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  1. #29671
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    Also, was IndyRef really 2014?! Holy shit time goes quickly

  2. #29672
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post

    Also, was IndyRef really 2014?! Holy shit time goes quickly
    Indyref 2 next year, hopefully.

    Might move back if they get a fuckin grip of themselves and grow a set.

  3. #29673
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    I think any Scottish person wanting independence is a bit of a Jocky Wilson type in the head, didn’t brush their teeth because their auld Granny told them the Anglish poisoned the water.

    Of what possible value would it be, the Act of Union was an agreement of mutual benefit to both sides.

    Plus who the fuck would trust the SNP to govern, at least people know the Tories are crooks and degenerates…people seem to be in deep denial about this mob.

    Iain Blackford….what a cunt he is.

  4. #29674
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    I think any Scottish person wanting independence is a bit of a Jocky Wilson type in the head, didn’t brush their teeth because their auld Granny told them the Anglish poisoned the water.

    Of what possible value would it be, the Act of Union was an agreement of mutual benefit to both sides.

    Plus who the fuck would trust the SNP to govern, at least people know the Tories are crooks and degenerates…people seem to be in deep denial about this mob.

    Iain Blackford….what a cunt he is.
    Fuck sake.

    What self respecting country doesn't want to govern itself, ffs?
    The closer government is to the people the better it usually is.

    Wanting independence is absolutely fuck all to do with anti English sentiment. That's some weird narrative the English have invented for some reason.

    I'd have thought wanted out from under a dysfunctional, elitist, corrupt Westminster is something all rational people could get behind.

    As for what value... offhand, an immediate nuclear disarmament and hugely reduced military spend, no unelected house of lords, full democratic representation rather than being ruled at the mercy of neighbourly voting block 11 times larger than our own, full autonomy of fiscal and all other policy to realize the potential to elevating the country to levels similar to other northern European countries of similar size like Norway, Ireland Sweden, Finland et al who all outperform the so called UK on the almost every single metric that I care about.

    As for the act of union, learn your history. The act of union was signed by a tiny group of landowners who accepted bribes from the English government to do so. It was in no way shape or form beneficial to the Scottish people who had fought and died for centuries for their independence. An utterly absurd, uninformed assertion.

    And who the fuck cares about the SNP? It has absolutely fuck all to do with any party or any politician. Independence would enable scots to vote whoever they wanted directly into government which is impossibly as part of the so called UK where Scotland hasn't had a government it voted for in Westminster in decades and has only had the government it voted for a mere handful of times in over a century. It's a genuinely bizarre dynamic that doesn't serve the people of Scotland and would be deemed as entirely unconscionable by any other democratic country.

    As for the Jockey Wilson dig...I find that rather amusing as your post paints you as a stereotypical English gammon cunt.

  5. #29675
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    I’m sorry but it is absolutely Anti English sentiment, it’s the very driving force behind independence and your invective in your response can barely conceal it. Anti Unionist sentiments have only fully been at the forefront of Scottish politics for the last decade. The SNP regarded as they always should have been, an afterthought.

    In terms of political representation Wales is in the same predicament as Scotland, so are the majority of voters in England. Wales doesn’t want to secede because it knows it would be daft. Scotland on the other hand thinks it can suckle on the dried up teet of North Sea oil and gas.

    What have the SNP got to do with it, they are completely tied to independence. It’s like asking what have the Tories got to do with Brexit?

    Nuclear disarmament? Disarm what….the Trident submarines and their Arsenal belong to the UK military.

    A lot of the Nordic countries you’ve envisaged Scotland to become like are either in the EU or belong to the single market, good luck getting into the EU or even the EEA (which would be funny if as a result of that you managed to erect a hard border between yourselves and your largest trading partner)

    I think Scotland should be allowed as many Indy refs as it likes, I considerably doubt The result will be any different than in 2014. The Scots see for themselves how bad things are with the SNP in charge, why give them even more power.

