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Thread: The next manager..

  1. #521
    Member I am invisible's Avatar
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    There's no doubt in my mind that we have hundreds of millions available for transfers if it's needed. All the same, I'm not sure how much I'd give the new guy in their first window? Enough to bring in a couple of trusted faces, certainly - players who can help transmit their ideas quickly to the rest of the squad - and that's on top of whatever Mislintat comes up with. But before I send them off with the best part of a quarter of a billion I'd kind of like to see what ideas they have and what they can coach into the current crop of players.

    Is that wrong? To expect the new first team coach to actually do some coaching?

  2. #522
    Member I am invisible's Avatar
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    What I would invest in heavily is bolstering Mislintat's operation. Who's the guy at Monaco who keeps unearthing all these gems? Who's the guy at Atletico who keeps coming up with all these world class strikers and goalkeepers? Chuck money at these guys to come and work for us and then laugh at the rest of the world who have to spend 50m+ every time they want a Kyle Walker...

  3. #523
    Selling optimism to fools KSE Comedy Club's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    We don't know any of that, it's all media speculation. Why would any of the parties involved talk to the media? Or confirm any of these "facts"?

    The journos don't give a shit what they write provided they get clicks, and they never seem to get punished when they are found out. People keep on clicking and their "facts" keep on rolling out.

    Wenger was on 10mill a year because he's been at the club for 22 years. That's pay hike after pay hike after pay hike. There was nothing to say we were going to pay the new guy the same money. Why would we? We aren't looking for one guy to run the whole show any more, we're looking for the opposite. If Allegri really did want 200 mill for transfers then maybe we said, forget it, transfers will be taken care of by somebody else. Maybe he didn't like that? I'm speculating just as much as the media. I don't know, they don't know.

    If Arteta is coming to be a coach (rather than a general manager), which is highly likely, no reason to pay him big bucks because he'll have a third of the job description Wenger had. And if we want the role spread around, no reason to hire somebody who wants full control. Maybe this is why we aren't after a big, experienced name.

    Looking at Arsenal's track record it's easy to say we are going cheap. But recent signings suggest otherwise. Aubameyang is supposedly the second highest paid player in the league (along with bonuses), and we have another 50 mill striker beside him. We're paying Ozil a fortune too. The money is being spent, but it is being spent in other areas. Good areas. Players on the pitch.

    I'm not so keen to simply assume Arteta has been picked because he's cheap. It could still be the case, but we know as much of the truth as the media - which is none of it, at this stage.

    Anyway, Arteta hasn't said yes yet. I'm sure he doesn't want to be Moyes v2. He's got plenty to think about before accepting.
    Well yes of course, you are right, but then, where is the fun in that?

  4. #524
    Selling optimism to fools KSE Comedy Club's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Özim View Post
    Always thought as a big club we'd try and get someone top notch, seems we might not be thinking that way, for me though it would be Vieira over Arteta, he'd have instant respect for a start, might not work out but for me he'd be the preferred option (plus he's one of Arsenal greatest players - Real did it with Zidane), doing a decent job in the US as well even though that isn't a top league.

    Arteta has never managed at all and I haven't personally seen any obvious qualities that might make him a good manager, never ever saw any kind of ruthlessness in him either, as Cripps said he was pretty average overall for us, would be a very odd choice really.

    Guardiola seems good friends with Arteta (probably due to being Spanish) that probably helped him decide to have him as number 2, like I said Guardiola has won whoever his number 2 was, so it's not like they have a part in his successes. As I said before Mclaren, Queiroz were supposedly top notch number 2s, as managers however they were bang average, sometimes think managers talk up their impact so they get some credit, truth is if you look at top managers they succeed regardless of their assistants.
    See, this echoes my issues with Arteta being appointed.

    It's all speculation and here say 'Pochetino said he is good, Pep rates him highly' 'Le grove wrote some stuff about him' none of it is based on any fact that can actually be backed up.

