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Thread: Gay marriage

  1. #11
    bye Xhaka Can’t's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Where's my username gone? View Post
    Not natural, eh? You've flown, have you not? Perhaps you've traveled at a speed above around 20 mph? You might be living in a house, built from synthetic materials. You're almost certainly on a computer made by *gasp* unnatural materials. You think what is natural should determine what humans should and shouldn't do? Give up planes, trains, cars, computers and your house and I may listen to you.

    The whole institution of marriage is fucking unnatural, why should loving somebody some people consider unnatural be denied from joining in this whole fucking charade?
    Your face is unnatural.
    If you don’t send this signature to ten people, you will become a Spurs fan.

  2. #12
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    But who's to say "straight" marriage should be afforded the privileges that it currently enjoys, and that gay people shouldn't enjoy the same advantages? This is as much authoritarian as so called "PC" people telling people what to think. In any case, the idea that you "choose" your sexuality isn't a scientific fact by any means.

  3. #13
    can someone define to me what's the difference between a civil union and a registry office marriage?.

    Personally there is a freedom of religion thing to consider, the church of England shouldn't have to marry two gay individuals if it doesn't want to, but a non religious wedding ceremony.....if two people make each other happy and want to make a lifetime commitment to each other, i say your absolutely mad but good luck to you!

  4. #14
    bye Xhaka Can’t's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Herbert_Chapman's_Zombie View Post
    can someone define to me what's the difference between a civil union and a registry office marriage?.

    Personally there is a freedom of religion thing to consider, the church of England shouldn't have to marry two gay individuals if it doesn't want to, but a non religious wedding ceremony.....if two people make each other happy and want to make a lifetime commitment to each other, i say your absolutely mad but good luck to you!
    I don't think you've really grasped the concept of marriage.

  5. #15
    No i was just trying to put a brave face on the whole affair

  6. #16
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Where's my username gone? View Post
    Not natural, eh? You've flown, have you not? Perhaps you've traveled at a speed above around 20 mph? You might be living in a house, built from synthetic materials. You're almost certainly on a computer made by *gasp* unnatural materials. You think what is natural should determine what humans should and shouldn't do? Give up planes, trains, cars, computers and your house and I may listen to you.

    The whole institution of marriage is fucking unnatural, why should loving somebody some people consider unnatural be denied from joining in this whole fucking charade?
    Sorry, what?

    Yeah I can fly and I don't even have wings. I didn't say it was physically impossible for gays to shag each other, neither did I say I had any problem with them doing it. But they can't procreate (although I'm sure some fucked up Frankenstein is working on that too). Just because the state has hijacked the institution of marriage does not mean the original intent of that institution is null by default. The point is, you have to corrupt the very concept of marriage if you concede gay marriage in the traditional sense. Which, I suppose, is the whole point. People can fuck each other in the ear hole for all I care. But they should have an ear-hole fucking club and stay the fuck out of my club. My club is full of ****s who don't give a second thought to the principles that underpin their membership. I'll grant you that. But I and others do understand, not just the seemingly arbitrary rules but the fact those rules are based on something far more significant than political fashion. Don't destroy something of mine, go build something of your own. This desire for everyone to be equal (a euphemism for disenfranchised by the way), the desire to destroy everything of tradition in favour of a soulless and morally bereft alternative that has been proven time and again to have the opposite effect to the alleged intent, it has to fucking stop. This is my point. Neo-liberals DEMAND conformity in every aspect of life and they do it by perverting liberty. Do it their way (and somehow they know they are always right) or you are inferior, an object to be loathed and ostracised. Your word for this is bigot. Don't you get it? Go back and look at your original question and the implied demand. Where did you ever get the idea you are right about anything, by the way? You sure as hell don't have an inkling of liberty.

    If this is about the money, then sure. I don't pay any heed to state involvement in marriage. Fuck the state and the whore it rode in on. If gays want some bit of paper from the state so they can get nannied in an equivalent manner then fuck it, who cares. But don't cross the line and start pretending that means something beyond the handout.

    Btw, if you think this whole issue is about love then you're deluded. Love can exist without and official sanction from the state or other third party interfering busybody and the thing neo-liberals hate is they can't do a damn thing about it. Long may that last, at least.

    So again, no, I don't believe in gay marriage (in the traditional sense) because it is impossible. Why anybody wants to legislate to give the impossible legal weight is the real question.

    Syn, I didn't say the right and beliefs of gays should not be accepted. I said there is this drive to force others to accept those rights and beliefs - or else. I find it interesting (and aggravating) that these self-appointed champions of equality are prepared to toss liberty without a thought in order to enforce their objectives.
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  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joker View Post
    But who's to say "straight" marriage should be afforded the privileges that it currently enjoys, and that gay people shouldn't enjoy the same advantages? This is as much authoritarian as so called "PC" people telling people what to think. In any case, the idea that you "choose" your sexuality isn't a scientific fact by any means.
    You're right. The state should play no role in marriage whatsoever. Indeed, the state should play no role in any aspect of our private lives and yet it does. This is a key reason why the state is abhorrent and a cancer.
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  8. #18
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marc Overmars View Post
    Right-wing NQ scares me.
    I'm not right wing. I'm a libertarian. That's a dangerous lunatic in most peoples' book. Freedom could never work, people must always be controlled because they are not fit to manage themselves. That's the "sane" left or right wing philosophy. My beliefs are very simple. I will do whatever the fuck I want whenever the fuck I want to do it and if I cause you harm in the process then you can kill me.
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  9. #19
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    I can even, maybe, get on board - or at least understand - the 'gays are against nature, they are unnatural' part. They are not 'natural' in the sense that they are not common. But it doesn't mean it's wrong. Because ultimately you don't decide your sexual preferences.
    Trouble being, if they ever do become common it means the end of our species. Evolution is never going to keep pace with fashion.
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  10. #20
    Tennis Expert Syn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Syn, I didn't say the right and beliefs of gays should not be accepted. I said there is this drive to force others to accept those rights and beliefs - or else. I find it interesting (and aggravating) that these self-appointed champions of equality are prepared to toss liberty without a thought in order to enforce their objectives.
    Well it's a bit of a non-starter this "you're a nazi for criticising nazis" attitude of yours. People who don't believe that gay people should have equal rights to heterosexuals are wrong. I'm not a Nazi for stating that. And if people didn't challenge pathetic views like that, we'd still have slavery. If people like yourself want to hold on to the technicalities of what a marriage was supposed to signify hundreds of years ago, then I think that's fair enough. Deny them that much. Even though most people getting married in this country probably don't understand any religious aspect that goes with it. And what 'rights and beliefs' are we talking about here? They're not a religion. They don't believe in jihad or burkhas or whatever. They don't think heterosexuality is wrong. They don't want your children to be gay.

    If this is about the money, then sure. I don't pay any heed to state involvement in marriage. Fuck the state and the whore it rode in on. If gays want some bit of paper from the state so they can get nannied in an equivalent manner then fuck it, who cares. But don't cross the line and start pretending that means something beyond the handout.
    How many couples that get married these days actually follow a religion? I'm sure there must have been a study done somewhere. Whatever 'marriage' means for gay people, I can assure you it means the same for most heterosexual couples.

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