  6. #29676
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    I should clarify that I love Scotland I think it’s a great country (with the exception of Glasgow which is a sectarian shit hole, but there’s just as many ropey places in England) and I have no issue with the Scottish people. But as my Scottish Cousin say of those who want independence it’s harder to work out what they have fewer of - teeth or brain cells.

  7. #29677
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    I’m sorry but it is absolutely Anti English sentiment, it’s the very driving force behind independence and your invective in your response can barely conceal it. Anti Unionist sentiments have only fully been at the forefront of Scottish politics for the last decade. The SNP regarded as they always should have been, an afterthought.

    In terms of political representation Wales is in the same predicament as Scotland, so are the majority of voters in England. Wales doesn’t want to secede because it knows it would be daft. Scotland on the other hand thinks it can suckle on the dried up teet of North Sea oil and gas.

    What have the SNP got to do with it, they are completely tied to independence. It’s like asking what have the Tories got to do with Brexit?

    Nuclear disarmament? Disarm what….the Trident submarines and their Arsenal belong to the UK military.

    A lot of the Nordic countries you’ve envisaged Scotland to become like are either in the EU or belong to the single market, good luck getting into the EU or even the EEA (which would be funny if as a result of that you managed to erect a hard border between yourselves and your largest trading partner)

    I think Scotland should be allowed as many Indy refs as it likes, I considerably doubt The result will be any different than in 2014. The Scots see for themselves how bad things are with the SNP in charge, why give them even more power.
    Fuck me.

    Stupidity beyond reasoning.

    Who am I to speak on behalf of 45% of a nation and 53% of Scottish people who voted Yes. If they all voted due to anti English sentiment I can only assume that the 50 odd % of English who voted for Brexit did so due to anti European sentiment.

    Just startling ignorance.

    I mean I could pick holes in the rest of your posts...10 years of snp, party politics and national debate, the EU, etc...all just the usual baseless, iazy, uninformed nonsense from a typical Gammon.

    Been done to death, man.

    Both votes were merely voting to leave a political union.

    Two posts before north sea oil anaw
    Last edited by mandela8; 22-06-2022 at 11:24 PM.

  8. #29678
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    I should clarify that I love Scotland I think it’s a great country (with the exception of Glasgow which is a sectarian shit hole, but there’s just as many ropey places in England) and I have no issue with the Scottish people. But as my Scottish Cousin say of those who want independence it’s harder to work out what they have fewer of - teeth or brain cells.
    Your cousin sounds like a paedophile.

  9. #29679
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    I love how easily it was to wind you up about this

    Seriously though, I do think Independence would be terrible for Scotland. And I think Scots are generally more fed up of being seen as the poor relation rather than this fervour to leave the Union. A lot of arrogant unionists have stated that the issue started with devolution but I think devolution is the minimum Scotland should have. I think the only way to preserve the Union would be to federalise it, and that would mean creating devolved regions within England as well.

    I also seriously do think you cannot seperate the SNP from Independence and the changes they’ve brought in makes me worry for Scotland under their tender ministrations. Westminster has been arrogant and dismissive of Scotland and the Tories using Scotland as the Guinea pig for the Poll tax was a piss take.

    But the SNP like to blame Westminster for its failings on the NHS, Education and policing (removing the county constabularies and creating one unified police Scotland has been utterly disastrous)

    If Scottish people want to stand on their own two feet as it were so be it, but I think it’s more about as you say wanting to address political representation issues.

  10. #29680
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    I don't care about Scottish Independence. As in, if they want it then whatevz.
    But they absolutely have a case for Indyref 2 after Brexit. As a country they have been dragged out of the EU because of the Union, as a country they wanted to remain. That alone gives them a case to ask the question again.

    Interestingly, someone who used to be at my church who has Scottish heritage - and is up there now - was very much against independence but he was for Brexit. Never quite understood that, always seemed like a contradiction.

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