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Thread: Coronavirus Pandemic

  1. #2901
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    I know. It's one of your go to tactics to avoid having to make an argument.
    Obviously you've failed to engage with anything in the video, but you did call his video propaganda and now you are calling him "poorly informed".
    Care to explain why it's propaganda and what his motive is? And why is he poorly informed?

    No. Of course you won't. Because you just say these things. Anything which disagrees with your little world view has to be dismissed, no thought is needed, no attempt to engage with the issues. Classic conspiracy theory mindset as always. Anything which don't conform with your world view is simply dismissed.
    See? Lying bastard. I've been talking about these things for months. Posts, articles, videos even film. But your job here is to pretend none of it exists and that *I'M* the one who won't talk about it. Reset, ignore everything else and let's talk about, and ONLY talk about, your bullshit video that provides an absolutely childish assessment of the science.

    FYI, if you really want to begin to understand any of this (LOL, as if) you need to START with the HIV crisis and ensuing scientific war that occurred thereafter. Being kind here - cluing you in, even though you are a lying bastard.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  2. #2902
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Some pretty good analysis from the BBC
    That's clever, they must have hired a professional.

    Technique here is fairly simple, but always effective. 5 points. Points 1-4 are loss leaders because everyone has figured them out anyway. Point 5 is the kicker. That's the one you spin to hell, once points 1-4 bait the hook. Then off we go again for another ride in the opposite direction. Why are so many young people BEING INFECTED? We could argue that one for months, and that's the whole point. Provided we don't look at the testing regime or ever, ever say that word that shall never be said.

    Another is that more of the cases are among younger people, who are less likely to become very ill.
    It's slipped past in such a reasonable and inquisitive manner. LOL. More amusing now than dangerous because I guess the body of people who have figured out the obvious will never trust these bastards again, on anything, whereas those who (for many reasons) place trust in this organisation will never really question what is being said, or set it against science that was established and never in dispute just a few short months ago.

    Good stuff. Better than the desperate and obvious shit being put out by the left in the US. We do it better in the UK.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  3. #2903
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ollie the Optimist View Post
    These new rules are a joke.

    How can it be safe for us all to return to the office on crowded trains (incidentally today was first day I couldn’t get a seat on the tube at 8am) but if we have more then 6 friends over at one time, we are all going to die from the virus.

    Anyway, given teh government said yesterday in parliament that it was ok to break the law in a specific & limited way, i suspect many will now take the attitude to this nonsense
    Well, it's up to individuals now, isn't it. The state leers right into your face and says, one rule for me, a different rule for you. Do as I say, not as I do. If people want to go along with that (for the common good, of course) then there's no hope for them and probably none for us either. Because why would you ever think it's in the common good to have a state that behaves in such a manner. It's not just health at stake here, it's everything.

    I won't be locking down anything and I won't be submitting to their attempts at robbery in broad daylight either. Nor will I be getting sick, not with Covid anyway. Might die of liver failure I suppose, and then they could say WITH Covid.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  4. #2904
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    See? Lying bastard.
    And again. Just another lazy ad hom attack because you're not able to back up anything you say, other than posting videos from your little conspiracy theory friends - which I have wasted my time watching and I've responded to some.

    So now it's a "bullshit video that provides an absolutely childish assessment of the science"
    And that's all you've got. No argument. Nothing to back up what you're saying.
    Just a statement - you don't agree with it, it's not tin foil hatty enough for you, so it's wrong.

  5. #2905
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marc Overmars View Post
    Fuck sake. Had a party for my dads 60th organised next weekend.

    Still going ahead tbh. Bet one of my shitty neighbours grasses me up.
    Saw this:

    Members of the group can be fined if they fail to follow the rules. This will be £100 for a first offence, doubling on each further offence up to £3,200.
    If you're having a decent sized do it's only a couple of quid each!

