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Thread: Match Reaction v Palace (home)

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by AFC Leveller View Post
    A bit disappointed with/for Saka. It must be a nightmare for a young player coming into this kind of atmosphere and team but at the same time I can’t help but feel he hasn’t snow enough willingness to get involved or show what he can do. In the games he’s started, he’s been on the peripheral and almost hiding. He’s shown he’s obviously talented.
    I couldn't understand why he brought Saka on. We're getting a load of corners... time is running away, and we're getting desperate. Martinelli is probably the best headerer of a ball out of all the attackers we have at the club never mind sitting on the bench, so why not bring him on? I just couldn't understand what he was expecting Saka to add!

  2. #32
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    A few fans asking this after today. We either pay off Emery (6-7 mill) and get a manager to get us into the top 4 or risk it by sticking with Emery and potentially missing out on 45m (prize money). Personally I want us to get rid as I can’t see him taking us anywhere but who is available mid season? The ones who are were probably fired for not being good enough in the first place.

  3. #33
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    That is the problem and an owner who does not understand football or Arsenal. I would go for the Wolves man.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by fakeyank View Post
    Someone said Mourinho as a replacement? I will not support the club anymore if we get a cunt like him at our club. I want success but not with that scum of a human being at my club.

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    I completely agree with this.

    We have a manager without a clue.

    One of the highest paid players in the world sitting on his couch.

    A Captain who should not even be allowed back into the stadium unless it is to collect his belongings.

    Things are toxic enough as it is without adding Mourinho into the equation.

    I genuinely have no idea how we as a Club get out of this mess.
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  5. #35
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    It's simple, sack emery and make freddie caretaker manager

    No big deal if we then get someone else in later, but if he picks the right team and gets them playing more enjoyable football i'll accept it if not everything goes our way, we just can't have any more of this crap

    Btw Wrighty completely slammed Xhaka on MOTD, good for him

    Also they showed how BS it was to strike off Sokratis's second, absolute disgrace that Atkinson didn't look for himself on the screen

  6. #36
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    How come VAR works in Rugby but not Football? Are they being watched by actual full time ref's or the footballing equivalent of PCSO's wannabe's who will never make the grade...
    And here we have it.

    Jarred Gillett was the VAR official for Arsenal's clash with Palace. A 32-year-old Australian, Gillett has never taken charge of a Premier League game, with his refereeing experience in England limited to nine Football League fixtures.
    Last edited by dazthegooner; 28-10-2019 at 08:29 AM.

  7. #37
    Member IBK's Avatar
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    Disappointing result but not unexpected. I think we have all realised that Emery is totally out of his depth. The Xhaka/Ozil situation is 100% the manager's making and a clearer example of a small, stubborn man making decisions on the basis of his own ego rather than for the good of the team is difficult to imagine. When a club is in the situation that we are in it is generally the result of a combination of factors - club management; players and coach. IMHO in our case, it is down to a manager who has become kryptonite to his team. I think that Freddie would be more likely to be a Solskjaer than a Lampard (which is not to criticise him but a comment on his lack of managerial experience and the fact that he would need a lot of time to cement his role), but nevertheless I would take him in place of the Dracula lookalike in charge at present.
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  8. #38
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    Mourinho would be a terrible, desperate move - really hope it’s not being considered.

    He’d be better than Emery (which is a really low benchmark), and I do think his last couple of gigs have stamped some of his antics out of him (even if he still seems incapable of accepting any kind of blame or criticism), but all the same he still feels like yesterday’s man peddling yesterday’s ideas. Ultimately, we’re talking about a cheque-book manager who couldn’t make it work on united’s resources, so I wouldn’t expect too much here.

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blink 1nce Quince 2wice View Post
    I couldn't understand why he brought Saka on. We're getting a load of corners... time is running away, and we're getting desperate. Martinelli is probably the best headerer of a ball out of all the attackers we have at the club never mind sitting on the bench, so why not bring him on? I just couldn't understand what he was expecting Saka to add!
    Me too, on top of that Martinelli has been really good when h's played and scored goals, but there you go another odd decision by a manager who doesn't seem to know what he's doing.

  10. #40
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    Terrible decision by VAR yesterday (2nd one), the ref should have gone and had a look at the screen to be honest. Despite this though, I don't want to focus on that too much as we should have never found ourselves in a position of needing to score again after being 2-0 up after 10 minutes, we again didn't perform and barely created a thing and our defence let us down again.

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