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Thread: The Film Thread

  1. #3601
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    Quote Originally Posted by Delusions of Grandeur View Post
    This what I mean about Dr. Who. It’s a grey area if the character regenerates with a new body and new personality all the time.
    Out of 13 different Dr.Who incarnations, one is a woman. Meh. It’s nothing to get upset about really.
    It's not that grey, he's always been referred to as "he", as a TimeLORD, he's been established as a father and husband.
    I think it could well be a better show with the new incumbent so in itself not something to get too worked up about.
    But I think the underlying reasons for it are something to be concerned about.

  2. #3602
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Delusions of Grandeur View Post
    The social engineering program has been going on for a long time, NQ. But it's only now that you see it at work because it's not doing what you consider as normal.

    Really? How do you think anyone outside of being a white male has felt over the years?
    "Normal"? That's the whole point of social engineering, is it not? Creating the new normal, even when it directly contradicts the old normal. So, being familiar with the old engineering agendas, as you claim, I assume you also realise that for social engineering to be completely successful the targets of that engineering must believe their views and attitudes are generated from within? The alternative is to dictate, and that has been shown to be a less effective form of control in the long term.

    The question to you then. Why should the victims of prior engineering agendas be so vigorously criticised for adopting the new normals at varying rates? Wouldn't it be more useful and produce better results if the slower and less enlightened members of society, the thicko Brexit and Trump lot for example, were allowed to be indoctrinated at a pace that suited their limited cognitive abilities? We weren't all born geniuses.

    Eventually everyone will realise there are 97 genders, if only to get a bit of peace and quiet. Is it really necessary, or even helpful, to criticise certain segments of society as they come to terms with these new "realities" at their own pace?

    Surely the minority that directly benefits from this social engineering and control is smart enough and experienced enough by now to realise you can't rush these things? If anything, throwing around terms like racist or sexist act as a brake on the advent of the brave new world? And arguments such as, "Look at you! Stuck in your old ways that I engineered for you last time around. You dinosaur!" - are they really useful?

    I think a little less aggression and more loving and compassionate condescension is what will work best.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  3. #3603
    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    I wouldn't say it "really" upsets me.
    But it's all a bit silly.

    The reaction to the criticism of the Dr Who casting is mostly
    "Sexist! Can't you handle the idea of a female lead in a sci-fi series. I bet you think women shouldn't have the vote either" or "Why is the Doctor changing genders unrealistic when they time travel and fight aliens".
    NewsThump have been pushing both agendas. Tiresome.

    There is nothing sexist about thinking a male actor should be cast in a male role and a female actor in a female role.
    As for realism, of course everything about Dr Who is unrealistic but again, it misses the point. A friend posted something to me about this on FB, the start of the article he posted was:

    But that's bullshit. No they haven't. The Doctor is male. There has NEVER been any ambiguity about that, never speculation about whether the next doctor would be female. Well, not till recently. Not till the squeal of political correctness got so loud that they had to do this. People saying "it's fiction, get over it!" are also missing the point. Yes, it's fiction but fiction should still have its own internal, consistent logic.

    Had the character been established from the start as one which could change gender then it would be different, and actually that would arguably make it a more interesting character. But he hasn't, and that's why this smacks of political correctness and tokenism and it's that which rankles.
    Whilst I agree with you that Doctor Who is a male character. It is not in anyway a recent thing to suggest that a woman could take the part, like I say the speculation about it or clamour for it is older than me. Doubtless because of social media that has been more amplified. But In fact ever since the wife of your bezza mate Richard Dawkins was palling around with Tom Baker it's become a question that's been asked.

    What I find interesting is the potential reaction if they recast a male in three or four years time when Jodie What's her face leaves to avoid typecasting.

  4. #3604
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    "Normal"? That's the whole point of social engineering, is it not? Creating the new normal, even when it directly contradicts the old normal. So, being familiar with the old engineering agendas, as you claim, I assume you also realise that for social engineering to be completely successful the targets of that engineering must believe their views and attitudes are generated from within? The alternative is to dictate, and that has been shown to be a less effective form of control in the long term.

    The question to you then. Why should the victims of prior engineering agendas be so vigorously criticised for adopting the new normals at varying rates? Wouldn't it be more useful and produce better results if the slower and less enlightened members of society, the thicko Brexit and Trump lot for example, were allowed to be indoctrinated at a pace that suited their limited cognitive abilities? We weren't all born geniuses.

    Eventually everyone will realise there are 97 genders, if only to get a bit of peace and quiet. Is it really necessary, or even helpful, to criticise certain segments of society as they come to terms with these new "realities" at their own pace?

    Surely the minority that directly benefits from this social engineering and control is smart enough and experienced enough by now to realise you can't rush these things? If anything, throwing around terms like racist or sexist act as a brake on the advent of the brave new world? And arguments such as, "Look at you! Stuck in your old ways that I engineered for you last time around. You dinosaur!" - are they really useful?

    I think a little less aggression and more loving and compassionate condescension is what will work best.
    To that point, have you spoken openly about this to the women in your life? Are you having this sort of open conversation? Mother, wife/girlfriend, daughter, niece, aunt...whatever?

