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Thread: Arsenal v Farmers aka BATE. (07/17 20:05 BT Sport)

  1. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Yeah. Except I didn't do any of that, did I?
    And I have never advocated not watching games*
    All I'm doing is asking why NQ keeps doing something he seems to hate. Just seems a bit odd.

    *What I have advocated is people stop giving Arsenal their money which is the only language I think the board understand and thus the only way of affecting change. In which case watching via streams is the right thing to do if you want to keep watching games.

    I don't know if you are just WUMming and deliberately misrepresenting my views to paint me as some pantomime villain you can boo and hiss at. If you want some serious debate then please try responding to what I'm actually saying, not what you are pretending I'm saying.
    Oh be quiet Letters. You know exactly what you are; a condescending, patronising, arrogant poster. We know exactly what you mean by posts like ‘why do you still watch us then’. You might not spell it out but don’t try and cover it up with nonsensical BS.

    Have you got no shame? Can you not see the absolute irony in the fact you derided us for years for speaking the truth and now you’re the one passively suggesting we should stop watching games?

    I see a few times you’ve proudly posted that you’ve given up your ST and won’t buy any more tickets or merchandise, as if it’s a show of defiance Do me a favour Do you think they actually give a crap now you moron? People like you funded them for years and stayed silent and accepted the crap they were saying, and you think now you’ve actually done something meaningful by packing in your season ticket?!

    I remember you once said you used to go to games with your dad as it was the only bit of father-son time you had with him. Does it not irritate you one bit or make you even a little bit angry that Wenger is pretty much the reason that doesn’t happen anymore? That he’s got in the way? Or is NQ and Zim calling him an awful manager the only thing that riles you?

    Go on Letters show a bit of passion for once. It’s okay to be angry towards him. I know it’s difficult because for years you’ve done nothing but defend him and establish yourself as the self-proclaimed extreme anti-Wenger police, but you can just hold your hands up and admit you were wrong. People would respect you so much more.

  2. #142
    Administrator McNamara That Ghost...'s Avatar
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    Bringing in a poster's family member to make a point seems a bit much to me, whether you 'hate' them or not.

  3. #143
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    Maccy, lay off.

    I know you're itching to ban me but now isn't the time.

    That's twice now you've butted your nose in to a trivial point of mine, despite the fact there's been far far worse said on this forum that you turn a blind eye to.

    So stop trying to create a mountain out of a molehill and frame intentions that weren't there, to justify whatever bullshit decision you want to make when you press that magic button on me.

  4. #144
    Administrator McNamara That Ghost...'s Avatar
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    No how about you give it a rest with the persecution nonsense, it bores the shit out of everyone.

    You're not being banned, your post wasn't even edited!

    If you somehow don't think bringing in somebody as a point of reference that has absolutely nothing to do with the forum whatsoever is justifiable and that is fair game, then I am sorry, you've lost sight. Ask the 'we' you always fall back on as a brickwall if I am being unreasonable here in highlighting it.

    Also, may I remind you it is you that said you hate a fellow poster.

  5. #145
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    It's true through you stick your nose in over trivial things when it comes to me yet when others say much worse you turn a blind eye to it

    And it's completely justifiable to make a valid point. If you take offence to it then that's your problem.

  6. #146
    Administrator McNamara That Ghost...'s Avatar
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    Like who saying what? I am saying this regarding a poster's family member to make a point. It's not appropriate to be doing that and as far as I know, nobody else has done that.

    It's not on, so I would ask you don't do it again.

  7. #147
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vieira View Post
    I remember you once said you used to go to games with your dad as it was the only bit of father-son time you had with him. Does it not irritate you one bit or make you even a little bit angry that Wenger is pretty much the reason that doesn’t happen anymore?
    The main reason is actually my father's Alzheimer's which meant he was no longer able to go.
    Not the only factor, but a fairly big one. And we continued to watch games on the TV after we gave up our season tickets but sadly he's no longer able to do that either now. So actually no, this loss of father-son time is absolutely nothing to do with Wenger.
    And while the board don't care if I no longer go - because someone is undoubtedly sitting there instead of me - if people stopped going en masse then it would have an impact. Not going to happen, realistically, but in my view the only way to affect change.
    Others have also said they are not going to give Arsenal another penny till Wenger leaves, I am not unique in that stance.

    now you’re the one passively suggesting we should stop watching games?
    No, I am not. That is simply not true. Stop making stuff up or telling me what I meant by a post. I have not said that, if you think it is implied then that implication is entirely in your head. I merely questioned why NQ specifically continues to to so when he seems to hate it no matter the outcome. He still hasn't replied.
    I have never suggested people stop watching games. I rarely do watch, if others want to then fine, if they can do so without paying Arsenal in any way to do so then better still.

