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Thread: Non home grown

  1. #31
    MOe Marc Overmars's Avatar
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    The 2 points that seem have been speculated the most are that he went against Arteta’s pay cut instruction and his defence of the treatment of Chinese Muslims, which the club had to distance themselves from because of their business interests there. There was also a suggestion he gets appearance bonuses too, so that would explain why he’s left out altogether.

    The people who gave him this contract are no longer here. The guys who replaced them didn’t think he was worth it and have probably had him marked for a long time now, as getting rid of him frees up a lot of money that can be put to better use. There’s obviously been a huge falling out somewhere and I think Ozil has just decided to make life difficult for the club for the sake of it, by putting his personal issues above his career. He knows he can’t be touched legally as long as continues to turn up for training.

    It’s nothing to do with football IMO because you can’t look at our squad and think Ozil doesn’t have the ability to at least make the bench. It’s a sad and embarrassing mess for everyone involved and I’m sure when he does finally do one we’ll get the full story.

    That’s my take on it anyway.
    Last edited by Marc Overmars; 08-10-2020 at 01:40 PM.

  2. #32
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    I'd have had a degree of sympathy with the club, if the reasons you give are true. Bringing politics into the mix when you represent a global organisation isn't smart, even if it might be principled. That's not his role, that shouldn't be his focus. But that's nullified by Arsenal's decision to openly support a racist, marxist organisation and push it in everyone's face. They can't now criticise him for doing what they're doing themselves, to a much worse degree. And he was right about the pay-cuts, wasn't he? He asked the club to justify the demand. And now, with the club sacking non-playing staff while ponying up a likely mega-deal for Partey, Ozil has been vindicated again.

    If what you speculate is true, and it sounds plausible at least, seems to me Arsenal Football Club is one, giant, collective hypocrite. Do as we say, not as we do. Let us virtue signal while you pay for it.
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  3. #33
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    I can't wait until he leaves but that will be on the last day of his contract.

    He must have cost over 100 million if you add it all up and Wenger and Gazidis should be ashamed for letting his contract run down and then giving him a massive new one.

    I have never known such a pathetic footballer/man as Ozil, he is gutless, soulless, useless and he doesn't give a shit.

    What club would want him ?

    When he leaves it will be an incredibly good day, good riddance to a massive piece of shit.

  4. #34
    Member Globalgunner's Avatar
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    He is useless on the pitch as well as off it. In his mind he thinks he has nothing to prove but that is exactly the wrong thinking and why even at his best he was a 3rd tier player with Messi/Ronaldo being top tier. Players should have something to prove every minute of the playing day. Our indolent maestro thinks he can put in a 10 minute shift every match. Job done.
    He will be remembered by many as a money sucking leech with no integrity. Worst of all. He doesn't even want to play football any more. See what Mkhitaryan did. That is a professional. Fk Ozil
    Make 2mrw better than 2day

  5. #35
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Where are we getting all this from? Has Ozil said any of this? That he doesn't want to play football?

    We just heard Jack Wilshere's parting shots to WHU. He said he's been fit, he's been training, he's put the effort in but was never given a chance. Maybe that's just Jack's opinion. Maybe it's true. Maybe it's more complicated than that.

    Unless I've missed Ozil claiming he's done with football and wants to hang on for the money, which would of course be despicable, it seems weird he'd just toss it all in for a comfortable two years. Because if it's true, these are his last 2 years earning because no other club would risk it. Doesn't make sense to me.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  6. #36
    MOe Marc Overmars's Avatar
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    If he was bothered about playing he surely would have moved on by now? He must have been categorically told that he doesn’t have a future here, so why stick around like bad smell? It can only be to milk his contract because he knows this is as good as it’ll get, unless he goes to China or the Middle East.

    The lack of interest shown in him should tell us where his star lies. Everyone else must think he’s done too.

  7. #37
    Member Globalgunner's Avatar
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    Well it makes sense to Ozil. Is he agitating for a move? No. He wants to sit on his contract and pipe up occasionally with a few F.U's to his current employers. That's certainly not how to get on the playing roster
    Make 2mrw better than 2day

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gooner23 View Post
    The Ozil cult fans are convinced its a political decision based on his China comments.

    Personally I think its more likely he just isn't prepared to do what Arteta wants from all his players.

    Maybe our manager isn’t entirely happy with his output and effort given he earns 350k per week, how anyone can even find words to defend him is beyond me, he’s a con man, he’s even managed to dupe people into defending him, BMT.

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    So his offer to pay the dinosaur would fall in line with that thinking. The club has accepted the pay cuts, and then sacked the little guy. Ozil steps up and offers to pay the little guy, effectively taking a pay cut.

    I'd rather it was done Ozil's way tbf.
    Özil is employed by Arsenal Football club, why should he decide the financial strategy of the club? I mean he earns 350k per week to sit at home, I would have thought he’d keep his opinions to himself! 🤣

  10. #40
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by selassie View Post
    Özil is employed by Arsenal Football club, why should he decide the financial strategy of the club? I mean he earns 350k per week to sit at home, I would have thought he’d keep his opinions to himself! ��
    but (FFS) he doesn't choose to sit at home, it's Arteta that's not picking him

    Ozil would play every game if he was picked, but Arteta's clearly got the hump becuase Ozil can't be arsed running round traffic cones and why should he when he's got more talent in his little finger than 1,000 Xhakas?

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