    Regardless of our supposed new management structure, we still need an experienced head to come in and sort these lads out. Someone who can drill a defence and utilise two top strikers from an organised midfield.

    I'm not saying that Arteta is a bad choice as, like everyone else, I have no idea how good/bad he is. But I don't think taking a risk is neccessarily the right thing to do at this point.

    I will give him my support if he is appointed, as much as I can, however, I won't also start trying to see him as a hidden gem that hasn't been unearthed yet - because there is no proof of that.

  5. #525
    bye Xhaka Can’t's Avatar
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    Before anyone goes medieval on my ass, I am not making a comparison between them as players or their achievements as players.

    For those doubting the rationale of appointing Arteta in his first major managerial role, isn’t that what Real Madrid did with Zidane?
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  6. #526
    MOe Marc Overmars's Avatar
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    He was coach of their B team pior but yeah it's essentially the same.

    Slight difference in quality Arteta would be working with compared to Zidane though..

  7. #527
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    Quote Originally Posted by Özim View Post
    Always thought as a big club we'd try and get someone top notch, seems we might not be thinking that way, for me though it would be Vieira over Arteta, he'd have instant respect for a start, might not work out but for me he'd be the preferred option (plus he's one of Arsenal greatest players - Real did it with Zidane), doing a decent job in the US as well even though that isn't a top league.

    Arteta has never managed at all and I haven't personally seen any obvious qualities that might make him a good manager, never ever saw any kind of ruthlessness in him either, as Cripps said he was pretty average overall for us, would be a very odd choice really.

    Guardiola seems good friends with Arteta (probably due to being Spanish) that probably helped him decide to have him as number 2, like I said Guardiola has won whoever his number 2 was, so it's not like they have a part in his successes. As I said before Mclaren, Queiroz were supposedly top notch number 2s, as managers however they were bang average, sometimes think managers talk up their impact so they get some credit, truth is if you look at top managers they succeed regardless of their assistants.
    I also question whether Arteta will sort this group of players out. If Wilshere or Ramsey didn't obey his orders would Arteta really take them to the cleaners? I have my doubts.

    On the other hand reports suggest he's a bit of a prick.

    We need someone ruthless with authority but compassion at the same time.

    This is such a big risk it's almost negligence of duties from Gazidis.

    He wants the plaudits to uncover the next Pep but it's so so risky. At least Zidane and Pep were managing B teams in a professional league. This guy holds a clipboard

  8. #528
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    P.s. Barca and Madrid have the best squads in the world. We on the other hand need major surgery. Which makes it even more mind boggling

  9. #529
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    Can't really compare it Madrid or Barca. Ridiculous teams for both and they promoted from within and pick managers groomed for the role.

    This unprecedented in football. The only comparison I can see is in what Stan did with the LA Rams in American Football. The process has been very similar. Not long after rewarding the LA Rams coach a new contract, Stan sacked their head coach after a poor start to the season. Very similar to Wenger's dismal. The Rams appointmenter the youngest coach in the NFL's history I think. Not sure how Stan went about the selection process but it couldn't have been random. The Rams managed to finish the season as Division Champions or whatever those crazy Yanks do for their competitions. The decision paid off. A lot of writers predicted Stan may choose the same route for Arsenal. We'll see what happens. Unprecedented territory but we'll see what happens. I don't think this is Gazidis making the decision. I think this is the direction Stan wants to go in. But I also doubt Sven and Raul would stand back and not have their say if they thought the appointment was wrong. Same goes for Josh Kroenke. There has to be some research and a consensus behind this decision.

  10. #530
    bye Xhaka Can’t's Avatar
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    Cripps, I think you are making the understandable mistake of thinking that the next manager is going to be the guy responsible for sorting out the mess. He is likely going to be a part of a team of people, most of whom are now in place sorting it out.

    Players won’t just be answerable to the next manager, who will likely be concentrating on coaching and strategy, they’ll be answerable to the people in the new structure who are to date showing competence and proving to be pretty fucking ruthless.
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