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Thread: "Currants Bw..."

  1. #24111
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    His list of seemingly impossible achievements is remarkable. Mainstream media destroyed, the pedophiles routed, the CIA and the FBI in collapse, the climate change scam cut off at the knees, the Saudis at heel, the Clinton/ Bush gang's financing throttled, the UN slapped down, NATO halted, the globalist trade deals smashed and their slush funds drained, the Chinese exposed and their trade war in retreat and now the groundwork being laid for an all out assault on human trafficking. All in one year.
    Yes. All of that has definitely happened.

  2. #24112
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    Quote Originally Posted by Globalgunner View Post
    I think you may be misreading NQ`s mindset on the last election. It was simply: ABC: Anybody but Clinton. On this i was wholly in support of him. However there is no doubt that trump is wholly unsuitable to be a local councillor, talk less of being POTUS. A real dotard.
    However I am sure that there are enough sensible people around him to ensure he cant do anything stupid. Im sure the so called football that follows him around with the nuclear codes is a dummy. He probably sleeps with it by his pillows and opens it up at night, looking at the shiny red button asking himself " Now what would really happens if I press this button?". A real life "I am Groot".

    On the Iran are certainly right, same old tricks they started in Ukraine. Same way Venezuela is broke despite having all the oil in the world under its feet.
    Don't view the US government as a see of agencies commanded by Trump. Trump has very little command at this time. For example, his cooperation with the Russians in Syria and the resulting rout of ISIS - well the CIA has started running money and weapons back into the region. Totally rogue. We're watching a coup attempt in the US. It's blatant, in the open and the only reason we aren't speaking about it is because the vermin running the coup control the legacy media.

    The scariest part of all of this is the realisation the people running this global show, the politicians and the corporate pirates and the "experts" and the so-called scientists and academics are all hopelessly compromised and their apparently impressive posturing is purely a creation of legacy media. They are small people, puffed up by propaganda. Like me and you, suddenly given power and having a falling out. The vision isn't there, the brains aren't there, the good intentions were never there. It's all an illusion. Clinton was just the next chapter in what was supposed to be a never ending fantasy. That's why they hate Trump. Because he's shown them up for what they are, without for even a minute trying to claim he's personally superior. His tweets are hilarious. He's literally saying, people, this is what it's really like in this place. Your masters are in no way superior. And (so far) they can't stop him. And (so far) all the violence, hatred, racism, division, lies, corruption and the dark and vile stuff that is starting to see the light of day has all come from the costumed and media bloated "progressives" who we can now see unmasked and in their true characters. Some people could see it beforehand, now many others can see it too. It's a very good thing. Admittedly a bit like chemotherapy fighting a cancer, neither is desirable. The patient might still die, but it's no longer assured.
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  3. #24113
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Yes. All of that has definitely happened.
    It's funny because he's achieved nothing.
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  4. #24114
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Yes. All of that has definitely happened.
    How would you know? You think what you see in the media is a true reflection of the world around you. Don't you? Each opinion piece. Each "analysis". Each infographic that lays it all out for you. The good guys versus the bad guys. That's your world.

    And yet, the result of all this truth and information that you are so confident of is what? One day you'll be able to look at the world for what it is rather than what you have been told it is. And when you see it, then you'll realise the full extent of the lies you have been swallowing.

    People like you are the worst. I say it in a non-aggressive, sad way. You understand nothing. Believe everything stuffed under your nose. In return for what? The roof over your head, the car, the job? The food and the holiday? "Normal" life? Mr Christian?

    Well a third of the world has to starve and be blown to bits for your carefully focused comforts. Comforts you could have anyway if you had the guts to open your eyes, see that the world really is mismanaged by a very small group of seriously fucked up individuals, and do some of that Christian stuff and stand up and say with conviction, it's wrong and you won't tolerate it.

    Instead you piss on the people who do stand up.

    It's very sad.
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  5. #24115
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    Quote Originally Posted by GP View Post
    It's funny because he's achieved nothing.
    Nothing that you could identify. I mean, how could you? You wouldn't know where to begin.
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  6. #24116
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    Can 2018 be the year we bring some sanity back to the world?

  7. #24117
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dumbledore View Post
    Can 2018 be the year we bring some sanity back to the world?
    Yes. It CAN be that. But it's 50/50. This is the closest we've ever been. 50/50.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  8. #24118
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    Hopefully 2018 is the year where justice is served any Trump is locked up forever.

    The most corrupt, murderous president the world has ever seen.
    NOTE: The location of this post has been moved and the thread title (which was previously Wenger is Leaving) has been manipulated by a notorious pro-Wenger moderator. What was previously a message that contained no profanity and made a comment on a real life event has now been manipulated by a deliberately provocative title. An old and crude propaganda and censorship technique.

  9. #24119
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    I didn't think Trump was serious when this all began, I suspected it was another establishment ploy and misdirection and we'd been sold another lemon dressed up as a revolution. I admit, I was very wrong. Trump, and the people behind him, appear to be the real deal. His list of seemingly impossible achievements is remarkable. Mainstream media destroyed, the pedophiles routed, the CIA and the FBI in collapse, the climate change scam cut off at the knees, the Saudis at heel, the Clinton/ Bush gang's financing throttled, the UN slapped down, NATO halted, the globalist trade deals smashed and their slush funds drained, the Chinese exposed and their trade war in retreat and now the groundwork being laid for an all out assault on human trafficking. All in one year.

    It's quite astonishing really. Still difficult to say who's behind all this, maybe it really is just a bunch of pissed off patriots who have had enough of the globalist bullshit. It would be nice to think that, but probably wishful thinking. More likely out with the old crooks and in with the new, but it doesn't really matter either way. The status quo has been annihilated. What has been exposed cannot be hidden again. Half the population has seen. The other half will never see, but they will follow along when instructed, as usual.

    Didn't see his threat to nuke Korea. If he actually said it, and it's not the thousandth piece of fake news from the dying legacy media, he's speaking to the Koreans, not CNN viewers. In a language they understand. No problems there, Korea threatens it all the time. The US doesn't need nukes to take out Korean's missiles. It'll be done conventionally, probably soon because the globalists have accelerated the transfer of technology via the Ukraine.

    As for Iran - that's real. Courageous Iranians taking to the streets, demanding representation and liberty from medieval dictatorship. It's neither the globalists nor the Trump administration running that one. But Trump should get in there and lend as much political support as he can. Russia will be the main beneficiary of the revolution if it succeeds, not the US.

    2018 is going to be historic by any measure, one way or the other.
    Doubling down, I see. No point in taking this debate any further because you'll continue to dig your heels in.

    Saudi's at heel. You've lost me on that one. A record breaking arms deal whilst helping to wipe out their that Trump's in charge you actually believe this Iranian 'uprising' is genuine? Please. How convenient. I won't even start on the whole tax thing. You have lost your way.

  10. #24120
    The North Korea thing is just a big nothing

    Very similar mentality between Kim Jong Un and Trump, both are trying to play the strong leader. The survival of the Kim dynasty is based upon constant reassertion of their military strength and Trumps grandstanding plays into their hands of projecting the perception of the evil imperialist Americans. And Trumps bravado and machismo proves to his rabid base that he’s finally standing up to the DPRK, when in fact any sanctions against the state as always have to go through China.

    I’ll give that bloated oaf credit where it’s true, what he said on New Year’s Day about Pakistan was absolutely correct, though of course like with 95% of what he says I don’t expect any substantive action to come from it.

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