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Thread: "Currants Bw..."

  1. #30621
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    I’m not pisstaking, I’m telling you…I don’t have the time or inclination to read your multi paragraph posts, I’m not mocking you for writing them I’m just suggesting you might be better saving how ever long it takes for you to construct them. However what I do understand is that it’s hypocrisy on my part when I’m prone to long posts myself, but if I’m honest with myself it’s largely for my own benefit as I like to get my thoughts down in writing.

    My argument in respect of how you regard Letters is that he has it in his power to remove you from this site, and it’s a power I would exercise in his position were I a mod and you’d spoken to me the way you’d spoken to him. Which no doubt in your view is justified, but to me just as I say seems overly aggressive, adds nothing to your argument and apart from anything else why should I go out of my way to earn the respect of someone who throws insults at me. It’s beyond me why he even responds to you, I insult that Scottish fella but in reality he’s the smart one (despite his quixotic political and footballing opinions) for refusing to engage.

    Plus ultimately what’s your end game here? Do you have any sincere hope of Letters agreeing with your point of view (I fail to see why you’d care unless his failure to acquiesce is another key stone towards legalising Paedophilia…now just for the exclusion of doubt that is me taking the piss). It feels like a lot of unnecessary energy expended on requiring us to see the rightness of your truth telling.

    If you believe nay know what you’re saying is fact, of what matter is it that you’re the only one here that knows it
    My end game is my start game. If I, and a few others, don't interject then it's all on rails. Non-thinkers are not, by default, unintelligent. It's possible they could be sparked back into thought. I don't, for a second, believe I can turn the mob. But maybe I can sow seeds that enable the mob to turn themselves and then celebrate their triumph. As I say, I can't wait to be told by Letters, "I told you so", as he recites my argument back to me verbatim.

    But wind it forward. I'm not playing his game any more. So there's nothing for you to worry about. My mistake - engaging with him at all. But I'll rest easy, come the day, when I know I tried another way when only the inevitable way was realistic. Still a waste of my time though, I'll hold my hands up to that. And as for you equating his "power" to ban me from an internet forum to the actual topics we discussed, I don't get it. So what if he did ban me? Are the points I raised suddenly less valid? Yeah, sure, it'd be easier for him. But don't forget, he has an act to uphold. Having people come in and advocate on his behalf is the exact payoff he's seeking. He gets to do all his shit but come out smelling of the roses you are planting.

    In the end time will tell all. But don't forget who warned you and never forget who told you all was well and there's nothing to worry about. Good vs evil.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  2. #30622
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    My end game is my start game. If I, and a few others, don't interject then it's all on rails. Non-thinkers are not, by default, unintelligent. It's possible they could be sparked back into thought. I don't, for a second, believe I can turn the mob. But maybe I can sow seeds that enable the mob to turn themselves and then celebrate their triumph. As I say, I can't wait to be told by Letters, "I told you so", as he recites my argument back to me verbatim.

    But wind it forward. I'm not playing his game any more. So there's nothing for you to worry about. My mistake - engaging with him at all. But I'll rest easy, come the day, when I know I tried another way when only the inevitable way was realistic. Still a waste of my time though, I'll hold my hands up to that. And as for you equating his "power" to ban me from an internet forum to the actual topics we discussed, I don't get it. So what if he did ban me? Are the points I raised suddenly less valid? Yeah, sure, it'd be easier for him. But don't forget, he has an act to uphold. Having people come in and advocate on his behalf is the exact payoff he's seeking. He gets to do all his shit but come out smelling of the roses you are planting.

    In the end time will tell all. But don't forget who warned you and never forget who told you all was well and there's nothing to worry about. Good vs evil.
    I can’t help but feel the art of persuasion eludes you

    It seems to me that if you didn’t want to come here you wouldn’t, ergo if you were banned you wouldn’t be able to come here. Would that consequence be large to you? Quite probably not but given you come here of your own volition I’m assuming given the choice of being able to use this site or not being able to use this site you might chose the former.

    But then again it may seem to you that the condition for you remaining might prove too high a price (no longer being able to be rude to someone that it appears only to you to be the most effective way of communicating with them)

    Now it’s been ten or so years since you graced us with your truth, do you feel you’ve made any headway.

  3. #30623
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    I can’t help but feel the art of persuasion eludes you

    It seems to me that if you didn’t want to come here you wouldn’t, ergo if you were banned you wouldn’t be able to come here. Would that consequence be large to you? Quite probably not but given you come here of your own volition I’m assuming given the choice of being able to use this site or not being able to use this site you might chose the former.

    But then again it may seem to you that the condition for you remaining might prove too high a price (no longer being able to be rude to someone that it appears only to you to be the most effective way of communicating with them)

    Now it’s been ten or so years since you graced us with your truth, do you feel you’ve made any headway.
    Yes, a massive amount. Bear in mind, these drones wouldn't have argued vociferously in defence of tyranny if somebody hadn't brought it up. They would have just meandered on. You have to plant a seed to grow something. These people have talked bout stuff they would never have dreamed of talking about. You've seen Letters defend PCR "tests" FFS. Come on now, is he ever going to be pushed to that if everyone is just nodding along?

