Quote Originally Posted by Letters (TPFKA WWTL@WHL) View Post
Can you run the site in IE and see if you can see what we mean? Type a long message in quick reply and as you're typing move your mouse out of the quick reply box and you should see the issue. The message about navigating away from the page seems to have been mentioned by a few people too so that needs looking at. It happens if you try to go elsewhere on the board mid-edit which I guess is OK but I have seen it occasionally when I post I think. Need to check that one again.
I'll have a look at the IE part tonight...

As for the navigating away, it does sometimes do it when you try to submit... I mentioned in another post in this section about having an inclination it may be linked to the auto-save function... but again, that's unconfirmed.

I'll do a load of tests over on the test board and see if I can replicate all mentioned errors... and subsequently look at how to fix them!