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Thread: The Alec Baldwin upcoming Megatrial

  1. #31
    Member WMUG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    You think he'd start with me?
    If he did, would you believe him?
    You used to be everything to me
    Now you're tired of fighting

  2. #32
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WMUG View Post
    If he did, would you believe him?
    Depends what he said.
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  3. #33
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Aye, there’s the rub.
    How do we determine what those are. Always difficult, now I’d suggest it’s basically impossible.
    Because the internet.

    We can both post links all day which back up completely contradictory opinions.
    Which are right?
    Honestly, I don’t know. One difference between us is you think you do.

    But your ability to discern fact from fiction has been shown to be questionable.
    The result of that is your foresight being nowhere near as good as you like to think - I find it strange how rock solid your confidence in your abilities is given the discrepancy between what you confidently predict will happen and what actually does. Look at your “TWO WEEKS TO FLATTEN THE CURVE” meltdown in the pandemic thread. Have you noticed that everything is open? I went to the shop the other day and noted that masks have basically been abandoned.
    Will Plan B be enacted? Well, possibly. It depends on the data. But it’s clearly not some “slipepry slope” into an authoritarian regime as your paranoia leads you to believe. I wonder how you manage to hold that thought in your head while going about your business without restriction and observing others doing the same.
    This is the impassable divide. Your inability to comprehend liberty means it is not possible to explain to you why permission and liberty cannot coexist. If you can't understand that most basic principle then of course you believe you are free based on what somebody else in authority over you has advised. This you then conclude to be factual. Hence your "facts" are created to counter reality.
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  4. #34
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Just doing their jobs? What jobs would those be? Spreading subversive shit across film reel? Hollywood is at the heart of the cesspit, in case you hadn't noticed. Besides, it's only two people and I'm not even responsible for either. Not sure about you though. Did you vote? Are you pleased you did? Have you bothered to count how many people you helped kill when you did that? Was it more than two people? Or are we ignoring that rolling death toll so we can all get together and be outraged about my harmless words?

    Is there any limit to your hypocrisy?
    i think some people might describe advocating shooting people just because they work in Hollywood as subversive shit

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    i think some people might describe advocating shooting people just because they work in Hollywood as subversive shit
    it's definitely shit anyway

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    i think some people might describe advocating shooting people just because they work in Hollywood as subversive shit
    What? Subversive? Plainly you don't understand the word.
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  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    This is the impassable divide. Your inability to comprehend liberty means it is not possible to explain to you why permission and liberty cannot coexist. If you can't understand that most basic principle then of course you believe you are free based on what somebody else in authority over you has advised. This you then conclude to be factual. Hence your "facts" are created to counter reality.
    I do understand liberty as you define it, I just don't think it's either practical or desirable.
    I'd suggest that you don't understand authoritarianism if you think the "regime" we live in is one.

    Early in the pandemic you seemed to understand that some unprecedented restrictions were needed to deal with an unprecedented situation.
    You commended the government even for not being too heavy handed.
    It seems that because those restrictions lasted longer than expected you fell down another conspiracy theory rabbit hole and started wringing your hands about curfews and checkpoints and the army on the streets. Like many of your errors the root of all this is your paranoia they "they" are out to get you or control you. Which they aren't. And that doesn't mean they're bending over backwards to help you either, but in terms of your day to day life they don't give a shit what you do.

    Right now, as I said in the other thread, you're complaining about being locked in your house while the door is open. Your issue seems to be that someone else has the key, so you're not truly free. I get the principle, but in practice you can still go out the door and the people with the key don't have any interest in locking it. You're saying "but they might" and I'm saying "but they won't". That's the difference. My view that they won't is based on the fact they never have. If anything we have more freedoms now than we've had through most of history. Sure, there have been occasional measures like in war time or during Covid where exceptional restrictions have been made but those have always been temporary to deal with a situation and have been lifted when the situation change. That has consistently happened over the last 18 months. I happen to think that the government have imposed restrictions in stupid ways and reacted far too late to make a real difference, but they haven't done them for the fun or out of a desire to control. There has been no clear direction of travel towards authoritarianism.

  8. #38
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    All of the above has been discussed, in detail, before. Yet you go around again. All you need to do now is deny it has ever been discussed and we complete another lap.

    Mind you, I think your opening gem may be new. Liberty is neither practical nor desirable. I must admit, I'd never thought of liberty that way. But then again, nor has anyone who understands what liberty is. But those who understand authoritarianism, on the other hand, will have no problems comprehending what you mean.

    There's no hope for people like you. There was always going to be a significant group that can't be reached. The cold logic is simple. If there are more of you than us the human species is doomed to a new and probably enduring dark age. If there are more of us, as has been the case in the past, we'll all get out of this in one piece.
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  9. #39
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    I think we should bring back slavery (or at least make it official). I should have the right (written in law, of course) to own people. I would never actually make them toil in the fields (I promise). I'd let them wander free. Just so long as I can own them.
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  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Liberty is neither practical nor desirable.
    Whoopsie! You "accidentally" missed out "as you define it". For someone who likes to throw around accusations of people dishonestly misrepresenting your views, you sure do like to misquote or misrepresent people.

    Now, you might say liberty isn't something one defines, it's just innate.
    But as I said we are both free to come and go as we please. The issue you have, the thing which makes you claim we don't have liberty, is that someone else has the keys. It's an ideological issue, not a practical one. I don't have an issue with that because I don't believe they will ever use the keys and if they do - one could argue they did during Covid, but it wasn't as extreme or permanent as the dystopia you predicted - then it will be because they need to deal with a situation.

    The blackout was enforced during war time - people had to pay to black out their houses and people could be fined if they didn't.
    1940's you would probably be complaining about the outrageous restriction on our liberties - the government are dictating whether I open my curtains!
    But they didn't do that for the lolz, it wasn't about control. It was an unprecedented rule to deal with an unprecedented situation.
    In fact early in the pandemic you did mention the blackout in a way which makes me think you do understand that stuff like this is necessary.

    So is your complaint that the Covid restrictions weren't necessary? I sort of agree with that - or rather, if you're going to do a lockdown then do it hard and early. That's what Australia have done and they've had very few Covid deaths. But at what cost to business and people's mental health? It's a difficult balance and one which our government a lot of mistakes on. But was it part of a slide into authoritarianism? I don't see the army on the streets. Almost no-one was wearing masks at a recent theatre trip. Nightclubs are open so go fill your boots, if that's your thing.

    The cold logic is simple. If there are more of you than us the human species is doomed to a new and probably enduring dark age. If there are more of us, as has been the case in the past, we'll all get out of this in one piece.
    And what does this "dark age" look like in practice? What are you specifically predicting, Nostradamus?
    Because your predictions about Covid restrictions have been less than accurate, so what specifically do you think is going to happen?

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