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Thread: Match Reaction vs Everton (home).

  1. #51
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    Given a choice between Ramsey and Ozil I’d take the latter all day. 50 odd assists and 20 or so goals in about 140 games shows he has value. He just needs to be used correctly. If he had more goals to his name he’d be seen completely differently I’d imagine. That said, I wouldn’t be heartbroken if he left.

  2. #52
    Member Power n Glory's Avatar
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    Ozil turns 30 next month. How many players get a second wind at this level, at this age, after years of being off form and not even coming close to capturing their best form? I haven't seen it before. The players that still play well in their 30s and beyond are the players that have peaked late in their career or work ridiculously hard to stay on top of their game and in shape. Ozil is neither of those.

    After the summer he has had, you'd think he'd want to prove everyone wrong, right? I highly doubt he has the motivation to be a top player. He hasn't come close to replicating the sort of form we've seen from top Arsenal players so I wouldn't expect it now.

  3. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMatthews View Post
    Given a choice between Ramsey and Ozil I’d take the latter all day. 50 odd assists and 20 or so goals in about 140 games shows he has value. He just needs to be used correctly. If he had more goals to his name he’d be seen completely differently I’d imagine. That said, I wouldn’t be heartbroken if he left.
    That pretty much sums up my views. I don't buy the "sell him, he's shit" argument.
    But I don't think we've got the best out of him - even then his stats are pretty good.
    Definitely should see what Emery can get out of him before doing anything rash, I'd suggest that applies to any of our players but Ozil has been at top European clubs, he's been part of a World Cup Winning side, he's clearly a good player.

  4. #54
    Selling optimism to fools KSE Comedy Club's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    That pretty much sums up my views. I don't buy the "sell him, he's shit" argument.
    But I don't think we've got the best out of him - even then his stats are pretty good.
    Definitely should see what Emery can get out of him before doing anything rash, I'd suggest that applies to any of our players but Ozil has been at top European clubs, he's been part of a World Cup Winning side, he's clearly a good player.
    Not anymore he isn't.

    If we haven't gotten the best out of him, its because he can't be bothered. He isn't putting any effort in and for the money he is earning, that is unacceptable.

  5. #55
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    Agreed. It's not acceptable.
    But the answer to that is for Emery to work with him. If he's no good as a player then fine, at his age get rid, he's not going to get any better.
    But he's clearly a good player, his attitude needs to be sorted out, if Emery can't do it then fine, we should get rid of him. But not yet.

  6. #56
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    I actually think Ozil worked quite hard in the last match, he's not at his best that much is clear, but he's not in form.

    The money thing though, well that's down the club, they messed up (Gazidis and Wenger and co), we were losing Sanchez so as good as nothing, to lose Ozil as well would have been a PR nightmare for them given our situation at the time as well and the fans really would have turned against the club, so they were left with no choice but to pay him what his agent was asking and we did (it would have been losing 80 million worth of talent for nothing as well).

    Had we not had 2 of our best and most expensive signings able to walk away for free in the summer, things might have been different, the club brought it on themselves to be honest, the money is kinda irrelevant, why wouldn't his agent try to get as much money as he could, that's football these days isn't it!

    Ironically we've not learnt our lesson as we're about to lose Ramsey for nothing unless we give him megabucks.

    Thing is he's signed up and under contract, the guy has talent, we've seen it, he wouldn't have played for the clubs he's played for otherwise, we've also seen it on the world stage, yes he's not performing well, but maybe Emery can get more out of him, in all honest how many of those players out there are actually performing that well, other than maybe Lacazette and one or two others very few. Ozil is also not being played in what you would call his best position in reality, so that won't help, personally I think we have bigger fish to fry, the horrendous defence and the likes of Xhaka would be the first port of call.

    Yes he gets paid more, but that's a consequence of our incompetence, his agent was opportunistic but we're the ones that messed up, as I said before sign them up well in advance or sell them and bring someone else in, if you don't this is what happens.

    I agree he's not performing like he can, but I think we need to see what Emery can do with him, to be honest so far there hasn't been a huge difference in the way we play or our players under Emery, but it's early days and he needs more time and a couple transfer windows more before you can really judge him properly, this is after all by in large Wenger sub standard team on the whole so we won't be achieving a whole lot with this group.
    Last edited by Özim; 26-09-2018 at 01:53 PM.