    And yes, I was wrong about Wenger, I kept faith in him too long. But that doesn't mean that I agree with every criticism of him on here. Nor should I have to.
    It's ironic that you say I am the "self-proclaimed extreme anti-Wenger police" when it is YOU who are proclaiming me as such.
    And you have said repeatedly that I ban people for anti-Wenger views. Well, you're still here. Zim's still here. NQ's still here. This board is almost universally anti-Wenger.
    So how about YOU hold your hands up and admit you were wrong about that...

  8. #148
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    I merely questioned why NQ specifically continues to to so when he seems to hate it no matter the outcome. He still hasn't replied.
    I'll answer when you remove the frame from the debate. You probably need to be around on match day so you can see more of my comments. It will help you judge what I really thought about the game, rather than making a huge assumption and then pinning it to me.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  9. #149
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    No, I am not. That is simply not true. Stop making stuff up or telling me what I meant by a post. I have not said that, if you think it is implied then that implication is entirely in your head. I merely questioned why NQ specifically continues to to so when he seems to hate it no matter the outcome. He still hasn't replied.
    I have never suggested people stop watching games. I rarely do watch, if others want to then fine, if they can do so without paying Arsenal in any way to do so then better still.
    It is completely true Letters. That was in no way a genuine question, the way you're trying to make out it was. You had no intention of simply asking NQ why he watches games still, in fact you know why- he is an Arsenal fan and loves the club. The love for a football club isn't something you can just switch off, it is often enshrined in generations of family that gets passed down and embedded into your DNA. So if you were - which I don't think you were, but if you were- genuinely asking him that question then you're more clueless than I thought you were.
    You were passively suggesting not to bother which is the most ironic thing in the world, coming from you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    It's ironic that you say I am the "self-proclaimed extreme anti-Wenger police" when it is YOU who are proclaiming me as such.
    Once again you are wrong. I haven't proclaimed as such, it's your actions and your quotes. Here's some quotes from yourself:

    "I'm just calling out bullshit for what it is."

    "But I WILL argue against the things I see as more hyperbolic nonsense. I don't think he's a "shitty" manager. He gets some things right and other things wrong. I WILL argue against nonsense like we have an "average" squad and an "awful" manager."

    "This is NOT the work of an awful manager working with an average squad. THAT is hyperbolic nonsense and deserves some ridicule."

    You seem to take pride in sticking up for your messiah. Almost as if it's your calling to ensure people don't go over the top on this forum.

    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    And you have said repeatedly that I ban people for anti-Wenger views. Well, you're still here. Zim's still here. NQ's still here. This board is almost universally anti-Wenger.
    So how about YOU hold your hands up and admit you were wrong about that...
    Over the years the anti-Wenger posters have been banned. That is fact. Mostly due to the fact they are anti-Wenger then get into personal duels with you, or one of your bum chums, and then either you or another mod bans them. Fact. It's never the other side that gets banned, it's always the anti-Wenger posters despite the fact the other side (especially you) are just as bad.
    Yet you're still a mod. Why Letters? Why not do the honourable thing and step down? Will you actually answer that question or ignore it like you have always done? This place doesn't need as many mods as it has, plus you say you don't even watch games anymore because you have completely lost interest. You antagonise other posters, you are confrontational, you have caused a divide, you are not liked by many on here. Why are you still a mod Letters?
    Last edited by Cripps; 09-12-2017 at 11:31 AM.

  10. #150
    My observation

    You Vieira have a persecution complex going on
    Letters has a personal issue with both you and Zim. But disliking someone isn’t going to mean you’re banned
    Letters is the executive producer of mods his meagre financial contribution keeps the place going

    There does seem to me a lot more personal animus on here than discussing football

    And I have to say....long may it continue

    Go back to banter and shit posting, when you whinge like a little girl it’s not becoming

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