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Thread: Match Reaction vs Everton (home).

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by selassie View Post
    Yep, I agree with a lot of this. I think if we are brutally honest we are not quite a top 4 yet and as such will struggle in the big games until Emery really puts his stamp on the team. This is still basically a “Wenger” team, Emery needs team to change both the personal and mentality of this team.

    The Liverpool game in a few weeks time is s write off for me, we are a few levels below them right now IMO.
    You're right it is a Wenger team and that's the issue at the moment, at least this guy is willing to play forwards though, for years we were stuck with Wenger who was obsessed with playing one striker and about 9 midfielders!

    Personally I think this team needs dismantling in areas and Emery needs to bring his own players in, obviously there are some that can stay but it just freshening up, Ramsey will be off so that's one, hopefully we can sell Xhaka, Mustafi and a few others to make room for some better more suitable players, a quality winger and a top notch CB and maybe a couple more.

    Emery knows PSG so maybe he can pick one of their more talented youngsters as well as he tried last summer.

  2. #22
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    As with the last 3 games. Not impressed at all, brilliant moments and playing the worst teams in the league basically covering how awful Emery has been as manager so far.

    To this moment I still don't understand the point of hiring Emery. Such a coward and scared hire.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Power n Glory View Post
    Cech has saved our bacon on many occasions this season. It’s alarming how frequently we’re getting carved open. Saying that, I’m glad people are starting to see that Sokratis is a good defender. Unpopular opinion, but I also see slight improvements in Bellerin and Mustafi’s game. Far away from perfect, still making mistakes but less individual blunders and our defensive mistakes seem to be more of a collective problem. That being said, it’s still not good enough and we need to improve.

    Torreira played as expected. A real pitbull in the middle of the park. Tracked back, intercepted, tackled, colletcted the ball from the defence to distribute the ball. A solid performance.

    That being said, Xhaka adds little to our midfield. He’s unnecessary. Despite having less of the defensive burden on his shoulders and not having to collect the ball from our defence and being able to play a little further up the pitch, he added next to nothing to our attack.

    Ozil has been a terrible purchase. Terrible. He doesn’t press with any intent and is a total coward in the final third. Time to get rid of him.

    Ramsey can follow him. Unai has to do something different with Ramsey and Ozil. Bench or switch their positioning.
    Absolutely agree with your account of the defence so far. I can't stand the sight of Mustafi and washed my hands of him last season but he has been better this season so far. Sokratis' qualities have been very apparent the last few games. Was gutted when I saw him walk off. Holding in his Arsenal career has generally been very good when partnered with a mature and competent older player.

    Xhaka whilst redundant in the first half I thought had a very good game in the second half. He's still not my cup of tea and I don't think he will ever be an top elite premier league player, but I liked his second half.

    I'd still be quite happy for Emery to partner Lucas with Ramsey or Guendouzi in midfield. I'm secretly hoping to see Ramsey there because I think if he can't make it work there, we have a redundant player on our hands contract or no contract.

    Outside of our own club, Zaha has won me back over and would actually welcome seeing him here now..... but I'm liking Iwobi's progression.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by selassie View Post
    Yep, I agree with a lot of this. I think if we are brutally honest we are not quite a top 4 yet and as such will struggle in the big games until Emery really puts his stamp on the team. This is still basically a “Wenger” team, Emery needs team to change both the personal and mentality of this team.

    The Liverpool game in a few weeks time is s write off for me, we are a few levels below them right now IMO.
    There are ways to put your stamp on a team without having to resort to replacing every player. Unai is falling into the same trap as Wenger by playing square pegs in round holes and sticking to a rigid format. Why not play two strikers up front? Why not have the balls to drop Xhaka, Ozil and Ramsey? He doesn't have to play the exact same team as Wenger did with the same formation. We approach every game the same and I haven't seen much evidence of him being meticulous and doing his homework on the opposition. Maybe the focus is on getting us to play a certain way but we'll continue to see this slow progress if he's unwilling to shake up the foundations.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Power n Glory View Post
    There are ways to put your stamp on a team without having to resort to replacing every player. Unai is falling into the same trap as Wenger by playing square pegs in round holes and sticking to a rigid format. Why not play two strikers up front? Why not have the balls to drop Xhaka, Ozil and Ramsey? He doesn't have to play the exact same team as Wenger did with the same formation. We approach every game the same and I haven't seen much evidence of him being meticulous and doing his homework on the opposition. Maybe the focus is on getting us to play a certain way but we'll continue to see this slow progress if he's unwilling to shake up the foundations.
    The bolded is one of the reasons I supported him over Arteta from the onset.

    Everyone who claimed to have worked with him swore to high heavens that he was meticulous in studying his opponents and actually adapted his game plan according to who he faced- something I think is a plus and makes a huge difference when your opponents have better players than you do.

    But like you said, we have approached all games the same way and I can see no evidence of adapting styles either.

