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Thread: Liverpool have overtaken us now!

  1. #1
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    Liverpool have overtaken us now!

    I used to admire Wenger's crusade in not spending money like a drunken sailor like Chelsea, City and Man U. I mean hey we got a new stadium, a state of the art training facilities and lots and lots of liquid asset. What is worrying me is that Liverpool with a fairly novice manager in terms of managing a top club which were not really progressing with previous managers, they were just living of the past success. Having said that they did win the Champions league not that long ago. Why and how can Benetiz get a decent side but certainly not a special team win the champions league? My point is how did Rafa get the best of those players to win the Champions League as opposed to Arsene who have also had a sqaud of fairly decent players, but who always get knocked out of the last 16.

    Now we have Rogers Liverpool who to be fair have been shrewd with loan signings and a bargain signing of Sturridge (Thanks to AW we have Giroud) was a brilliant piece of business. I mean how the fuck is brendan getting hsi team to steam roll pretty much anyone in such a short space of time. Wenger has had his team for so long and the one season where he had a chance to win the league by signing one or two world class strikers in the Summer and Janury 14. I am so fustrated that Liverpool have now over taken Arsenal. I am telling you now we have gone backwards under wenger, we will not win the league or champions league unless we have a young manager with fresh ides and a different philiosphy. I could live witb being behind Chelsea and Man City and even United, but I am finding it so hard to accept that Liverpool who are not a rich club and dont have a sugar daddy or Sheik is now another club we have to play catch up with. JW Herny made a master stroke call when he hired Brendan Rogers, when we could have got rid of Wenger and picked up Rogers, he would have been a perfect fit for Arsenal. So fucking cheese off looking the league table, this season was our best chance of winning the league and Wenger blew.
    Last edited by 1_nilto the arsenal; 30-03-2014 at 10:27 PM.

  2. #2
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    It'll be interesting to see what those who have said we can't compete with the billionaire teams have to say about this.

    My opinion is they have a forward thinking manager who builds on previous seasons to evolve the team/squad, they've been a revelation this season and have clearly overtaken us on the pitch now and it's not taken Rodgers long. Rodgers is tactically very good, identifies what he needs to improve the team and gets it and has used the players he already had to maximum effect.

    Wenger has spent 9 years trying to build a team able to compete at the highest level and failed and yet Rodgers has been there under 2 years and has built a team who are clearly better equipped to win the title (even if they don't).

    It just goes to show that with the right manager things can change very quickly.

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    You see this is what really annoys me about Wenger and the Wengertites. You dont have to compete with players that would ordinarily go to City, Chelsea and Man U. There are very good players out there who could make the difference of being 4th and being 1st! The problem is Wengers scouting is not good enough. We have become re-active and are now always buying players last minute or in a panic. SAF was brilliant on sigings as he used to sign them early summmer so they could go on pre season tour and training. When was the last time our scouting network and manager signed a player before pre season training?? Why would you wait till the last day in August and then sign a player in a different postion and blow 44 Million on a fucking guy who has been utter shit all season. Not one game has he played so well that we could appluad the signing. It was always a 4th choice signing and it all came about by Real Madrid taking us for a ride to raise hard cash for the Bale deal and Wenger fell for it.

  4. #4
    #WengerOUT Munchies's Avatar
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    I see where you're coming from, the change that he's had on Liverpool has been pretty dramatic. Destroying teams left and right, and now their goal difference is right up there with City's. Even though Liverpool lost against City and Chelsea away, atleast his sides didn't get thrashed and they were close games. Heck, he even beat Moyes home and away this season. We picked up 1/6 against United which is pretty shocking. Liverpool are here to stay now too, Suarez will stay, and with the CL they'll be able to spend and fix up their defence too.

    Wenger didn't even try to build upon our good work early on. Once we had the tough run of games, unsurprisingly the lead at the top went. At one stage, we could have had a 7 point lead. We had to strengthen in the Jan window, a winger and a striker were a must. We fought so hard to get 4th last season, and we all thought 'we have to push on now', but now look, another battle for fourth again. Even if we win the Fa Cup, I don't want Wenger to oversee another transfer window, and I'd like to see him resign.
    Last edited by Munchies; 30-03-2014 at 10:41 PM.

  5. #5
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    Well the table doesnt lie. They are 7 points clear off us with same games played, They have scored more goals and have been playing a much better brand of football comapared to our slow, obvious boring sideway passing. If Wenger had any pride he would realsie that he just cannot take us further than 4th place. Do we always wat to fight for 4th place? We are Arsenal FC FFS, his remit should be to win the championship each season. Its a total farce, the directors are getting rich and could give a shit about winning the league as long we get 4th place. I hope we lose to Wigan and I hope Everton take 4th place. We need some drastic like this to happen before either AW signs off or is moved upstairs.

  6. #6
    #WengerOUT Munchies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1_nilto the arsenal View Post
    Well the table doesnt lie. They are 7 points clear off us with same games played, They have scored more goals and have been playing a much better brand of football comapared to our slow, obvious boring sideway passing. If Wenger had any pride he would realsie that he just cannot take us further than 4th place. Do we always wat to fight for 4th place? We are Arsenal FC FFS, his remit should be to win the championship each season. Its a total farce, the directors are getting rich and could give a shit about winning the league as long we get 4th place. I hope we lose to Wigan and I hope Everton take 4th place. We need some drastic like this to happen before either AW signs off or is moved upstairs.
    Not that far ffs! I need that trophy dance when we win it, been far too long!!!

    I want Wenger to resign after we win the trophy.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Munchies View Post
    I want Wenger to resign after we win the trophy.
    Best thing for him to do IMO, sign off by winning the cup, he can't take us any further.

  8. #8
    #WengerOUT Munchies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Özim View Post
    Best thing for him to do IMO, sign off by winning the cup, he can't take us any further.
    Yeah, pretty much.

    Thanks for everything Arsene.

  9. #9
    Member IBK's Avatar
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    Thing is that while we all know that Liverpool have been ridiculously luck with their key players staying fit, and no midweek football, if they win the league and come 4th next season they will rightly be considered better than Arsenal since 2004.
    Putting the laughter back into manslaughter

  10. #10
    #WengerOUT Munchies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IBK View Post
    Thing is that while we all know that Liverpool have been ridiculously luck with their key players staying fit, and no midweek football, if they win the league and come 4th next season they will rightly be considered better than Arsenal since 2004.
    If they win the league this season, they're going to stay up there really. Unless Real flog Benzema and bid like £100m for Suarez in the summer..

    They'll attract all the best players, and use the CL money properly.

    Unlike Wenger, going in for bargain lamp posts from the french league. What's the point of getting CL footy, if you hardly use it to attract the worldies ?

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