  6. #2906
    They/Them GP's Avatar
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    Just tell them you're only breaking the law in a very specific and limited way.

    That seems to be ok.
    NOTE: The location of this post has been moved and the thread title (which was previously Wenger is Leaving) has been manipulated by a notorious pro-Wenger moderator. What was previously a message that contained no profanity and made a comment on a real life event has now been manipulated by a deliberately provocative title. An old and crude propaganda and censorship technique.

  7. #2907
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    And again. Just another lazy ad hom attack because you're not able to back up anything you say, other than posting videos from your little conspiracy theory friends - which I have wasted my time watching and I've responded to some.

    So now it's a "bullshit video that provides an absolutely childish assessment of the science"
    And that's all you've got. No argument. Nothing to back up what you're saying.
    Just a statement - you don't agree with it, it's not tin foil hatty enough for you, so it's wrong.
    Like a broken record - or more like a short circuited NPC.

    You fool nobody except yourself.

    However, as a further assistance (even though you deserve none because of your behaviour), here's how your little friend builds his argument.

    1. Find a straw man - the crazier the better.
    2. Burn the straw man with pretty much any fuel you want because you (unless you fuck it up) will not come across as crazy as him.
    3. Make your own argument by starting with the desired conclusion and then working backwards selecting whatever facts or data support that conclusion. Or just simplify, obfuscate, omit or outright lie if there aren't enough facts to get you from Z to A. "Nothing is 100% accurate!" Comedy gold.

    Watch the video again, see it in action.

    So I very generously advised you that to understand ANY of the issues properly you need to start at the beginning and work forwards. Go back and look at where the controversy about these so-called tests (they are not tests at all, btw, they are a lab process), and there's so much data, so much evidence and a complete historical record that it becomes trivial to understand why your little friend's take on things is so childishly simplistic. By design, of course. Because once you know how unreliable the "tests" are, every other bullshit piece of pseudo-science being pushed on us comes undone.

    I have posted up commentary, links, articles, videos, etc, etc, etc and IIRC you ignored just about all of them. Because you are ignorant of the facts and can't trace back from the desired conclusion to a credible argument based in science, you find a little friend to provide a Ladybird 1-3 year old easy reader version then you put your little icon at the end of it. No effort, no contribution from yourself (because you are wilfully ignorant of the facts), and then all that remains is to accuse me of doing what you just did.

    And in the next post you'll do it again. And again. And again. However many times necessary.

    This is why I commented on the propaganda aspect of the video. Because I'm not going around the houses with you again trying to convince you to educate yourself and conduct the research process from start to finish, rather than in reverse. We've had six months to get aquatinted with this virus. I've used the time to read. You've used it to post propaganda from the BBC. It is what it is.

    Now, because it's so important to you, I'll let you have the last word. Maybe just copy/ paste your last response to save even more time and effort?
    Für eure Sicherheit

  8. #2908
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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    there is some truth in some of the stuff you say and i for one don't have much faith in the tests tbh or in any vaccine.

    But you insist on quoting loony (to borrow some of your own language) conspiracy theorists, lumping each and every mainstream media source in together plus claiming that there is some global conspiracy which is all nonsense, plus exhibiting right-wing, borderline racist tendencies whilst claiming not to have a particular viewpoint (and while constantly slagging off 'lefties')

    if you just stuck to being a bit sceptical on the whole virus thing and cut out all the other crap you'd have a much easier time on here - though I suspect you prefer it this way

  9. #2909
    MOe Marc Overmars's Avatar
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    Hands. Face. Space.

  10. #2910
    They/Them GP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marc Overmars View Post
    Hands. Face. Space.

    arse. elbow.
    NOTE: The location of this post has been moved and the thread title (which was previously Wenger is Leaving) has been manipulated by a notorious pro-Wenger moderator. What was previously a message that contained no profanity and made a comment on a real life event has now been manipulated by a deliberately provocative title. An old and crude propaganda and censorship technique.

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