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Thread: Coronavirus Pandemic

  1. #5061
    bye Xhaka Can’t's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Wengerbabies View Post
    It's a stupid unlawful law that wasn't enforced, many stupid laws aren't enforced. You really don't see a problem with the requirement to carry an "exit permit" to leave the country?

    Of the many infringements upon our liberties during this whole farce the inability to leave the country has always been the one that troubled me the most. One of the go to arguments when you disagree with policy in the country has always been "well leave" now you can't even do that! As far as I'm concerned they can fuck up the country as much as they want but I want no part of it. Thankfully I'm already out but if I am not a refugee I don't know what I am.
    Yes you can leave.

    Nice attempt at a Richard Littlejohn style soundbite though.
    If you don’t send this signature to ten people, you will become a Spurs fan.

  2. #5062
    bye Xhaka Can’t's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Wasting your time. These people don't understand the basic principles of liberty. They can't comprehend any form of existence other than subservience and living by the grace of who they perceive to be their betters. You could fuck them in the arse, steal their children and piss on their dog which you just set on fire and they'd apologise for taking so long with the tea and biscuits.

    Whatever else is learned from this farce, we now know the vast majority of people won't fight for their rights. What happens next is therefore inevitable.

    After you enlightened me about troops on the streets, I successfully fought like hell against that.
    If you don’t send this signature to ten people, you will become a Spurs fan.

  3. #5063
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  4. #5064
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xhaka Can’t View Post

    After you enlightened me about troops on the streets, I successfully fought like hell against that.
    Been listening to that cunt again? I did warn you against that. He lies and he lies all the time to try to get people to like him, or more like APPROVE of him, because he's THAT insecure and afraid. As you know, Manchester, Birmingham and Liverpool have already had the military knocking doors and pounding pavements. And operating in schools. Didn't see you fighting then. Didn't notice you raising an eyebrow. Probably because there's a new normal every day, so why worry about it? Who knows what tomorrow's new normal will bring? Something else to be complacent and flippant about, no doubt? Until the realisation and the belated and pointless tears.

    Liberties are being rolled back all across the west, particularly in the richer and supposedly more stable nations. But because it's not happening on cunty's street there's nothing to see. What happens elsewhere sets the precedence. There's a fundamental danger in the state operating by decree based on an "emergency" they define. They create the problems that are "solved" by each new draconian step. Their media sells it. The masses nod. It all makes perfect sense. The "models" by crackpots who have been discredited on countless occasions. The "statistics" by unaccountable bureaucrats drawn from agencies the media will never tell you about, including military and intelligence branches. There's definitely no military on every street, not physically. Not yet. But they are there, in every piece of mainstream garbage people swallow, in every unscientific and inexplicable, bullshit measure that's rolled out, in every piece of rushed and unread legislation that suffers no debate. There's nothing to see, so it doesn't exist. And yet - here we are. A year into the 2 weeks required to flatten the curve and save the NHS. Totally reasonable. Who could even question it?

    In fact you can't question it, can you? Not if you are capable of attracting an audience that might listen. Tens of thousands of scientists and medical professionals are shaking their heads in disbelief at the abuses of science and the insane response this manufactured crisis. In fact you can't even question it when you don't have an audience, because people like cunty are standing by, ever vigilant in service of the mainstream narrative. Unthinking. Obedient. Unburdened by baggage such as knowledge, analysis, an appreciation of history or any other context that might spoil their reality which exists merely on a day to day basis with no necessity to connect the present with the past.

    It is, indeed, comical how these people behave. But it's not as funny when their activities empower evil.

    But no, I appreciate you won't be doing anything except going along to get along and seeing what fate some third party bestows upon you. It's a choice. One that millions have also made. And it has always been like that. It was always a minority that fought for the rights the majority take for granted.

    I believe Canada's appalling curfew is into its third month now, or something like that. An actual curfew. Canada! The Australian government is finalising plans for camps in which to detain their own citizens and those who would ever want to visit such a hopelessly lost nation. In the States schools are teaming up with Microsoft to automate the deprivation of kids who aren't enrolled in the new medical tyranny - no school if you don't obey. And here, state ordered child abuse. Kids in masks for hours at a time. And genuine medical professional, of the kind that no longer has a voice, will tell you how appalling that is. But today's a new day and this is the new normal, so let's just do it because they said do it.

