Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
If anyone can show you an argument that you approve of and will therefore even consider...

That's the thing about Nazis, especially neo-liberals. They are prepared to accept all forms of liberty that tally with their own views and beliefs, but stray from that and you're morally inferior by default. So it's a given the the rights and beliefs of gays should be accepted by all. No debate,no argument, it's just an assumption of moral superiority. However, anyone who has differing views is a bigot. See how that works? Smell the freedom.

FACT: Gays are against nature, they are not natural. This is simply fact. We all know how nature works for our species. why try to deny the obvious.

I don't care what some other **** does with his time. Live and let live. But go fuck yourself if you insist on telling me what I should think and believe. Go fuck yourself if you want to pretend the views of some politically correct **** trumps little matters like evolution, biology. How fucking arrogant can you get?

So there's my answer - fuck you!
Not natural, eh? You've flown, have you not? Perhaps you've traveled at a speed above around 20 mph? You might be living in a house, built from synthetic materials. You're almost certainly on a computer made by *gasp* unnatural materials. You think what is natural should determine what humans should and shouldn't do? Give up planes, trains, cars, computers and your house and I may listen to you.

The whole institution of marriage is fucking unnatural, why should loving somebody some people consider unnatural be denied from joining in this whole fucking charade?