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Thread: "Currants Bw..."

  1. #23341
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Delusions of Grandeur View Post
    I think I understand your overall stance. I don’t think anyone wants to live in a nanny state, but the given the freedom American’s have with guns, does it not disturb you to see how often people use guns against each other?

    One of the arguments for those that are pro guns is that they’re needed in case the government gets out of hand and the people need to form a militia to protect themselves against the government. That makes some sort of sense. But it’s rare to see a case where this happens or even cases of people revolting against the government. It’s always normal everyday citizens in the firing line and that’s the sort of thing that makes me question whether or not humans can be trusted with so much freedom. Not saying we need babysitting or that or liberties should be trampled all over but it’s depressing to see and hear this shit everyday. I’m convinced more each day that people are twisted and corrupt.
    People are twisted and corrupted, I'd say. But that's by design. The only difference between the east and the west is the religion of money, which replaced traditional religion. When you create societies that are almost exclusively focused on the acquisition of wealth you are going to get a very fucked up society filled with very fucked up people. Examine any and every aspect of our lives and you'll see there is a monetary equation involved, either directly or indirectly. Money can't buy me love, but it sure is needed to buy the time to love. Without it, you hardly encounter your fellow man in any true respect. Which is why there is a vehement kickback against the likes of our board at Arsenal. They're turning our escape into a fucking money thing too.

    You can't dip into chaos and remove a small piece of the chaos and expect the chaos to dissipate. That's what this gun control nonsense is all about. More laws for criminals to ignore. More restrictions and paperwork and invasions of privacy and trampling of liberty. Gun controls laws will only constraint the law abiding. So they are 100% pointless and this is confirmed when we see that some of the states with the strictest laws have the the highest number of incidents. But you go after the fuckers who accumulate vast wealth and unlimited power from flogging these guns all over the place with virtually no safeguards and then you are really tackling the problems.

    Going back to the recent release of classified files related to the JFK assassination, we know what happens to people (even presidents) who try to tackle the problems instead of the symptoms. It'll take a very brave man to make a difference, so instead people skirt around the safe ground and beg the very bastards who cause all the problems to come up with a solution.
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  2. #23342
    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    There's already a whole raft of legislation in place to limit access to automatic weaponry. Criminals do not obey the law. America is a very, very different nation to European states, as you likely know given you have a personal interest. America has always been a nation fractured into two fundamental belief systems, at least until the globalists hijacked the left and swapped in their own agenda. It's so incredibly pointless for the left to be going on about disarming the citizenry, which is their actual agenda to be conducted drip by drip. Half the population won't stand for it and would have to be forcibly disarmed. And that's never going to happen.

    So the debate should be about prescription drugs, and loose border controls, and effective policing, and real race issues rather than manufactured identity politics, and other such concerns. But that's not the leftist agenda. The causes of the problems need to be addressed but the lobbyists and the media have everyone focused in on the symptoms.
    You know full well that gun control in that country has got more and more lax due to pre existing Legislation being allowed to expire.

    It’s the same reason you’ll get idiots trying to pretend Las Vegas and Sandy Hook were false flags and carry with them people credulous enough to believe such outright lies. Because they know the first question asked after the shootings was how on earth do such people have access to these guns.

    Prescription drugs? What kind of medication can you take that stops you from being a sociopath?

    I have no problem if people feel the need to go hunting or go to silly gun shows to show off their killing tool but when they have to lock it up afterwards it’s not rational or sensible to argue that it’s necessary to deter home invaders.

    The vetting and regulation process is not what it should be, and a result most of these mass shootings are perpetrated by individuals who legally have every right to carry these weapons.

    There’s nothing we can do is a white flag to the lobbyists nothing more

    And for someone who abhors identity politics to try and pidgeon hole it into being a left-right political argument is the very essence of identity politics.

    I agree that it’s very unlikely you will ever be able to de-arm civilians and neither do I think it’s necessary. But it’s not unreasonable to posit that there is more that can be done to make sure that when the wrong kind of people get hold of guns it is outside of the law and they can be prevented from turning human beings into a form of blood sport.
    Last edited by Herbert_Chapman's_Zombie; 01-11-2017 at 01:40 PM.

  3. #23343
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    People are twisted and corrupted, I'd say. But that's by design. The only difference between the east and the west is the religion of money, which replaced traditional religion. When you create societies that are almost exclusively focused on the acquisition of wealth you are going to get a very fucked up society filled with very fucked up people. Examine any and every aspect of our lives and you'll see there is a monetary equation involved, either directly or indirectly. Money can't buy me love, but it sure is needed to buy the time to love. Without it, you hardly encounter your fellow man in any true respect. Which is why there is a vehement kickback against the likes of our board at Arsenal. They're turning our escape into a fucking money thing too.

    You can't dip into chaos and remove a small piece of the chaos and expect the chaos to dissipate. That's what this gun control nonsense is all about. More laws for criminals to ignore. More restrictions and paperwork and invasions of privacy and trampling of liberty. Gun controls laws will only constraint the law abiding. So they are 100% pointless and this is confirmed when we see that some of the states with the strictest laws have the the highest number of incidents. But you go after the fuckers who accumulate vast wealth and unlimited power from flogging these guns all over the place with virtually no safeguards and then you are really tackling the problems.

    Going back to the recent release of classified files related to the JFK assassination, we know what happens to people (even presidents) who try to tackle the problems instead of the symptoms. It'll take a very brave man to make a difference, so instead people skirt around the safe ground and beg the very bastards who cause all the problems to come up with a solution.
    I need to find those files on JFK and have read when I find the time.

    I hear you on the way society is set up. When desperate, people go to the extreme. But it's still depressing stuff to see people turn on themselves.

