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Thread: Utter s###e v Sheff united

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by 21_GOONER_SALUTE View Post
    I'm not sure why you keep doing this Letters.
    I keep doing this because for years, for fucking years, some of the twats on here would howl in derision if I even suggested that Wenger might not be the worst manager in football. It seriously got that extreme.
    People were posting that literally anyone would do better than Wenger. If I gently suggested that that was a bit simplistic and extreme and while Wenger had become a problem he wasn't the only problem at the club and removing him wouldn't fix everything then I was shouted down.
    If I suggested that while he certainly needed to be replaced, it was ridiculous to claim he was the worst manager in football then I was suddenly "sucking Wenger's cock" and clearly wanted him to stay forever.
    It was like the gun debate in the US. Any suggestion that more background checks might not be a bad thing or maybe you shouldn't be able to buy semi-automatic assault rifles and the NRA lot are "THEY'RE TRYING TO TAKE ALL OUR GUNS AWAY!".
    Only one opinion was allowed on here and by the end Wenger Out wasn't enough, you had to believe he was a bumbling incompetent who could literally do nothing right and that any idiot would immediately do better. Any other opinion was treated with mockery.

    Well...fuck everyone who spouted that shit. Because we've got anyone now, and an anyone who won three Europa Leagues in a row so he has some pedigree. Have things got better? If so then it's been incremental at best. He's spent a lot of money, had enough time to work with the team and there has been very little return. The defence is still a shambles despite being the obvious problem area. The midfield lacks creativity and he refuses to play our highest paid player - whatever you think of Ozil he's surely no more useless than the crap we have out there. The attack is good on paper but failed to score against Sheffield Utd last night, maybe because of the midfield. We are still rubbish to watch. Where is Emery going with any of this?

    I don't think anyone disagrees with you that Emery has shown far less ability than AW ever did.... the evidence is overwhelming so far as he's fixed no single problem that we had under AW on the pitch.
    Except dostoy is still posting shit about how we'd be in the relegation zone were Wenger still in charge.

    If what you are trying to say is that AW would do a better job with the team as it currently constitutes - I for one say hell yeah! But again if AW had stayed unchallenged, we certainly wouldn't have this team that looks like it can go places ( thats if the problems AW created can finally be addressed).
    That's an interesting one. Would we be doing better under Wenger? Obviously dostoy's comments are bullshit. My feeling is we wouldn't be doing much better or much worse were Wenger still here. I'm glad he's gone because it feels like we can move forward now without the weight of his legacy but Emery isn't taking us forward. Emery is easier to sack than Wenger was, I hope the board are more decisive although that should be balanced against knee-jerk reactions which we are all prone to a bit.

    I keep doing this because: I was right. Wenger wasn't as bad as some people were making out, he wasn't the only problem at the club, it wasn't true that any idiot could come in and do better.
    I wasn't right about everything, I certainly put my faith in Wenger for too long, I'll admit that. But it would be nice if other people admitted that they were a bit extreme in their views.

    And hey, maybe we're wrong about Emery. It's early days yet and maybe this season will be OK. In this day and age Fergie would have been sacked after a couple of mediocre seasons at Utd.
    But right now the same old problems we saw under Wenger are still evident. Poor football, awful defence, no captain, awful away form. Emery has had time to deal with some of this and he's done nothing.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by IBK View Post
    Just as deep down we knew when Wenger had become a busted flush, it is crystal clear that Emery is not right for our team - and things will not improve under him.
    I basically agree and agree with your comments on Emery but the one thing I will say. Under Wenger we had years of evidence that things were not going to change. I'll admit I kept the faith with him too long but, looking back, I should have seen earlier it wasn't going to get better. Emery is still relatively new and it's still relatively early in the season, a lot can happen. Right now though there's precious little evidence that he's taking us in the right direction though

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by IBK View Post
    Good to see that after all this time you are still talking sense!

    Just as deep down we knew when Wenger had become a busted flush, it is crystal clear that Emery is not right for our team - and things will not improve under him. There is no plan. There is no understanding of his team's strengths or how to get the best out of what is actually a decent bunch of players. Most importantly, Emery is a coward in times when other teams are showing what can be achieved with a positive attitude. Emery was hired to solidify the team and instill some tactical nous. He is doing the opposite. We are just as bad defensively as we were under AW - a coach who admitted that he simply allowed his players freedom to express themselves. Yet offensively, with all of the attacking talent at his disposal, our coach appears to have zero idea about how to build a platform and link our forwards with his midfield. Noone can identify what Emery is trying to achieve - and the only logical conclusion is that he does not really have a clue.

    I was prepared to see what he could do with some decent signings, yet if anything he has gone backwards since this time last season. His negative and unclear mindset seems to have transmitted itself directly to the players, and while I would not say that he has lost the dressing room yet, for me the players have little or no faith in his methods.

    I would be happy to see him gone.
    I agree with everything you say.

    However, we all know deep down that he is staying put until his contract runs out.

    We have another Wenger situation here and nothing will be done.

  4. #44
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    Wenger had a huge legacy to point back at, Emery has achieved nothing at Arsenal.
    Doesn't mean you're wrong, but he should be a lot easier to sack than Wenger was.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Wenger had a huge legacy to point back at, Emery has achieved nothing at Arsenal.
    Doesn't mean you're wrong, but he should be a lot easier to sack than Wenger was.
    think he will only be gone if we fail to finish top 4 this year. you only have to look at united to see what problems they are still having despite spending more money than us and going through more managers than us and that includes the evil one.

    But as has been said... we just don't look like getting better. we are a dull side with quality strikers.

  6. #46
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    I'd still much rather have Emery than Wenger.

    Wenger was useless and should have been sacked at least 2 years before he was.

    If Emery does not get Arsenal into the CL this season then yes he should be sacked.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by AFC Leveller View Post
    I never thought I’d say this but Rodgers would be a decent shout! He has shown with Leicester that he knows what’s he’s doing and his teams are organised and good to watch.

    Emery is clueless and a chicken. He is too negative and too scared to take the game to the opposition.
    If it weren't for the David Brent persona I'd have him here.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by dostoy View Post
    I'd still much rather have Emery than Wenger.
    I would too but not because I think he's doing a particularly better job than Wenger did, I don't think he is.
    But he doesn't have that huge legacy so is much easier to move from. It's easier to leave a girlfriend you've been with 6 months than your wife of 20 years who you have kids with, so to speak.
    I'd give him till the end of the season personally, as frustrated as I am I know that most seasons have ups and downs but it's not looking good so far.

  9. #49
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    i'd get rid of him now and have Freddie as caretaker manager - if nothing else he'd surely get the obvious things right like playing Tierney and dropping Xhaka, and tell the players to be more positive

  10. #50
    Goat Balls fakeyank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dostoy View Post
    I'd still much rather have Emery than Wenger.

    Wenger was useless and should have been sacked at least 2 years before he was.

    If Emery does not get Arsenal into the CL this season then yes he should be sacked.
    I'd have Emery over Wenger too, but I dont want to give Emery any time. I dont see a vision to whatever the fuck he is doing. I want us to get rid of him NOW, or at best give him till December to sort his shit out. If not, GTFO!
    Arsene Wenger, the only football manager that got paid 8 million quid to do nothing but sit on his arse..

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