    At least there won't be a Covid passport. They said. But of course there will be because everyone else is doing it, so now, regrettably and with much wringing of hands, we'll do it too. Which is how it works. You have small minded individuals going about their business with not a care, like a rabbit crossing the road, only stopping to berate those who say, wait, we could have a problem here! And, right up until ever warning sign has been passed, the rabbit remains oblivious. If it's not happening on his patch of road...

    So sure. As the west burns down, have a laugh while you still can.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  5. #5065
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Wengerbabies View Post
    First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a socialist.

    Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a trade unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Jew.

    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

    Just finished playing beach volleyball about to shower and go get some street tacos, then I'm going to a beach party tonight but you wait for the government to so graciously allow you to leave your house.
    Do you really think when this is over, the government will continue wanting people to stay at home & not travel?

    It is costing billions to keep people at home so why on earth do the government want to continue that when Covid is behind us? What have they got to gain by making us apply for permission to leave or require passports to go to the pub. The tourism sector would be totally destroyed and what do the government gain from that apart from higher unemployment benefits costs and significant loss in revenue to the country?

    As Letters said, you seem to be in the lucky position where you have a reasonable about of money & no responsibilities so you can leave the country and spend time partying in Mexico. That’s not an option for 99% of people. Although i have to admit, it would be bloody funny if when we finally ease restrictions in June, Mexico goes into a full lockdown and your stuck there

  6. #5066
    bye Xhaka Can’t's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Been listening to that cunt again? I did warn you against that. He lies and he lies all the time to try to get people to like him, or more like APPROVE of him, because he's THAT insecure and afraid. As you know, Manchester, Birmingham and Liverpool have already had the military knocking doors and pounding pavements. And operating in schools. Didn't see you fighting then. Didn't notice you raising an eyebrow. Probably because there's a new normal every day, so why worry about it? Who knows what tomorrow's new normal will bring? Something else to be complacent and flippant about, no doubt? Until the realisation and the belated and pointless tears.

    Liberties are being rolled back all across the west, particularly in the richer and supposedly more stable nations. But because it's not happening on cunty's street there's nothing to see. What happens elsewhere sets the precedence. There's a fundamental danger in the state operating by decree based on an "emergency" they define. They create the problems that are "solved" by each new draconian step. Their media sells it. The masses nod. It all makes perfect sense. The "models" by crackpots who have been discredited on countless occasions. The "statistics" by unaccountable bureaucrats drawn from agencies the media will never tell you about, including military and intelligence branches. There's definitely no military on every street, not physically. Not yet. But they are there, in every piece of mainstream garbage people swallow, in every unscientific and inexplicable, bullshit measure that's rolled out, in every piece of rushed and unread legislation that suffers no debate. There's nothing to see, so it doesn't exist. And yet - here we are. A year into the 2 weeks required to flatten the curve and save the NHS. Totally reasonable. Who could even question it?

    In fact you can't question it, can you? Not if you are capable of attracting an audience that might listen. Tens of thousands of scientists and medical professionals are shaking their heads in disbelief at the abuses of science and the insane response this manufactured crisis. In fact you can't even question it when you don't have an audience, because people like cunty are standing by, ever vigilant in service of the mainstream narrative. Unthinking. Obedient. Unburdened by baggage such as knowledge, analysis, an appreciation of history or any other context that might spoil their reality which exists merely on a day to day basis with no necessity to connect the present with the past.

    It is, indeed, comical how these people behave. But it's not as funny when their activities empower evil.

    But no, I appreciate you won't be doing anything except going along to get along and seeing what fate some third party bestows upon you. It's a choice. One that millions have also made. And it has always been like that. It was always a minority that fought for the rights the majority take for granted.

    I believe Canada's appalling curfew is into its third month now, or something like that. An actual curfew. Canada! The Australian government is finalising plans for camps in which to detain their own citizens and those who would ever want to visit such a hopelessly lost nation. In the States schools are teaming up with Microsoft to automate the deprivation of kids who aren't enrolled in the new medical tyranny - no school if you don't obey. And here, state ordered child abuse. Kids in masks for hours at a time. And genuine medical professional, of the kind that no longer has a voice, will tell you how appalling that is. But today's a new day and this is the new normal, so let's just do it because they said do it.