    A stranger on the internet can't really provide that much perspective. Do people know how you think or is this only something that comes out on the net or GW?

    Same question applies to Letters.

  5. #3605
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    It's not that grey, he's always been referred to as "he", as a TimeLORD, he's been established as a father and husband.
    I think it could well be a better show with the new incumbent so in itself not something to get too worked up about.
    But I think the underlying reasons for it are something to be concerned about.
    Social justice warriors break down barriers. That's just the way it is. They spot a character that has been male for 50 years. Well there's a wrong that needs to be righted. A social injustice if ever there was one. The integrity of character, the developed and long established storyline, these are based in fiction and subject to change. Hell, we have 98 genders now so even biology is subject to radical whimsy. The harm this Doctor character must have done to females all these years. It's incalculable.

    Meanwhile, social justice warriors are wearing burkas to show their solidarity for progressive Muslims.

    Yes. These people are fucking crazy. But they are doing it in the name of justice. Just the convenient justices that don't require them to get their arses out of their chairs. Twitteresque injustices, if you like.

    Women having their genitals mutilated and being treated like slaves. Well that's a grey area. Let's not be too hasty in jumping to conclusions with that stuff.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  6. #3606
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    Quote Originally Posted by Delusions of Grandeur View Post
    To that point, have you spoken openly about this to the women in your life? Are you having this sort of open conversation? Mother, wife/girlfriend, daughter, niece, aunt...whatever?

    A stranger on the internet can't really provide that much perspective. Do people know how you think or is this only something that comes out on the net or GW?

    Same question applies to Letters.
    Spoken about this shit to women? I have to say, I don't know many women who are crazed enough to worry about such things. They are busy getting on with their lives and giving anyone, male or otherwise, a hard time in return if they discriminate against them for any reason. I guess.

    This is something the virtue patrol just don't get. The only time people roll their eyes in consideration of this bullshit is when some minority fanatic is crowing about their latest triumph. None of their antics are ever discussed seriously because these people are all about turning over convention in the most confrontational manner. They are a parody, but an insidious one nonetheless. The only reason they gain any ground is because those social engineers you mentioned last time have found the ultimate in useful idiocy.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  7. #3607
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    Quote Originally Posted by Delusions of Grandeur View Post
    To that point, have you spoken openly about this to the women in your life? Are you having this sort of open conversation? Mother, wife/girlfriend, daughter, niece, aunt...whatever?

    A stranger on the internet can't really provide that much perspective. Do people know how you think or is this only something that comes out on the net or GW?

    Same question applies to Letters.
    Spoken about what? The Dr Who thing or the more general PCness underlying it which concerns me?

  8. #3608
    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Social justice warriors break down barriers. That's just the way it is. They spot a character that has been male for 50 years. Well there's a wrong that needs to be righted. A social injustice if ever there was one. The integrity of character, the developed and long established storyline, these are based in fiction and subject to change. Hell, we have 98 genders now so even biology is subject to radical whimsy. The harm this Doctor character must have done to females all these years. It's incalculable.

    Meanwhile, social justice warriors are wearing burkas to show their solidarity for progressive Muslims.

    Yes. These people are fucking crazy. But they are doing it in the name of justice. Just the convenient justices that don't require them to get their arses out of their chairs. Twitteresque injustices, if you like.

    Women having their genitals mutilated and being treated like slaves. Well that's a grey area. Let's not be too hasty in jumping to conclusions with that stuff.
    Social justice Warriors are very unfortunate creatures

    The big problem they have is that all the big battles that made any sense were fought decades ago, and like Tony Benn it rankles with them that they themselves are hot disadvantaged and it makes them the most aggressive crusaders for fallacious causes.

    Usually on behalf of people whom they've never even bothered to ask whether they feel opressed, or they've invented minorities (it's called a mental Ilness, but people with mental illness don't act that irrationally).

    I hate it when these people are called Liberals, it's a debasement of the word. What is remotely Liberal about demanding conformity from others?.

    Call them what they are over privileged regressive left authoritarian gobshites

  9. #3609
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Spoken about this shit to women? I have to say, I don't know many women who are crazed enough to worry about such things. They are busy getting on with their lives and giving anyone, male or otherwise, a hard time in return if they discriminate against them for any reason. I guess.

    This is something the virtue patrol just don't get. The only time people roll their eyes in consideration of this bullshit is when some minority fanatic is crowing about their latest triumph. None of their antics are ever discussed seriously because these people are all about turning over convention in the most confrontational manner. They are a parody, but an insidious one nonetheless. The only reason they gain any ground is because those social engineers you mentioned last time have found the ultimate in useful idiocy.
    I take that as no.

    Nobody actually talking and just letting rip on the net is a problem. You're assuming none of the woman are concerned about this. Even if they aren't concerned, you clearly are since you make a point of it on here everyday. Do the people in your life know how you view things?

  10. #3610
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Spoken about what? The Dr Who thing or the more general PCness underlying it which concerns me?

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