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Thread: Arsenal v Brighton, 12pm, BT Sport 1.

  1. #171
    Administrator McNamara That Ghost...'s Avatar
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    That's entering more in to subjectivity, I think we will be Top 4 for what it's worth though.

    We could always win the Europa League I guess.

  2. #172
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by McNamara That Ghost... View Post
    That's entering more in to subjectivity, I think we will be Top 4 for what it's worth though.

    We could always win the Europa League I guess.
    We'll need several of the genuine contenders to go total FUBAR for us to float above them in the final reckoning. It's not up to us where we finish, it's up to other clubs. We don't have enough consistency, organisation or stability to take things into our own hands and we are always one teetering step away from total collapse and a million miles away from genuine control.

    Bloody dreadful manager in charge here, and an owner who couldn't give a rat's arse. What do we expect, I suppose?

    You really would think we'd have a crack at the Europa. Arsenal FC FFS! Of course we should be looking at winning that. But we won't. Wenger will find a way to fuck it up.
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  3. #173
    Administrator McNamara That Ghost...'s Avatar
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    If we were talking about the title I could understand your first paragraph.

  4. #174
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by McNamara That Ghost... View Post
    If we were talking about the title I could understand your first paragraph.
    Do we even bother to talk about the title any more? That's literally become silly talk at this club, and that's the true measure of the damage done by the wankers in charge.
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  5. #175
    Member Power n Glory's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    I'm still angry the bloke decided to stay on. And twice as angry he ran to Kroenke and bypassed his alleged boss. A thrice angry that absolutely nothing seems to have been learned or changed since the last thoroughly unremarkable season that was only unpredictable because we didn't scrape the hallowed top 4 spot. After so many attempts and so many depressingly familiar outcomes, this guy definitely knows he's past it and is dragging on the club like an anchor. He always said he'd leave under such circumstances so he's a liar. Selfish, devious, disrespectful of the club hierarchy and a liar. And that's before we get to his antics in terms of the team and match days. Why the hell does he refuse to play Lacazette for 90 minutes? Why does he play everyone in the wrong positions? Why is he playing Nelson in defence FFS! What was all that pre-season nonsense with Elneny about What the hell was he up to before and during that Liverpool hiding? Why is he claiming the contract situations with Alexis and Ozil are ideal? What the hell was all that dragging of feet over a realistic bid for Lemar, followed by the ridiculous 92 million bid when the player was about to head onto the pitch in a World Cup qualifier? How does he not have a settled starting eleven yet?

    We can't be having this bloke around the club. It's totally ridiculous. What the fucking hell is going on? I'm starting to hate his guts. Doubt I'm the only one.

    It's not just the football any more. If it was just the football then really, who cares? It's more. I see him as an all too depressing example of the corporate shit heap that has deluged every aspect of life. Wenger, for me, is becoming the poster goat for everything that is wrong with sport and society in general. And, here's the best bit, he plays the role of champion for the beautiful and pure game, for fair play and even handed finances. Yet he's the exact opposite when it comes to his own situation. Hypocrite extraordinaire.
    Nope. You're not alone.

  6. #176
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    Quote Originally Posted by Delusions of Grandeur View Post
    Nope. You're not alone.
    Any man can try to do a job and do it badly, even if he makes the best effort. He can want to succeed, he can strive to succeed and he can fail. There's nothing wrong in that. The problem comes when he turns around and starts blaming everyone bar himself for the failures. That's where the vitriol comes from. Everyone was prepared to say you tried, you failed, thanks for all the times you succeeded and we wish you luck in your future endeavours. That was thrown back in our faces as betrayal and disloyalty. We became the reason the team failed, in his eyes. Along with chav money, transfer inflation, fixture schedules, the wrong kind of leaves on the track, anything he could conjure up. There comes a point where goodwill runs out and that time has come and gone. And to get a pay rise for taking us out of the CL, that bare minimum he covets as the trophy of all trophies. He has no problem taking advantage of inflated salaries himself, I notice. He could have faced the stone cold facts of his record over the last 10 years, accepted there was widespread discontent with his performance and resolved to compensate for his shameful acceptance of a new contract by trying something new. But he's pushing on with the same tired old shit, utterly unrepentant. A figure like that can't be liked and can't be respected. He's brought it all on himself. Not that he seems to care. The ultimate man in a bubble.
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  7. #177
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Any man can try to do a job and do it badly, even if he makes the best effort. He can want to succeed, he can strive to succeed and he can fail. There's nothing wrong in that. The problem comes when he turns around and starts blaming everyone bar himself for the failures. That's where the vitriol comes from. Everyone was prepared to say you tried, you failed, thanks for all the times you succeeded and we wish you luck in your future endeavours. That was thrown back in our faces as betrayal and disloyalty. We became the reason the team failed, in his eyes. Along with chav money, transfer inflation, fixture schedules, the wrong kind of leaves on the track, anything he could conjure up. There comes a point where goodwill runs out and that time has come and gone. And to get a pay rise for taking us out of the CL, that bare minimum he covets as the trophy of all trophies. He has no problem taking advantage of inflated salaries himself, I notice. He could have faced the stone cold facts of his record over the last 10 years, accepted there was widespread discontent with his performance and resolved to compensate for his shameful acceptance of a new contract by trying something new. But he's pushing on with the same tired old shit, utterly unrepentant. A figure like that can't be liked and can't be respected. He's brought it all on himself. Not that he seems to care. The ultimate man in a bubble.
    I despise him because of the way he’s used his position of power and misled the fans. If he’s able to bypass the usual pecking order to speak directly to Stan Kroenke about renewing his contract, why hasn’t he been able to convince Stan to invest more money into this club if indeed that’s what’s holding us back? If he has the owners respect and trust, why is he not taking the concerns of the fans to the owner?

    I won’t forget the way he has backed the club to raise ticket prices on fans or how he’s back not lowering ticket prices since the new TV money has come through. He’s able to get the club to greenlight projects for a new Youth Academy training ground, a new stadium and all, a socialist wage structure but I’m supposed to believe he couldn’t have squeezed more out of them when it comes to transfers and buying the right player? The guy is out for himself and has been allowed to indulge in how own vanity projects. He sits with the fans week in week and hears the concerns from grounds and even from his own players but he doesn’t give a shit. Any appeal to do things differently gets disregarded. How happened this summer is enough evidence.

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