    At least there won't be a Covid passport. They said. But of course there will be because everyone else is doing it, so now, regrettably and with much wringing of hands, we'll do it too. Which is how it works. You have small minded individuals going about their business with not a care, like a rabbit crossing the road, only stopping to berate those who say, wait, we could have a problem here! And, right up until ever warning sign has been passed, the rabbit remains oblivious. If it's not happening on his patch of road...

    So sure. As the west burns down, have a laugh while you still can.
    You know what? As kid, I did fight against the army.

    Did what I could. Threw rocks and paint at some cunts.

    I bet you never went beyond your keyboard in your life.
    If you don’t send this signature to ten people, you will become a Spurs fan.

  7. #5067
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    He lies and he lies all the time to try to get people to like him
    That would work way better if it wasn't coming from someone who lied about the USPS man alleging fraud (he didn't), lied about the men interviewing him "trying to get him to change his statement" (they didn't) and lied about the USPS man recording the conversation secretly (nope, he told them he was recording).
    You routinely conflate lying with "saying something which is untrue", lying implies some deliberate intent to deceive. You conflate these things because of your paranoid world view which leads you to see malice and ill intent everywhere you look. You see it from me for reasons I haven't quite worked out.
    I don't think I am conflating things in the same way here though. From your posts at the time I'm fairly sure you listened to the full audio so you know these things aren't true, but you claimed them anyway. And when I pointed out that these things weren't true in some detail, providing the relevant verbatim quotes, you had no response other than to grumble that I'd bothered to look into it.

    If you want to provide some examples of the lies I've told then please go ahead.

    Birmingham and Liverpool have already had the military knocking doors and pounding pavements. And operating in schools. Didn't see you fighting then. Didn't notice you raising an eyebrow. Probably because there's a new normal every day, so why worry about it? Who knows what tomorrow's new normal will bring?
    The answer to that last question of course is "not you". But you are again being dishonest here. Your claim about the army was more specific and sinister:

    The British armed forces are now on the street, in full kit, in Birmingham going door to door and asking residents if they want a Covid test.
    Right now the tests are voluntary. That will change. This is to get us used to the presence of military forces on our streets
    My emphasis. So you clearly weren't simply talking about the army helping deliver tests.
    Elsewhere you talked about the army "keeping people in their houses". Well I went out to the park today with the boy. I drove, actually.
    You'll be amazed to hear I didn't see any army or police. No-one stopped me, no one was patrolling the (quite busy) playground.
    And your "prophesy" about mandatory tests was about as accurate as some of the loons in America who kept saying that the election result would be overturned and Trump would be inaugurated on Jan 20th.
    A test may be required for certain travel but that is surely a requirement of an airline - which is a private company so make their own rules - or a foreign government. The army haven't been knocking on my door and holding me down and making me take a test.
    Testing is coming into schools but it isn't compulsory there either

    You also said:

    General curfews are not far away now, that's what the pub turnout is all about - which is why it makes no sense at all in terms of health. Curfews will require checkpoints. They've already tested (during the first outbreak) police stopping people and demanding to know why they are outside. In European countries citizens had to carry paperwork to justify being outside.
    Citizen! Halt! Your papers please!.
    Both quotes in a post on this page:

    Well that didn't happen either. You were wrong because you are paranoid. Not in a funny way,

    Liberties are being rolled back all across the west, particularly in the richer and supposedly more stable nations. But because it's not happening on cunty's street there's nothing to see.[
    But you said it was going to happen on my street. It didn't. And it won't. Because "they" aren't out to get you, or me.
    And yes, our liberties have been constrained over the last year more than at any time since the War. And I continue to think they rules they've made have been too restrictive and have caused a lot of unnecessary harm. But it's not been a one way direction of travel towards an Orwellian dystopia.
    The rules have changed as the data has. As recently as last October things were relatively normal, we took the boy to soft play and to a farm in half term, we went to pubs and I had a meal with a mate. Then the "second wave" hit - which you can keep pretending is imaginary if you must but I've shown the data which demonstrates it isn't - and that changed things.
    Now a roadmap towards normality has been outlined. My gut feel is that timeline won't be stuck to, but the government have no interest in stopping people attending social occasions indefinitely.

    In fact you can't even question it when you don't have an audience, because people like cunty are standing by, ever vigilant in service of the mainstream narrative.
    This is an interesting claim when I have consistently agreed with you that the rules have mostly been ridiculous and probably not that effective.
    The bit I'm calling bullshit on is your paranoia that "they" are doing this to "get" you. They aren't.