    I come here once every couple of months dude. Your point is painfully stretched but you are determined to hang on to it. This is a hangover from a time when life was better. Same faces, very different circumstance, most participants well an truly exposed since covid. I pop in much in the same way as I;d pause to examine a tank full of fish. Might even feed the bastards. But I'm not going to spend all day at it.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  4. #30624
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    TLDR; Nostalgia
    Für eure Sicherheit

  5. #30625
    Pureblood The Wengerbabies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Well…sort of. But not deliberately.
    He started the place, I joined as one of the 606 refugees.
    He made me mod because I’m so sensible and clever. Then he made me admin as back then I used to do more technical stuff and was conversant enough with HTML and JavaScript to do stuff (remember the floaty menu? )
    Then at some point he left - I can’t begin to remember why which sort of left me as the de facto owner of the place. I think technically the domain might still be registered to Joel’s wife or something, but it’s registered to my email address so I’m the de facto owner, for what that’s worth.
    Don't I remember him being pissed when he found out you moved the site here from invision?

  6. #30626
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Wengerbabies View Post
    Don't I remember him being pissed when he found out you moved the site here from invision?
    I don’t know what you remember!
    I don’t remember that, I thought he was long gone by then.
    I don’t even remember why he left.

  7. #30627
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Yes, a massive amount. Bear in mind, these drones wouldn't have argued vociferously in defence of tyranny if somebody hadn't brought it up. They would have just meandered on. You have to plant a seed to grow something. These people have talked bout stuff they would never have dreamed of talking about. You've seen Letters defend PCR "tests" FFS. Come on now, is he ever going to be pushed to that if everyone is just nodding along?

    I come here once every couple of months dude. Your point is painfully stretched but you are determined to hang on to it. This is a hangover from a time when life was better. Same faces, very different circumstance, most participants well an truly exposed since covid. I pop in much in the same way as I;d pause to examine a tank full of fish. Might even feed the bastards. But I'm not going to spend all day at it.
    I would be fascinated to know how many people who come here feel that you’ve influenced their outlook at all.

    It’s not exactly like you’re an invisible guiding hand are you, so if people came under your influence they’d be pretty aware of it.

  8. #30628
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    It's easy. For me.
    OK, well demonstrate it then. Just saying you're good at something isn't good enough.
    I've pointed out all the things you got wrong in October 2020. Multiple times. Not once have you taken a moment to acknowledge you were wrong or consider why.
    I've even explained why you were wrong.
    And yet here you are more than 2 years later with the army not on our streets and marshall law not in effect - y'know, the thing they were "gearing up for" in October 2020.
    No checkpoints, no curfews, no vaccine mandates. And yet here you are still doubling down, insisting you're the one who knows What's Going On™ and claiming you find introspection easy?
    Alright, dude...

    Impossible for you because of what you are.
    You don't know what or who I am .
    You repeatedly demonstrate on here how poor you are at discerning things.
    You're terrible at analysing data (the Yellow Card stuff, which literally says on the bottle not to use it for the purposes you used it for).
    You make predictions based on what the "available facts" point to. When those predictions fall flat you fail to acknowledge it rather than considering you might not be as good as you think at discerning what the available facts are and drawing conclusions from them.
    And you say stuff about me and others which just isn't true. A recent example, the "lol, ur thick" you did indirectly via HCZ. I mean, that's not true and I know it's not true because IQ is measurable.

    And here's the difference between us, or one of them. Early in the pandemic I did some analysis of our death stats compared with Italy. You picked me up on it, pointing out I hadn't accounted for population size. You were correct, so I acknowledged that and updated my analysis accordingly. Compare and contrast when I pick you up on the Yellow Card stuff - you didn't show your workings but you made claims based on it when the introduction explicitly says not to do this. And you don't give an inch, you just double down. And you have the temerity to call me dishonest.

    You seem to be one of those people who has a rock solid, but misplaced, confidence in your abilities. I've worked with people like that.
    One of our Polish team tried to use Event Sourcing for a purpose it really isn't meant for. I was sceptical, but I generally am about stuff I find new and scary. The rest of the team wanted to try it so fine, I conceded.
    It was a car crash. He was very clever, but not very pragmatic. Afterwards I heard he was going round at Polish seminars talking about the experience and saying what a success it had been. The reality is we basically had to rip everything he'd done up and start again because it just didn't work. Yet there he was going round saying how well it had all gone. My gut feel from your posts is you're a bit like that, but that level of self confidence is quite intoxicating so you've probably done quite well out of it.
    I may be wrong of course, but that's the sense I get.

    Again, the reason you're wrong about this stuff is because of your biases and worldview which verges on the paranoid. You claim you find introspection easy, but I see no evidence of you doing any.

  9. #30629
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    It’s beyond me why he even responds to you
    There's a few reasons.
    Firstly, this place is one of the things I do when slacking at work, so there's that.
    Secondly, I don't like to see bullshit go unchallenged.
    The insults, well they just make him look silly, not me.

  10. #30630
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    It seems the vaccine was designed to target 20-44 year olds.
    I wonder how it knows how old someone is.

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