  7. #57
    Goat Balls fakeyank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMatthews View Post
    Given a choice between Ramsey and Ozil I’d take the latter all day. 50 odd assists and 20 or so goals in about 140 games shows he has value. He just needs to be used correctly. If he had more goals to his name he’d be seen completely differently I’d imagine. That said, I wouldn’t be heartbroken if he left.
    I would chose a tree if the choice was between Ramsey and a tree. Ramsey is absolute shite. We should look to cash in on him in January.. useless headless chicken.
    Arsene Wenger, the only football manager that got paid 8 million quid to do nothing but sit on his arse..

  8. #58
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    Power n Glory, MO and Aubameyang's Wang are completely right on Ozil.

    Letters you admit to not watching football regularly. Just repeating that he's still a good player and a super talent belies the fact that the guy can barely do the basics anymore. That's far more of an indictment of him than his apparent lack of interest, running, hard work or the fact that he never smiles. I don't give a shit about that. What I've seen more and more over the last 18 months is a player who constantly makes basic technical errors with his control and passing. He was always a timid player, but now in addition to never shooting when in a good position, he can't even play accurate passes in the final third when given time and space. He loses every challenge, even when he's the clear favourite. I don't care to speculate on the reasons for this shocking level of play. All I know from watching him every week is that he should be nowhere near the squad, never mind a certain starter.

    You've been on the internet almost as long as Coney, so you should know which posters are being truthful and genuine about a situation rather than having immature and pathetic agendas against individuals they've never met. When most regulars are making the same grave observations, it should be obvious that the player has reached a nadir.

    In terms of Ozil v Ramsey v Xhaka v other undeserved starters, it's further obfuscating the issue of Ozil being by far the the biggest underperformer, especially given his status. None of them should be starting, but even Xhaka with his tank movement and self-destructive tendencies, has had good halves where he can string a series of competent passes together.

    Seriously, just watch him against Watford on Saturday. If he suddenly produces a decent performance, I'll be on here to praise him and would be pleased as it would likely mean he's contributed to a positive result.

    But on dozens of hours of recent evidence, I sadly hold out no hope of this happening.

  9. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Master Splinter View Post
    Power n Glory, MO and Aubameyang's Wang are completely right on Ozil.

    Letters you admit to not watching football regularly. Just repeating that he's still a good player and a super talent belies the fact that the guy can barely do the basics anymore. That's far more of an indictment of him than his apparent lack of interest, running, hard work or the fact that he never smiles. I don't give a shit about that. What I've seen more and more over the last 18 months is a player who constantly makes basic technical errors with his control and passing. He was always a timid player, but now in addition to never shooting when in a good position, he can't even play accurate passes in the final third when given time and space. He loses every challenge, even when he's the clear favourite. I don't care to speculate on the reasons for this shocking level of play. All I know from watching him every week is that he should be nowhere near the squad, never mind a certain starter.

    You've been on the internet almost as long as Coney, so you should know which posters are being truthful and genuine about a situation rather than having immature and pathetic agendas against individuals they've never met. When most regulars are making the same grave observations, it should be obvious that the player has reached a nadir.

    In terms of Ozil v Ramsey v Xhaka v other undeserved starters, it's further obfuscating the issue of Ozil being by far the the biggest underperformer, especially given his status. None of them should be starting, but even Xhaka with his tank movement and self-destructive tendencies, has had good halves where he can string a series of competent passes together.

    Seriously, just watch him against Watford on Saturday. If he suddenly produces a decent performance, I'll be on here to praise him and would be pleased as it would likely mean he's contributed to a positive result.

    But on dozens of hours of recent evidence, I sadly hold out no hope of this happening.
    by the way.

  10. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Master Splinter View Post
    Letters you admit to not watching football regularly. Just repeating that he's still a good player and a super talent belies the fact that the guy can barely do the basics anymore.
    I think that's an overstatement but it's fair comment that I don't watch football enough to really assess his performances. His stats look good and while I'd concede they don't paint the whole picture they aren't irrelevant either.

    You've been on the internet almost as long as Coney

    I'm not accusing any posters of lying but we all have our biases. But I accept that the view that Ozil isn't producing is a common one.

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