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Thread: Coronavirus Pandemic

  1. #5131
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xhaka Can’t View Post
    Pretty much the only one here that partakes in partisan identity politics here is you.

    If you don't agree with anyone's position on anything, they are damned forever more by you as a 'leftie'.

    No room for nuance, no room for discussion - those that disagree with you or veer slightly to the left of Atilla the Hun on anything are damned.
    That would be the reflection thing again, yes?

    I challenge you to name one belief I have to the right of Atilla the Hun that I have expressed on this forum. Go on. Money where mouth is.

    If you mean I've called people like you out for adding your support to what is self-evidently fucked up and evil - well damn right I have. Cutting kids dicks off? Teaching kids that buggery is normal? Terminating live births? Rolling out untested drugs on the whole planet. Locking people up in their own homes?

    You may not directly support these things on a one-to-one basis, but when you whore for the ring-leaders who will bring all these things to reality then you are willingly culpable.

    But, of course, it's about me.

    I'm the guy who said live and let live but don't dare step into my space or you get fucked up in every way imaginable. I'm the guy who said I'll do what I want, when I want, however often I want - provided I don't hurt you (as in actually hurt, as opposed to offending your fee-fees).

    You're the guy who cheered for a fucker that stands for the very opposite of that.

    Now, it seems, you want to lay that failing at my door?

    Doesn't wash, does it?
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  2. #5132
    bye Xhaka Can’t's Avatar
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    It works both ways - you are a Trumpist - therefore that is a reflection on you. What goes along with that is on you if whatever goes along with the other is a reflection on me.

    I've cheered for nobody, I'm not even mildly enthusiastic about Biden.

    I just wanted the digging to stop, or at least slow down - which it has and hopefully will continue to do.

  3. #5133
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xhaka Can’t View Post
    It works both ways - you are a Trumpist - therefore that is a reflection on you. What goes along with that is on you if whatever goes along with the other is a reflection on me.

    I've cheered for nobody, I'm not even mildly enthusiastic about Biden.

    I just wanted the digging to stop, or at least slow down - which it has and hopefully will continue to do.
    I'm not a "Trumpist", at all.

    I was 100% in support of Trump for one reason, and only one reason. To keep the marxists out. Because I know how dangerous they are, even compared to your average politician or, in this case, Trump. This seemed rather obvious in a supposedly free society that values human rights. I Knew Trump was a natural left-winger (from reading books - which can be quite helpful) so didn't much like his views, but the alternative was literally crazed and off the wall. So Trump it had to be because, unfortunately, people vote for this kind of shit.

    I mean obviously, OBVIOUSLY, don't vote for a puppet that's going to have his strings pulled willingly by a bunch of Wall St. fucks who only have one interest at heart.

    Obvious. Isn't it?

    Isn't it?

    It isn't. Is it?

    It's not actually obvious to you.

    I actually think, having actually listened to you, that we want the same thing. The do-nothing, take everything pricks out of our lives so we can just get on with it.

    But you and I are each ONE PERSON.

    We cannot change the world as individuals.

    What we lend our support to is hugely important. We add that ONE voice to millions of others and the illusion becomes reality. The legitimacy is sown.

    It's a very serious thing to lend support to evil. But there are lesser evils. When you are buried neck deep in evil, if something is a little less evil then I see that as a ladder to be used. I'm throwing away the ladder once I used it. Probably washing my hands afterwards. Then I look for the next way UP!

    But when I see a sign that says, here leads to hell - I don't take that route. I'm really hoping I don't have to explain why.

    When I see a "president" that is an empty shell waiting to be filled, I'd like to think I'm smart enough, maybe not the smartest guy on the planet, but maybe it doesn't need that degree of smarts - to run a mile. A mile and a bit, because they always take a mile.

    My philosophy works in levels within levels within levels. Nothing always transpires at once and immediately. It has to be worked for.

    As you may know, if you ever listened to me, I want them all DEAD.

    I was the one who created the Tory thread.

    I'm a little less to the right of Hitler than you imagine.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  4. #5134
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    If the vaccination introduces RNA segments of the dead virus into your system, and the "gold standard" PCR test amplifies trace RNA segments of the virus...

    Does that mean you get Covid when you take the vaccine?

    Does that mean I have to lockdown for 10 days if a family member is stupid enough to get injected? Or forced, in a non-compulsory way. Like health professionals who aren't all thick are being forced to do right now, because it would be "unprofessional" to refuse the injection of untested junk backed by a no-liability legal clause?