    And here, state ordered child abuse. Kids in masks for hours at a time. And genuine medical professional, of the kind that no longer has a voice, will tell you how appalling that is.
    Can you provide a source where a medical professional is saying that? Because, as usual, you have greatly exaggerated how draconian this all is. Here is the actual government guidelines. Note, guidelines:

    [face coverings] is a temporary measure and will be reviewed at Easter, in partnership with health
    experts, to decide whether evidence suggests that these measures can be eased ahead
    of the summer term.
    This is guidance, not mandatory activity, and any legal exemptions that apply to the
    wearing of face coverings in shops and on public transport also apply to this advice
    In the context of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, a face covering is something
    which safely covers the nose and mouth. You can buy reusable or single-use face
    coverings. You may also use a scarf, bandana, religious garment or hand-made cloth
    covering but these must securely fit round the side of the face.
    Face coverings are not classified as PPE (personal protective equipment), which is used
    in a limited number of settings to protect wearers against hazards and risks, such as
    surgical masks or respirators used in medical and industrial settings.
    They advise that “children aged 12 and over should wear a face
    covering under the same conditions as adults, in particular when they cannot guarantee
    at least a 1-metre distance from others and there is widespread transmission in the area.”
    Where pupils and students in year 7 and above are educated, we recommend that face
    coverings should be worn by staff, pupils and students when moving around the
    premises, outside of classrooms, such as in corridors and communal areas where social
    distancing cannot easily be maintained. Face coverings do not need to be worn by pupils
    and students when outdoors on the premises.
    In addition, we now also recommend that in those settings where pupils and students in
    year 7 and above are educated, face coverings should be worn in classrooms and during
    activities unless social distancing can be maintained. This does not apply in situations
    where wearing a face covering would impact on the ability to take part in exercise or
    strenuous activity, for example in PE lessons.

    You're making it sound like they're asking kids to wear full PPE or Hazmat suits all day. That demonstrably isn't true.

    At least there won't be a Covid passport. They said.
    Who said? The government? I think I've been pretty clear that I am against mandatory vaccines or, "no jab, no job" or Covid passports.
    If I haven't been clear about that then I am being now.

  8. #5068
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    This whole thing about getting us used to the army being on the streets to control us makes no sense.

    The population of the UK is around 70 million, the entire armed forces totalled 145,000. Not all of those will be front line soldiers either.

    So, how do you think the army will police 70 million people with a force of 145,000? Start shooting citizens as soon as they leave their homes?

    And again, what does the government stand to gain from this? Why would they want us at home rather than out working or spending money in hospitality/tourism etc

  9. #5069
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xhaka Can’t View Post
    You know what? As kid, I did fight against the army.

    Did what I could. Threw rocks and paint at some cunts.

    I bet you never went beyond your keyboard in your life.
    How much of a bet? Rocks and paint? When I said fight, I didn't mean futile posturing. If the fight gets to the street, it's already too late. That's why conformity, complacency and compliance are inferior weapons. The war doesn't get fought on the streets these days.

    But we seem to have moved from laughing about things to justifying things. Is that progress?

    Told you not to listen to that cunt.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  10. #5070
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ollie the Optimist View Post
    This whole thing about getting us used to the army being on the streets to control us makes no sense.

    The population of the UK is around 70 million, the entire armed forces totalled 145,000. Not all of those will be front line soldiers either.

    So, how do you think the army will police 70 million people with a force of 145,000? Start shooting citizens as soon as they leave their homes?

    And again, what does the government stand to gain from this? Why would they want us at home rather than out working or spending money in hospitality/tourism etc
    How has the state managed to force people to lock themselves in their own homes? Did they hire 70 million and one troops or coppers to do it?

    I mean - what a question Ollie. Or maybe you have hit on the whole gist of if. The only way evil can prevail is when good (ahem) people do nothing. Worse. The only way evil can prevail at pace is when good (sic) people cheer for it.

    By the way - your "when this is all over" idea. Ain't happening. The clue was in the :two weeks to flatten the curve". It was a major clue, followed up by a bunch of dead giveaways. You'll get there.

    As for the government - what do you genuinely believe government is? A group of public servants? That might be your problem.

    But, you're going to get wise fast in the coming months and years. I can assure you.
    Für eure Sicherheit

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