them. From the BBC:
    His parents had wanted a private team to care for Charlie so they could have more time with him. "GOSH have denied us our final wish," his mother said.
    Look at the emotive language. Aren't GOSH nasty? Boo! This may amaze them but Charlie is not the only child GOSH are treating, they are not the only parents in a heart-breaking position. GOSH don't have private teams just sitting around to tend to every patient. And why is their final wish so important? How about what's best for their son? In all their foot-stamping every time they haven't got what they want they seem to have lost sight of what is best for Charlie.
    I'm appalled by the way they have lied about their son's condition and his chances of recovery, again painting GOSH as the bad guys "we could have saved him, if only they'd listened". That is not sodding true!
    They have allowed their son to continue suffering when it was clear he was beyond hope.
    Maybe they genuinely believed they were doing the right thing for him and the chances are I will never be in their position - I certainly hope not - but they are not the first parents to be in this awful position and this sort of behaviour is extremely rare. Most parents accept the futility of the situation. And no, I'm not suggesting doctors are always right and they should have taken it at face value but when expert after expert keep on telling you the same thing there has to be a time when enough is enough.

    The point is there are CONSEQUENCES to them behaving like this. As well as allowing Charlie to suffer longer than he should have it has taken away funds from other children, children who have a chance of recovery.
    And it has caused a lot of highly dedicated staff a lot of completely unfair criticism and hostility. A friend of mine has a son who nearly died 5 or 6 years ago in a near-drowning. GOSH saved his life and continue to help him with the cerebral palsy the incident left him with. I was talking to her about it and she said:

    I have spoken to my friend who is an intensive care nurse at GOSH and she and the other staff are just being bombarded with negativity and nastiness. I have not met a single staff member at GOSH who does not give their heart to the job
    Just think about that for a minute. Imagine you had a proper job. Not like you and me, but like them. A job where you actually make a difference to people's lives. A job when you're actually doing some good in the world. Whatever you think of doctors I think most of them are doing their best for their patients. And I'm sure the nurses are too. My dad was in hospital a couple of months ago and I was hugely impressed by all the staff there who you could see were doing their best with their limited resources to do what they could for their patients. So imagine you had a job like that, hadn't had more than a 1% pay rise for the last 7 years and now you're suddenly getting abused by people. F*** that. I'd be out the door like a shot.

    So yes, I have a problem with the parents for creating a situation where these staff are getting a completely unwarranted and unfair level of abuse. For once, I don't blame the press. They've been loving it of course, but the parents have courted it as it suited their agenda.

  2. #22772
    bye Xhaka Can’t's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    OK. You do the same with Wenger in case he's missed your posts.

    I'm not sure I'm "offended", that implies some personal slight, but I am appalled by the way they have acted. They have made this all about them. From the BBC:

    Look at the emotive language. Aren't GOSH nasty? Boo! This may amaze them but Charlie is not the only child GOSH are treating, they are not the only parents in a heart-breaking position. GOSH don't have private teams just sitting around to tend to every patient. And why is their final wish so important? How about what's best for their son? In all their foot-stamping every time they haven't got what they want they seem to have lost sight of what is best for Charlie.
    I'm appalled by the way they have lied about their son's condition and his chances of recovery, again painting GOSH as the bad guys "we could have saved him, if only they'd listened". That is not sodding true!
    They have allowed their son to continue suffering when it was clear he was beyond hope.
    Maybe they genuinely believed they were doing the right thing for him and the chances are I will never be in their position - I certainly hope not - but they are not the first parents to be in this awful position and this sort of behaviour is extremely rare. Most parents accept the futility of the situation. And no, I'm not suggesting doctors are always right and they should have taken it at face value but when expert after expert keep on telling you the same thing there has to be a time when enough is enough.

    The point is there are CONSEQUENCES to them behaving like this. As well as allowing Charlie to suffer longer than he should have it has taken away funds from other children, children who have a chance of recovery.
    And it has caused a lot of highly dedicated staff a lot of completely unfair criticism and hostility. A friend of mine has a son who nearly died 5 or 6 years ago in a near-drowning. GOSH saved his life and continue to help him with the cerebral palsy the incident left him with. I was talking to her about it and she said:

    Just think about that for a minute. Imagine you had a proper job. Not like you and me, but like them. A job where you actually make a difference to people's lives. A job when you're actually doing some good in the world. Whatever you think of doctors I think most of them are doing their best for their patients. And I'm sure the nurses are too. My dad was in hospital a couple of months ago and I was hugely impressed by all the staff there who you could see were doing their best with their limited resources to do what they could for their patients. So imagine you had a job like that, hadn't had more than a 1% pay rise for the last 7 years and now you're suddenly getting abused by people. F*** that. I'd be out the door like a shot.

    So yes, I have a problem with the parents for creating a situation where these staff are getting a completely unwarranted and unfair level of abuse. For once, I don't blame the press. They've been loving it of course, but the parents have courted it as it suited their agenda.
    Outstanding post.
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  3. #22773
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    OK. You do the same with Wenger in case he's missed your posts.

