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Thread: Coronavirus Pandemic

  1. #4041
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    yeah they're taking their time getting the whole dark forces thing too aren't they...
    You have to wonder what it would take to shake you out of your suffocating complacency. The whole world changes around your ears but there's nothing to see. Amazing. Hopefully there's a majority of thinking people out there or we are in trouble.
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  2. #4042
    Administrator McNamara That Ghost...'s Avatar
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    Pfizer 90% effective
    Moderna: Well ours is 95% effective so up yours
    Pfier: Well ours is 94% effective in the elderly so ner!

    Getting a bit dull already.

  3. #4043
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    The kids know what Newsmax is now. Will wonders never cease? Next they'll be reading books.
    Sometimes they even listen to audio and find it doesn't say what some people who consider themselves "high information" claim it does

  4. #4044
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  5. #4045
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    The covid hoax has been based on alarmist modelling, that has been 100% wrong in terms of the predictions made, fake tests and heavily manipulated data.

    The warmism hoax has been based on alarmist modelling, that has been 100% wrong in terms of the predictions made, fake tests and heavily manipulated data.

    The covid hoax has hidden a genuine and serious problem, the shortages in our national health service despite the fact we've all paid to maintain the system properly.

    The warmism hoax continues to hide a genuine and serious problem, the impunity with which big corporations pollute the environment.

    If the covid hoax achieves its desired outcome (from the point of view of the profiteers running the scam) we'll all have to pump chemical stew into ourselves maybe twice a year and then prove it so we can have rights we already had before the hoax began.

    If the warmism hoax achieves its desired outcome (from the point of view of the profiteers running the scam) we'll be dictated to by an unelected, global body staffed by technocrats and corporate elites, we'll see our quality of live drop to Victorian levels and we'll pay a global tax to fund it all. Bear in mind, pollution will still be permitted, and in fact encouraged, with those who can afford it granted the rights to pollute freely while the poor, of which there will be billions more, will forgo such rights (like heating their homes or owning transportation) to "offset" the activities of the rich and produce the "zero carbon" virtue signalling and non-scientific outcome.

    Covid and warmism go hand in hand. Covid is the bait, warmism is the trap.

    With covid it should now be self evident to everyone that the media is in the employ of the corporations and is more than eager to fearmonger and lie as required. The politicians lie. The so-called scientists lie. Those medical professionals who won't stand up for the centuries of science upon which their expertise is founded, they happily lie too, or stay silent and in fear. Thousands have spoken up though, but they are silenced by a mainstream and social media that will censor, smear, do whatever it takes to silence dissent.

    The same is true with warmism. All dissent is "denial". The same parties eagerly distribute the same types of lies and bring down the same degree of censorship.

    The challenge for most citizens is to break away from the concept that government exists to serve the people, that media exists to inform the people and hold governments to account. Neither of these concepts is true. The opposites are true. Governments exist to dominate and control the people. Media exists to mislead, misinform and pump a steady stream of propaganda that maintains the illusion of government service. Both agencies act in service of their master, than banking and global corporate cartels.

    It's forgivable to assume you can't do anything to resist or deter the massive forces arranged against you. And you can't do anything directly, if the truth be told. Your weapons have been taken away, your rights to organise and protest are vanishing, you are under building pressure just to be able to feed the family in a disintegrating economy. The security you sold your liberty for has not materialised, rather the reverse is true. Liberty was sold cheaply for tyranny wrapped in a thousand empty promises.

    But you can act indirectly. Even now there are avenues of information still open. In a time constrained world you would do well to find some time to read beyond the mainstream media. Read the government bills, the reports from the "think" tanks, the gloating and boastful documents published in the open by unelected bodies such as the World Economic Forum and the countless United Nations bodies that make no secret of the plans that are in progress to "reset" your life. Read about the realities of the Chinese regime, the blueprint for society should the globalists achieve their aims.

    Most importantly and if you decide to forgo the last opportunity to inform yourself, at least have the decency to avoid interfering and deterring those who decide to act. Do not be one of those people who take on unpaid labour in the service of the banks and corporations. Do not wear a brown shirt and hound your fellow man simply because you are afraid and cannot bear to see or hear the reality. At least allow the small majority who will stand up against the coming tyranny to do so without fear of attack from behind the lines. This much, anyone can do with zero effort. Do not be one of those people who wear the brown shirt.

