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View Poll Results: Who did you/will you vote for?

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  • Conservatives

    5 23.81%
  • Labour

    11 52.38%
  • Liberal Democrats

    1 4.76%
  • Green

    1 4.76%
  • UKIP

    1 4.76%
  • SNP

    0 0%
  • None of the above...

    2 9.52%
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Thread: GW Exit Poll

  1. #391
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Emirates Gallactico View Post
    A free vote? That makes it ok then. Quit apologising for them.

    Should the Tories introduce a free vote on reintroducing slavery or committing genocide against the people of Scotland? No, because we know they're morally reprehensible things - it's no different here.

    As H_C_Z points out fox hunting (not pest control Ollie) is nothing but cruel animal torture just so some rich traditionalist country hicks can get their jollies on. It's abhorrent and I would have hoped that in the 21st century we would have progressed as a society to realise that. Unfortunately some people are stuck in the past and those people usually support Tory.

    Disappointed in NQ for supporting it tbh. Don't get your logic either: just because liberals can't stop every form of animal cruelty & human suffering that goes on they shouldn't at least try to stop some, especially if it's a major one that's sanctioned by the government?

    And unlike Paddy Ashdown, I'll actually eat my hat if they accomplish half of those.
    LOL I don't support fox hunting FFS!

    I'm with you, a bunch of twats galloping around showing the fox what-for. When the real shooting starts they enjoy the privileges of rank, safely tucked in the rear echelon.

    But it's still not the place of government to be the moral compass for society, especially considering the sort of fucks who get attracted to government.

    It's for individuals within a society to be responsible enough to find a common ground.

    Seems to me it's pretty sensible for a farmer to shoot a fox that's after his hen house. Also seems reasonable to let the toffs thunder around the place playing horsies if they want to. Surely modern technology could come up with something they could chase. Unless the blood is really so important.

    But I still go back to priorities. Shall we focus on preventing these toff cunts murdering brown kids first? And then move on to foxes?
    Für eure Sicherheit

  2. #392
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Emirates Gallactico View Post
    Should the Tories introduce a free vote on reintroducing slavery or committing genocide against the people of Scotland? No, because we know they're morally reprehensible things - it's no different here.
    You are seriously comparing:

    Fox Hunting
    Human Slavery


  3. #393
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Oh, and yes. A free vote does make it OK. If it was their overt agenda to re-legalize it or I thought it was in any way a priority for them then I'd have a problem with it. As it is, so what?
    Especially as it's an issue which, while I agree it should be banned, it didn't keep me up nights when it was legal.

  4. #394
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    You are seriously comparing:

    Fox Hunting
    Human Slavery

    I don't think he is and nor do you.

    Everyone already knows fox hunting is much higher up the priority list than the other two for our political establishment. The other two hardly get a mention, I suppose because it would be embarrassing to admit our nation's foreign policy continues to be murder and slavery.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  5. #395
    It's a slippery slope comparison for sure, but the fact is its a torturous form of Blood Sport that belongs to the annuls of history, and if you're prepared as a government to pave the way for its reintroduction, you have to wonder what limits they will go to?.
    Don't get me wrong I'm not one of these brain dead idiots like Laurie Penny who sees nothing wrong with defacing national monuments as the result of petulant temper tantrums. I don't think the Conservatives won because the electorate are callous, selfish idiots. I blame Labour and Ed Milliband for what happened, for failing to be a credible alternative. But I see the rhetoric of the Tory party and its supporters and how they see the world , and it's markedly different from how I see it.

  6. #396
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Herbert_Chapman's_Zombie View Post
    It's a slippery slope comparison for sure, but the fact is its a torturous form of Blood Sport that belongs to the annuls of history, and if you're prepared as a government to pave the way for its reintroduction, you have to wonder what limits they will go to?.
    Don't get me wrong I'm not one of these brain dead idiots like Laurie Penny who sees nothing wrong with defacing national monuments as the result of petulant temper tantrums. I don't think the Conservatives won because the electorate are callous, selfish idiots. I blame Labour and Ed Milliband for what happened, for failing to be a credible alternative. But I see the rhetoric of the Tory party and its supporters and how they see the world , and it's markedly different from how I see it.
    These things are distractions to keep the electorate fiddling on the fringes instead of confronting the fundamental issues that would naturally solve the minor stuff anyway.

    You tackle law and order, justice, social inequality (I don't mean socialism, I mean one set of rules applying to all), education, equitable taxation, the scope of government, the significance of regional politics, genuine representation, money, corporate welfare, etc, etc, and you can build a compassionate society that wouldn't entertain the idea of ripping apart a living creature for a laugh.

    But you ignore these things and set people against each other in a bitter economic struggle then fuck it, it's just a fucking fox and who cares?

    You need a compassionate environment for a compassionate majority. Our politicians work to build the opposite. There's the problem. And the majority lap it up, it all makes perfect sense. Criminal banks too big to fail, cash for honours, expenses fiddling, illegal wars, paedophilia, the corporate welfare bonanza - all completely sane and rational. Just the way things are, nothing can be done about it.

    Of course, let's take these pressing moral issues and cram them into weighty debates on fox hunting and what John Terry said to Ferdinand. If we can solve these monumental issues and ignore all that other stuff then mission accomplished.

    Tory diehards want to rip foxes to shreds, as well as gutting the poor, the sick, the disabled and other sport. What, what! Or... they care about the environment, want more candy-floss for sick children, would love to have a black person living next door. Take your pick depending on what newspaper you get your chips in.

    Crusaders want to defend the fox, with their lives if need be. Maybe because they are genuinely sickened by mindless violence (some people still are but not many - see Iraq for details and support our boys), maybe the bloke down the road has a BMW, the jammy cunt.

    As pressing non-issues go, fox hunting is a biggie.
    Für eure Sicherheit

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