    I'm not sure I'm "offended", that implies some personal slight, but I am appalled by the way they have acted. They have made this all about them. From the BBC:

    Look at the emotive language. Aren't GOSH nasty? Boo! This may amaze them but Charlie is not the only child GOSH are treating, they are not the only parents in a heart-breaking position. GOSH don't have private teams just sitting around to tend to every patient. And why is their final wish so important? How about what's best for their son? In all their foot-stamping every time they haven't got what they want they seem to have lost sight of what is best for Charlie.
    I'm appalled by the way they have lied about their son's condition and his chances of recovery, again painting GOSH as the bad guys "we could have saved him, if only they'd listened". That is not sodding true!
    They have allowed their son to continue suffering when it was clear he was beyond hope.
    Maybe they genuinely believed they were doing the right thing for him and the chances are I will never be in their position - I certainly hope not - but they are not the first parents to be in this awful position and this sort of behaviour is extremely rare. Most parents accept the futility of the situation. And no, I'm not suggesting doctors are always right and they should have taken it at face value but when expert after expert keep on telling you the same thing there has to be a time when enough is enough.

    The point is there are CONSEQUENCES to them behaving like this. As well as allowing Charlie to suffer longer than he should have it has taken away funds from other children, children who have a chance of recovery.
    And it has caused a lot of highly dedicated staff a lot of completely unfair criticism and hostility. A friend of mine has a son who nearly died 5 or 6 years ago in a near-drowning. GOSH saved his life and continue to help him with the cerebral palsy the incident left him with. I was talking to her about it and she said:

    Just think about that for a minute. Imagine you had a proper job. Not like you and me, but like them. A job where you actually make a difference to people's lives. A job when you're actually doing some good in the world. Whatever you think of doctors I think most of them are doing their best for their patients. And I'm sure the nurses are too. My dad was in hospital a couple of months ago and I was hugely impressed by all the staff there who you could see were doing their best with their limited resources to do what they could for their patients. So imagine you had a job like that, hadn't had more than a 1% pay rise for the last 7 years and now you're suddenly getting abused by people. F*** that. I'd be out the door like a shot.

    So yes, I have a problem with the parents for creating a situation where these staff are getting a completely unwarranted and unfair level of abuse. For once, I don't blame the press. They've been loving it of course, but the parents have courted it as it suited their agenda.
    You obviously missed my 2 earlier posts. Or else you didn't read them, short as they are. For all your wailing and grovelling, I'm suggesting positive action that could correct the problems you seem so concerned about. Oh boo-hoo, 1% pay rise. I know only too well where that's coming from, you martyr, you.
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  4. #22774
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Oh boo-hoo, 1% pay rise. I know only too well where that's coming from, you martyr, you.
    You think I said that part because it has also applied to me? Behave. It has, but I get paid very well, relatively speaking. Far better than a nurse does. My mother in law is a sister on a ward and gets nowhere near what I get. I'm no martyr. I don't get anywhere near market rate but it's my choice to stay, for now having a very flexible job suits me and it's keeping me in the manner to which I've become accustomed. I will probably move on fairly soon when certain things in life have settled down. And in my line of work there is far more scope for moving jobs than for a nurse. They started on shitty pay 7 years ago for a job which is incredibly important and they've effectively had pay-cuts every year while the politicians telling them there's "no magic money tree" accept nice big pay rises. And now some of them are actively getting abuse. Fun that.

    And yes, I saw your earlier posts and you seem to be talking about what the doctors should be doing. I'm talking about what the parents should have done so I don't see what we're arguing about.

  5. #22775
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    Quote Originally Posted by GP View Post
    It's easier to fool someone than to make them admit they were fooled.
    There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.

  6. #22776
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.
    Ahh, good times. Back when we had a proper president.
    NOTE: The location of this post has been moved and the thread title (which was previously Wenger is Leaving) has been manipulated by a notorious pro-Wenger moderator. What was previously a message that contained no profanity and made a comment on a real life event has now been manipulated by a deliberately provocative title. An old and crude propaganda and censorship technique.

  7. #22777
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    Things are pretty desperate when we're nostalgic for the halcyon days of George Dubya

  8. #22778
    bye Xhaka Can’t's Avatar
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    I was saying that the other day. By comparison, GB jr was a statesman for the ages.
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  9. #22779
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    On the plus side, the new guy hasn't slaughtered millions of people so far. And if the warmongers manage to drive him out of office, he could end up being the first president in decades who isn't a genocidal maniac. But, I accept, he's fucked up big time on the transgender issue, which must take priority over mere war and mass murder.
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  10. #22780
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall Quinn View Post
    I was saying that the other day. By comparison, GB jr was a statesman for the ages.
    He was a halfwit who attained office because his name is Bush. That's literally all there was or is to the guy. To end up as a worse president than his father is really going some, so I suppose on that basis he was remarkable.
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