    Stupid is what stupid does.
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  5. #5135
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Why are multiple countries banning the AstraZeneca experimental vaccine?

    Is it because they have a better deal with Pfizer or Moderna?

    Is it because they are genuinely concerned that these vaccines have not been independently tested and are already causing death and injury?

    Or is it because they are conspiracy theorists?

    Hard to say?

    Who knows what goes on behind the closed doors of our "public servants"?

    Probably best not to let them inject you with any of this shit, until 20 years have passed and there's no trace of that "But how could we have known?" headline.

    I don't think people appreciate just how different this shitty, shitty, zero-effect, potentially horrible legacy-effect vaccines might have on them in the years to come.

    Why would you ever risk anything so random when you already know you have close on zero chance of even being affected by Covid, let alone die.


    Are you terrified of the flu?

    Well, are you?

    If not, why not?

    The flu kills tens of thousand every year.

    Except this year. Or the last.

    And I believe it all. Just feed me the "facts" and I will believe them like my life depended on it.

    Which it might. There are no tests you see.

    YOU are the test.
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  6. #5136
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Come on, dude. Read past the headline. In 3 million people 22 is a tiny number.
    And there may not be a direct causal link.
    People on here have been mocking the idea that someone could have a positive test and then be hit by a bus and it be recorded as a “Covid death”

    Correlation does not imply causation and there isn’t even an indication of causation here.
    I could be very wrong here but i wonder with the AZ vaccine and it being suspended by some countries how much politics is coming into play here.

    We have all seen the accusations flying around from senior leadership in the EU & Member states by saying its unsafe, while also threatening to sue AZ for failing to deliver large quantities of said “unsafe” vaccine. So far, real world data from us & Israel seems to show that in fact the AZ vaccine seems to work slightly better then the Pfizer one (although both have very high success rates).

    The reason i wonder if politics is coming into it is because of the perception of the AZ vaccine. As said, we’ve the accusations made against AZ by Europe and it helps paint a (wrong) picture that AZ, who lets not forget are selling this at cost price so make no profit, are the bad guy as they got into bed with teh UK. There is certainly an element of brexit politics coming into play here so naturally a lot of Europe think it isn’t safe. That explains why so many AZ doses are left unused in Europe.

    Now the reason i say the danish health authority is playing some form of politics is that back in December, there were stories coming out that the Pfizer vaccine was causing some elderly patients to die. As you say, it was a very small number out of a large number of doses and statistically, if you vaccinate everyone, it is almost impossible that no one will have some side effects. However, when the reports in Norway of some deaths of around 20 people in an old peoples home following the Pfizer vaccine, i do not believe anyone in Europe suspended the vaccine etc. They carried on using it. First alleged problems with AZ, its suspended by several countries.

    This perception of AZ not being safe is imo the major reason why the EU is failing so miserably to vaccinate people.

  7. #5137
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Jesus H Christ. My brain hurts now.
    yes, i can imagine that being hit by incontrovertible facts which even you can't deny must be pretty painful

  8. #5138
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    yes, i can imagine that being hit by incontrovertible facts which even you can't deny must be pretty painful
    You're blaming ME because you're as thick as a plank? Read back through the posts, see if you can figure it out. Your rush to the defence of absurdity wasn't even needed because we were JOKING - you idiot.

    Go back to sleep.
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  9. #5139
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    “lol, ur thick” is the debating tactic of a primary school child.
    Try harder.

  10. #5140
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    There are landmark court cases sprouting up all across the world now in response to the horrific authoritarianism being exercised by the half-wits "in charge" and their legions of crony followers. We've already seen how corrupt the courts are in the States, but I wonder if the same holds true in Germany? I don't know much about the German legal system or how seriously the judiciary regards its responsibilities. Hopefully it's to a greater degree than the appalling stooges here and in the US. If one of these cases lands then the door opens up to prosecute some of the criminal fuckers who have been running amok this past year. Probably a vain hope, but we'll wait and we'll see.

    Give me one good judge, if such a thing still exists.

    The fake PCR tests, the manslaughter (potentially murder) of the elderly in care homes, the human experimentation program and the anti-humanitarian decrees demanding compliance in return for liberty - these are all being challenged. It's the proper way, at this stage, to confront the tyranny. But if they all fail and without being tested, simply dismissed without hearing, then more robust remedies become not only inevitable but legitimate.
    Für eure Sicherheit

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