  6. #26
    Goat Balls fakeyank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Power n Glory View Post
    There are ways to put your stamp on a team without having to resort to replacing every player. Unai is falling into the same trap as Wenger by playing square pegs in round holes and sticking to a rigid format. Why not play two strikers up front? Why not have the balls to drop Xhaka, Ozil and Ramsey? He doesn't have to play the exact same team as Wenger did with the same formation. We approach every game the same and I haven't seen much evidence of him being meticulous and doing his homework on the opposition. Maybe the focus is on getting us to play a certain way but we'll continue to see this slow progress if he's unwilling to shake up the foundations.
    I dont think the team is even playing in the way Emery wants them to play. First we need to get our shit together before we can go to the next level of having different strategies for different teams. This season is a wash for me and as long as we can play entertaining football and show marked improvement month upon month, I'll be fine. If however, we play all out attack with no plan B next season, I'll join the "Emery is may be not the right person" brigade.
    Arsene Wenger, the only football manager that got paid 8 million quid to do nothing but sit on his arse..

  7. #27
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    Me too. In fact, I was all for Arteta I heard about his analysis and how he helps Pep on tactics. The downside was his lack of experience and having no idea how he'd cope with his own team. A lot of people were unconvinced about his ability to be tough, pull players up and drop players.

    When I heard about Emery instead of Arteta, I wasn't thrilled. He had a piss poor away record for his last season with Sevilla and couldn't handle the star power at PSG. But I wrote off the PSG situation because of the circumstances and was really impressed with what I heard about his attention to detail and tactics.

    Now that he's hear, I haven't seen much in terms of tactics and out smarting the opposition. Still early days though. But the fact tGf he won't drop certain players and we're already playing key players out of position as a compromise has me worried. Ozil should be dropped and so should Xhaka just off the back of what Emery said about players working hard off the ball. If you look at the intensity of Ozil's runs to get forward when he sees space compared to when he needs to close down shouldn't be accepted. Why is it? Same goes for Xhaka.

    But as I was just saying to Blink, I think our degending has improved. Slightly. I see less individual mistakes and that's probably because they're covering each other a lot better. That's a slight improvement I can't deny.

    Emery definitely needs more time but he can't be a push over with certain players. We're high on confidence and positivity right now but I'm waiting to see how we react when gut punched and the confidence goes. So far, I think we're winning off individual brilliance. But this all could be just step one. Getting the teams confidence back.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by fakeyank View Post
    I dont think the team is even playing in the way Emery wants them to play. First we need to get our shit together before we can go to the next level of having different strategies for different teams. This season is a wash for me and as long as we can play entertaining football and show marked improvement month upon month, I'll be fine. If however, we play all out attack with no plan B next season, I'll join the "Emery is may be not the right person" brigade.
    That's why he has to drop the key individuals that are messing up. Let them learn off the pitch and see how someone else plays the from the sidelines so it's a learning experience.

    On a side not, did you see that bullshit pass Ozil pulled off when one on one with the keeper and on his preferred foot to score? For all his footballing intelligence, why in the world would he cut the ball back to Ramsey who hadn't set his feet properly and and had a defender right in front of him that could have potentially blocked the shot if Ramsey tried to shoot? We were lucky Ramsey improvised with the flick and Aubameyang wasn't called off side. Emery has to speak Ozil about that sort of shit.

  9. #29
    Goat Balls fakeyank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Power n Glory View Post
    That's why he has to drop the key individuals that are messing up. Let them learn off the pitch and see how someone else plays the from the sidelines so it's a learning experience.

    On a side not, did you see that bullshit pass Ozil pulled off when one on one with the keeper and on his preferred foot to score? For all his footballing intelligence, why in the world would he cut the ball back to Ramsey who hadn't set his feet properly and and had a defender right in front of him that could have potentially blocked the shot if Ramsey tried to shoot? We were lucky Ramsey improvised with the flick and Aubameyang wasn't called off side. Emery has to speak Ozil about that sort of shit.
    That was total BS from Ozil. We were lucky with that offside decision or else he'd have got some real heat from the fans and press.
    Arsene Wenger, the only football manager that got paid 8 million quid to do nothing but sit on his arse..

  10. #30
    MOe Marc Overmars's Avatar
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    I agree with Zim in that a lot of this is down to personnel, Emery just doesn't have enough of his "type" of player. What we became under Wenger was so far removed from any style and cohesion that we completely lost our identity. I'm not exactly sure what Emery is trying to achieve just yet but I'm not overly concerned at the moment because by hook or crook we're getting the wins.

    It was a mixed bag for Klopp as well when he joined Liverpool. However I think he had some existing hard working players who suited his philosophy and they were able to pull out big performances at least sporadically. We haven't seen those sparks from us just yet and that's been the disappointing thing.

    I've got my eye firmly on that Liverpool game at the start of November. Proper acid test for Emery and he won't have the same benefit of the doubt he had against City and Chelsea.
    Last edited by Marc Overmars; 24-09-2018 at 06:14 PM.

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