  4. #23344
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    Niallgel Farage

  5. #23345
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    Quote Originally Posted by Herbert_Chapman's_Zombie View Post
    You know full well that gun control in that country has got more and more lax due to pre existing Legislation being allowed to expire.

    It’s the same reason you’ll get idiots trying to pretend Las Vegas and Sandy Hook were false flags and carry with them people credulous enough to believe such outright lies. Because they know the first question asked after the shootings was how on earth do such people have access to these guns.

    Prescription drugs? What kind of medication can you take that stops you from being a sociopath?

    I have no problem if people feel the need to go hunting or go to silly gun shows to show off their killing tool but when they have to lock it up afterwards it’s not rational or sensible to argue that it’s necessary to deter home invaders.

    The vetting and regulation process is not what it should be, and a result most of these mass shootings are perpetrated by individuals who legally have every right to carry these weapons.

    There’s nothing we can do is a white flag to the lobbyists nothing more
    My argument is the opposite of - there's nothing we can do. As already explained weeks ago, the Vegas shooter broke just about every law in the book. Criminals often do that. Prescription drugs? Most of the shooters are on them. A third of America's kids are on some form of medication. That's around a quarter million times more casualties than Vegas. 65% of gun deaths are suicides - I wonder if there is any correlation? A small percentage is suicide by cop, which is where it gets particularly nasty. And that largest amount of gun deaths, by far, relate to hired government thugs operating abroad and killing civilians.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  6. #23346

  7. #23347
    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    My argument is the opposite of - there's nothing we can do. As already explained weeks ago, the Vegas shooter broke just about every law in the book. Criminals often do that. Prescription drugs? Most of the shooters are on them. A third of America's kids are on some form of medication. That's around a quarter million times more casualties than Vegas. 65% of gun deaths are suicides - I wonder if there is any correlation? A small percentage is suicide by cop, which is where it gets particularly nasty. And that largest amount of gun deaths, by far, relate to hired government thugs operating abroad and killing civilians.
    Broke every law in the book apart from how he acquired the Weapons he used to slaughter people like he was playing a first person shoot em up game.

  8. #23348
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    Quote Originally Posted by Herbert_Chapman's_Zombie View Post
    Broke every law in the book apart from how he acquired the Weapons he used to slaughter people like he was playing a first person shoot em up game.
    Oh come on. If you are going to treat the whole, I smuggled an arsenal into the mob's hotel, plot as credible then sure, if we ignore all the laws he broke and focus on the laws he didn't break, and ignore the fact the weapons weren't bought in that condition and were modified, there definitely needs to be stricter control on everyone bar the warmongering government.
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  9. #23349
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Doubling down I see. But not explaining WHY it is unreasonable to discuss immigration control when an immigrant and allegedly a terrorist goes on the rampage.


    I don't think you knew that detail when you kicked this off this morning. That's my guess.
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  10. #23350
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    What about the fuzziness of the investigation in Vegas? Does that concern you?
    "We" have a president?
    Yes, we the world. What happens in the US does quite often affect the rest of the world.
    And how do you know he can't think logically? He's one of the foremost businessmen who because a president, so how illogical is he really? And who's telling you he's illogical? The entirely discredited left wing media that has an agenda so obvious it has long since given up the pretence of being an objective observer and reporter of fact?
    OK, firstly...foremost businessman? Really? He has had a load of bankruptcies, he inherited his wealth and some estimate that had he just left the money invested he'd be better off now than he is.
    Secondly, how has the left wing media been "entirely discredited"? You just stating things doesn't make it so.
    Thirdly how do I know he is illogical? Have you read his tweets? Of seen videos of him talking? That's how.
    Did you read any of the declassified JFK documents? Did they clue you in any on how the world actually works? Not that any of this isn't blatant and obvious, but for the doubting Thomas crowd who need to see the holes, well go ahead and take a look. Are any of your assumptions shattered yet or do you intend to persist?
    I didn't read the documents themselves but I read some of the reports on what they contain. As always in these sorts of debates you are maddeningly vague. You hint at knowing better than me but say nothing of substance.
    What do you mean. Some evasive answer like "I'm not going to spoon feed you" isn't going to cut it, if you have something to say then say it plainly.

    All these conspiracy theories Letters, and it turns out the fluffy little world related by the legacy media is the biggest conspiracy of the lot. This is where you are getting your news from. Drip, drip, drip, and this is why you can so rapidly associate a vehicle and a paintball gun with gun control. The trigger fires and the agenda flows on autopilot.
    All meaningless puff as usual. Where do YOU get your news from? And what makes your sources credible and accurate?

    So tell me, just why was it so illogical of Trump to tweet about immigration control following the incident in New York? Isn't it actually the most pertinent of issues?
    Actually, that is not in itself illogical. If he feels that a reaction is needed to combat Islamic terrorism then not in itself unreasonable. I don't think his policies will fix the problem but that's a different argument.
    What is illogical is the contrast between his belief that Islamic terrorism is "a problem" which needs immediate action and that gun violence is not something which needs to be addressed right now.
    Given that the Las Vegas incident affected a lot more people than this one, and there are constant gun massacres in the US and terrorist attacks relatively rare, that contrast is illogical. I don't see how the questions about ISIS are relevant here, I'm talking about his reaction to these two individual incidents.

    I'll tell you what's illogical. To take one piece of a million piece puzzle and formulate public policy on the back of it. That why it's not the time for gun control. Because there is so, so much more to first be identified, addressed and corrected. Criminals in government who prop up the very companies that flood the planet with weapons, for a start. And criminals from the supposed left and the supposed right who help these companies start their wars. Millions are being killed in those wars btw.
    Why is there a wrong time for gun control? There is a clear problem in America, it needs addressing. The fact that there are other problems, yes arguably bigger problems, is neither here nor there.
    It doesn't have to be a choice.

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