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Thread: Ched Evans

  1. #31
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    At the end of the day he's been convicted though, so there must have been some pretty convincing evidence to make the jury believe he was.
    Close to iron cast I'd say, because scummy lawyers have a hundred and one technicalities that can make rape go away. It's one of the hardest charges to make stick and not because of the evidence but because the victim ends up being the perp and the police end up being victims of the shysters. Lots of hoops to jump through to get it into a courtroom and then a whole circus to manage. Based on the schedule of evidence on that pro web site the guy is clearly innocent. So no way can that be the full story unless the jury was crooked.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  2. #32
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    He maintains his innocence and the authorities have fast tracked a review of the case which would indicate they have some concerns. I expect those seeking continuing retribution class themselves as Christians, but show little of the milk of human kindness. Vengeance is mine sayeth thor Lord not those on facebook and twitter.

  3. #33
    Wibble Coney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post


    Tricky one. He has shown zero remorse, he still maintains his innocence.
    On the other hand he's served his time (whether it was enough time is a separate debate) and so should be free to pursue a career.

    No, he has NOT served his time. He is out on parole but his sentence is not complete yet. If he commits any arrestable offence he will be right back in to complete his sentence behind bars.

    Furthermore, it looks as if he is saying he did not commit rape because of his perception of what it is. See this article here and note that it was published by the Independent and their lawyers would have made damn sure that what is written is defendable against being sued...

    If I read it correctly, he admits to what generally happened but he does not think that taking advantage of a woman who is incapable and practically unconscious is not rape and that is his defence. If so, I would equate it to stealing a car and then saying it is not theft because the owner had left the keys in it.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coney View Post
    No, he has NOT served his time. He is out on parole but his sentence is not complete yet. If he commits any arrestable offence he will be right back in to complete his sentence behind bars.
    Fair enough. But he is, in theory, free to work. The public nature of his job and the press fuss make that pretty much impossible for him although with the nature of his offence I guess it would be difficult for him to find work anywhere.
    If I read it correctly, he admits to what generally happened but he does not think that taking advantage of a woman who is incapable and practically unconscious is not rape and that is his defence. If so, I would equate it to stealing a car and then saying it is not theft because the owner had left the keys in it.
    That's a very good analogy

    Where do you get 'practically unconscious' from though? There's a video on Ched Evans' website (a site which really isn't helping him) which shows the CCTV footage of the woman getting out of the taxi, walking in to the hotel, remembering a pizza, returning to the car to get it and then walking back in again. The frame rate is poor so it's hard to tell but she seemed to be walking steadily enough. I'm sure she was very drunk but practically unconscious is pushing it.

    What I don't understand is that two men were charged with rape, both had sex with the woman but only one was convicted. If she was deemed incapable of giving consent then both should have been convicted. Maybe it's because she'd gone back to the hotel with the one who was cleared and Ched Evans arrived later.

    Anyway, there are arguments why he should be allowed to return to playing football and arguments why he shouldn't. But a virtual angry mob brandishing pitchforks shouldn't be part of that debate.

  5. #35
    Wibble Coney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Fair enough. But he is, in theory, free to work. The public nature of his job and the press fuss make that pretty much impossible for him although with the nature of his offence I guess it would be difficult for him to find work anywhere.

    That's a very good analogy

    Where do you get 'practically unconscious' from though? There's a video on Ched Evans' website (a site which really isn't helping him) which shows the CCTV footage of the woman getting out of the taxi, walking in to the hotel, remembering a pizza, returning to the car to get it and then walking back in again. The frame rate is poor so it's hard to tell but she seemed to be walking steadily enough. I'm sure she was very drunk but practically unconscious is pushing it.

    What I don't understand is that two men were charged with rape, both had sex with the woman but only one was convicted. If she was deemed incapable of giving consent then both should have been convicted. Maybe it's because she'd gone back to the hotel with the one who was cleared and Ched Evans arrived later.

    Anyway, there are arguments why he should be allowed to return to playing football and arguments why he shouldn't. But a virtual angry mob brandishing pitchforks shouldn't be part of that debate.
    Maybe she walked OK but drunk people don't always fall over! Normally when people are convicted and then go for the rehabilitation, they have accepted their guilt. Now it might be that on appeal the verdict is changed but until then he is a criminal serving a sentence. People like Steve Bruce - who I had some time for - are not helping the situation. If it is still in the appeal process, public figures should say nothing until it has been processed.

    Unless he is cleared, I think any club with any sense will stay away as he is tainted goods and in this day and age, with sponsorship money being what keeps some clubs alive, they are not going to want to take him on.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coney View Post
    Maybe she walked OK but drunk people don't always fall over!
    Practically unconscious people probably would though.

    Agree with the rest though, he's far too toxic right now for anyone to touch. His only option will probably be to go abroad when his probation ends.
    I'm not even sure if being cleared would help him.

  7. #37
    Asian Clique Head Bhaiya The Emirates Gallactico's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coney View Post
    No, he has NOT served his time. He is out on parole but his sentence is not complete yet. If he commits any arrestable offence he will be right back in to complete his sentence behind bars.
    Yeah this. I hear so many people saying "he's served his time", which is just patently untrue.

    Yes he has a right to attempt to move on and attempt to rebuild his career but fans and sponsors of a club also have the right to make their opinions heard. What he's going through is no different to what any other convicted criminal goes through in attempting to find employment after a custodial sentence, only without the massive publicity and a rich father-in-law who can create websites to try and clear your name. I have zero sympathy for him.

    Committing crime has consequences other than going to prison and one of the good things about this sorry affair is that seeing what a social pariah Evans has become may deter many other young men from doing similar things.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Emirates Gallactico View Post
    What he's going through is no different to what any other convicted criminal goes through in attempting to find employment after a custodial sentence.
    Well that's obviously rubbish.
    While most people in his position would find it difficult to get work, they wouldn't have sponsors or angry mobs with pitchforks (or, worse, Twitter accounts) piling pressure on potential employers.
    I don't particularly have sympathy for him - at best he took advantage of a drunk girl and acted like a twat like most modern footballers do, and now he's refusing to admit doing anything wrong aside from being unfaithful to his girlfriend (which he did, whether or not it was a criminal act). But I don't think the comparison with a 'normal' person commuting a similar crime really stacks up.

  9. #39
    Wibble Coney's Avatar
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    He will find it more difficult but that is also because he had a career in a public arena. Footballers, actors, musicians would all have this kind of problem - it goes with the territory. Maybe he should have thought of that before. You commit a crime, there will be consequences. I have no sympathy at all for his predicament. He created the situation. Even if he does not think it was rape - not illegal - if someone is callous enough to exploit a woman who is drunk then I have no time for them.

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