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Thread: Coronavirus Pandemic

  1. #171
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Virus proliferates best in low humidity, lower temperatures. High humidity and temps above 22C inhibit (though doesn't stop) spread. Temps above 30C significantly hinders it. Again, just passing on what I'm reading. Not an expert (except for the spelling).

    Keep your levels of vitamin D at optimum. This won't stop you getting infected, but will help fighting respiratory conditions. But don't just stuff tons of pills because you can OD and poison yourself.

    Vitamin C used to boost immune system.

    Do NOT drink animal urine. Scientists outside India fairly certain that's a bad move.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  2. #172
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Do NOT drink animal urine.
    Don’t you tell me what to do

  3. #173
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    I’m thinking that Boris telling us all to go to our room is too little, too late.
    It’s already “out there” now and enough people probably have it that a lot will get very ill or die.
    Better late than never. What's very hard to believe is "the scientists" didn't have a consensus on this, given the 2 decades they've had to prepare. Shocking. Yes, global governments have all but ignored the threat, even though experts who spend their lives monitoring and responding to shit like this were shouting the alarm. But how do they not know more about immunity, for example? They've seen SARS (and COVID19 is a derivative of that), they've seen other Coronavirus strains. But we had one lot recommend total infection and another lot total lockdown. How can that be? I know it's a novel strain, but it's not like it came from outer space.
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  4. #174
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Don’t you tell me what to do
    Well at least don't spill it down that shirt again. Or is that your take on protective gear? The awful colour and the unique odour kills Coronavirus stone dead.
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  5. #175
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    it's not like it came from outer space.
    don't be too sure... (just realised we're missing an :alien: emoji)

  6. #176
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Who needs Lord Haw Haw when you have the BBC and Sky News?
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  7. #177
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    I’m thinking that Boris telling us all to go to our room is too little, too late.
    It’s already “out there” now and enough people probably have it that a lot will get very ill or die.
    At least he is being guided by the experts rather than making it up as he goes along and doing what is popular! It does make me laugh after the last four years of people complaining he is ignoring the experts, now complaining that he is not ignoring the experts.

    on a serious point, i saw a stat this morning that the UK, Italy & Spain all had their 10th confirmed case of coronavirus around similar time (give or take 2/3 days) yet when you now compare the numbers, perhaps the uk statergy is working? Singapore is supposedly having a second wave of infections and reintroducing lockdown measures which is exactly what the uk said would happen and hwy didnt want to go into lockdown too early.

  8. #178
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    The stimulus packages are a lifeline for a lot of people, granted. But why does the problem have to be worked this way around? The issue seems to be that people won't have cash to pay their bills at the end of the month.

    So stop the bills.

    Mortgages, loan repayments, rents, rates, credit agreements, electricity, telephone, Internet, Sky TV... all of it. No bills. Instead have the companies send the bills to the government. Wouldn't that be a lot simpler, wouldn't it immediately cut out the arseholes who are going to try to game this, wouldn't it cut down the administration to a fraction?

    It's pretty stupid throwing money at people so they can give it to the corporations and landlords anyway. Give the money direct. Use the savings from fraudulent claims to buy a bunch of food packages and send them to people who have zero cash. All we really need right now is food, isn't it?

    Oh, and maybe make the payments to companies like banks a loan, instead of a handout. After all, the banks don't give money for free, do they? So why should they get it for free? They can afford a couple of months loss of ill-gotten revenue, especially if the cost was spread over, let's say 60 months at,.. How does 39.9% APR sound? Same rates they were screwing poverty stricken borrowers for when the base rate was close to zero.

    Sounds like the shoe would be on the other foot for a change.
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  9. #179
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ollie the Optimist View Post
    At least he is being guided by the experts rather than making it up as he goes along and doing what is popular! It does make me laugh after the last four years of people complaining he is ignoring the experts, now complaining that he is not ignoring the experts.
    A toff backing the Tories. Amazing!

    Although I can't abide Boris (I mean, I like him as affable bumbling entertainer, sure, but I'd rather he wasn't in power), secretly I think he's actually doing a pretty decent job in all this. I don't know if he's getting everything right but who even knows what "right" even looks like in a situation

    on a serious point, i saw a stat this morning that the UK, Italy & Spain all had their 10th confirmed case of coronavirus around similar time (give or take 2/3 days) yet when you now compare the numbers, perhaps the uk statergy is working? Singapore is supposedly having a second wave of infections and reintroducing lockdown measures which is exactly what the uk said would happen and hwy didnt want to go into lockdown too early.
    Really hard to tell. Maybe. Although as I said earlier the different testing strategies in different countries make it really hard to compare like for like in different countries. I did see an alarming graph earlier with Italy, Spain and China's death rates and China's flatten out while Italy and Spain are going through the roof.
    Hopefully they can get on top of it and we don't follow suit.

  10. #180
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    Just saw this:

    Prince Charles is self-isolating at Balmoral with Covid-19
    Prince Andrew is self-isolating at Windsor with Jennifer-14


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