    If you decide to inform yourself, be aware that the vast majority of information out there is speculative or outright fakery. 99% of the "patriots" standing up for liberty do so with a Patreon link and a T-shirt that would look great on you. You can scan these sources as a comparative measure, to pick up signposts to genuine information, but don't be drawn down the rabbit hole. That goes for "left" and "right", you'll hear just as much about the coming wonders of tyranny as you will the dangers. You can even use the mainstream media as a pointer to those things you are not supposed to know or talk about. Don't look at what they tell you, try to deduce what they leave out. And if you do have friends who constantly remind you not to think, not to question, not to look beyond the approved line, stop and have a think about whether these people really are your friend. Would a friend wish ignorance on you?

    2021 is going to be much more chaotic, tumultuous, unprecedented than 2020. Get prepared in the small window you have remaining.
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  6. #4046
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    We might as well cancel Christmas tbh. Much better off if the government said have an extra two days off in June to make up for it.

    They wont open churches on Christmas Day so while it is a religious festival, that aspect will be lost this year.

    I also am not sure if its worth “5 days of freedom” over christmas as they seem to be proposing if that means an extra 25 days of restrictions or lockdown. I dont see much benefit form that myself. Dont get me wrong, I’d love to see my family & spend time with them over christmas but I’d also rather we get back to limited restrictions asap so we can see families & friends on more regular occasions

  7. #4047
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    The Great Leader. Just like in the books and films. From his bunker, issuing his directives. Fearlessly confronting all the deadly threats we are facing, disease, terrorism, the end of the world.
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  8. #4048
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Isn't this bloke part of SAGE the group that almost always get it wrong and based their modelling back in March on Wikipedia?

    This is the group advising the government, very worrying, Chris Witty when grilled after that doom mongering modelling back in October claimed that deaths from other things during the pandemic are actually on the side of Covid when it comes to deaths, laughable really, Jeremy Hunt who was on the panel put him right.

    This group of people seem to be here to inflict misery on society, they never seem to have anything positive to say.

  9. #4049
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    The challenge for most citizens is to break away from the concept that government exists to serve the people. The opposite is true
    Governments exist to dominate and control the people
    The challenge for most citizens is to break away from the concept that media exists to inform the people and hold governments to account.
    The opposite is true. Media exists to mislead, misinform and pump a steady stream of propaganda that maintains the illusion of government service.
    Don't you think it's possible that neither of the above extremes are true?
    I mean, MPs and Journalists - they're just people, right? I suspect many of them get into it with good intentions.
    They might not remain pure, they may become corrupt. Certainly media moguls have their agendas and we all have biases.
    But I don't buy into this idea that "they" are out to crush or oppress us. Which doesn't mean I think they're always working in our best interests either, those aren't the only two options.

    If you decide to inform yourself, be aware that the vast majority of information out there is speculative or outright fakery.
    So how do you discern what the real stuff is then?
    I mean, with respect, you listened to that audio from the USPS and completely misrepresented what it said.
    Then you got cross because I listened to it and found that out, despite you pointing to it.
    And you said that listening to it will tell you the "kind of people we're dealing with". I heard a perfectly cordial exchange, the USPS worker himself objected to the word "interrogated" which was in the affidavit which he didn't write and agreed when it was read back to him completely overstates what he actually witnessed. I guess my point is your ability to discern truth - admittedly tricky these days - doesn't seem that great.

    You do tend towards the paranoid, to thinking that "they" are out to get you.
    And you do tend towards slightly hysterical predictions
    I mean where are the soldiers marching down our streets stopping us leaving our houses? You told us that would happen, they haven't arrived yet.

  10. #4050
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Dr Strangelove over at the WEF is ringing the alarm bell again. This time it's a massive cyberattack. Power, water, transport, communications, all at risk. He's calling it a "cyber-pandemic", WTF? We've done pandemic, be a bit more creative.

    Anyway, Boris just told us he's launching rockets to protect us. Like his experts at SAGE and Imperial have protected us during the current crisis.

    When are the aliens arriving?
    Für eure Sicherheit

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