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Thread: Coronavirus Pandemic

  1. #5231
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    What Letters is trying hard not to say is he posted up fake news claiming the USPS worker had recanted his story.

    That’s literally mentioned in the first post of yours I quoted.

    The aim of the fake news from the fake news mainstream media was the ongoing effort to smear and discredit by any means, including outright lies, any and all reports of election fraud or irregularities. The fake news headline claimed the individual had recanted. This was a lie subsequently denied by the individual in question.
    There was a lot of claim and counter claim about this story, admittedly. As I said at the time when I said it was hard to get to the bottom of - also quoted above.

    The purpose of Letters repeating the fake news was not to examine the news piece in any way, which he has subsequently done in order to distract from his initial act, but instead (much like the fake news mainstream media) to run a night and day campaign here on this web site to deter all suggestion of election fraud.
    I do wonder where you get the idea that my posts have some “purpose”.
    Or, even sillier, that I’m running some campaign! Dear me.

    And I didn’t look into it to “distract” from anything. You pointed me in the direction of the audio which did give some insight into the truth of the matter and I found pretty much all your claims about it were untrue. It’s not my fault they were untrue. And it’s not my opinion they were untrue, I’ve posted the verbatim quotes which demonstrate that.

    For some reason which only he knows for sure.
    There is no “reason” simply because there is no “campaign”.
    I simply don’t believe there was any widespread fraud which changed the election result.
    You might say that I believe that because I only look at the MSM. I guess that would be fair comment. But I’ve asked you lots of times to show evidence of your views and haven’t seen anything credible. You did post some website but that was pretty much a conspiracy theory box set, there wasn’t much I found credible.
    Ultimately, every court case challenging the result failed, every recount and audit reaffirmed the original result and Biden is sitting in the White House. I don’t think many people think he’s a good candidate but he was the alternative to Trump so here we are.

    Now he tries to pretend the subsequent conversations were the key and only issue.
    Again, I’ve given the context of the “fake news” article which started the exchange.
    But your untrue claims about what went on in the case are hardly irrelevant here. You paint yourself as knowing better than us poor “low information” saps. And to be fair you did point me in the direction of the recording which I didn’t know about. But when I looked into it I found that your claims about it just weren’t true. How is that my fault?

    That's how fundamentally deceitful he is and how determined he is to conceal that deceit when called on it.
    That only works if your previous assertions are correct - that I tried to hide the context of our conversation when literally the first post I quoted of yours gives the context and I provided the link to the page so people can look for themselves if they want.
    And the claims that my posts have some “purpose” or I’m running some “campaign” are just silly.
    I’m just posting stuff. Sometimes for fun, sometimes stuff I find interesting or backs up a point I’m trying to make. How silly to think I have any ulterior motive here other than to make the working day go quicker.

    When you do post sources I’ve looked at them. Maybe not every single one but certainly most of them. I’m more than willing to look at different sides of an argument.
    The fact that you don’t answer my straight questions or provide the data which you’re basing your views on isn’t my fault.
    And actually on Covid our positions aren’t that far apart. I have consistently agreed with you that the government’s response has been shambolic and out of proportion to the situation. But I do think it’s a response to a situation and the data I’m looking at indicates there is a situation to respond to. If you have a different source of data then great, I’ll have a look. Or if my analysis of the data is wrong then explain why.

    I don’t know why you think I’m the enemy.

  2. #5232
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    It's not as if it was the first time he simply grabbed a fake news article from the fake news mainstream media and posted it up without further ado. Can you imagine if we had to go through all of them?

    Our hero poses as an upstanding member of the small community here, and an upstanding member of the wider community. An amiable and reasonable man, a God fearing man, a long suffering administrator of this forum with the thankless task of dealing with people like me, without ever desiring thanks or reward.

    It's quite the profile.

    But what happens when you compare him to an actual upstanding member of the small community here, an amiable and reasonable man, a professional grade administrator of this forum with the thankless task of dealing with people like me, without ever desiring thanks or reward? Say Maccy, for example?

    Oh dear. Suddenly we cut through ten thousands words and see the reality.

    It was the same with Wenger, wasn't it? That absolute and consuming determination to stamp on anything that jangled our hero's world view.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  3. #5233
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    It's quite the profile.
    A profile you made, not me.

    Oh dear. Suddenly we cut through ten thousands words and see the reality.
    As demonstrated by the USPS thing, your ability to discern reality is suspect. Why do you keep blaming me for finding out that your claims about that weren't true? You're the one who pointed me in the direction of the audio which demonstrated that

    The actual reality is simply that all the nefarious things you accuse me of simply aren't true. The idea that I have any underhand "reason" for posting things or that I'm engaging in some "campaign" It's all too silly.
    Your determination to think the absolute worst of me is a bid odd, frankly.

    It was the same with Wenger, wasn't it? That absolute and consuming determination to stamp on anything that jangled our hero's world view.
    I gave my opinions about Wenger, as did everyone else. That's what this place is for. I'm free to say what I think, I never stopped anyone else doing the same.
    Are you still lying about being censored when none of your posts were deleted? Your previous sig which whined about being censored literally had a link to the thread where I moved them to. A thread which I asked you to provide a title for you when you objected to the one I chose. You refused and then still complained that I'd deliberately put words in your mouth with my title

    I asked you some straight questions above, if you want to have a sensible discussion you could provide some straight answers.

  4. #5234
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  5. #5235
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Britain 2021

    A further hearing will now take place so potential remedies can be discussed.

    The petitioners have asked for a declarator that a person living in a level four area may lawfully leave their home to attend a place of worship.
    The nightmare dystopia in plain sight, yet reported on as if it's quite normal. And a judge that says, yes, human rights were violated as defined by law, BUT...

    "I have not decided that all churches must immediately open or that it is safe for them to do so, or even that no restrictions at all are justified.

    "All I have decided is that the regulations which are challenged in this petition went further than they were lawfully able to do, in the circumstances which existed when they were made."
    So yes, the law was violated, the regulations are unlawful and the law is going to do fuck all about it.

    One of the most fundamental human rights abused for a protracted period and nobody is going to jail, nobody is paying a fine, no action is being taken at all.

    Britain 2021.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  6. #5236
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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    there is a dystopia happening but it's nothing to do with covid and everything to do with a repressive corrupt government that wants women to carry on feeling unsafe and noone to be able to protest against environmental destruction or, err, government corruption. they've even managed to create a new statistics unit that will be inaccessible under FOI so they can make up as many BS figures as they want and no-one will be able to prove otherwise...

  7. #5237
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    there is a dystopia happening but it's nothing to do with covid and everything to do with a repressive corrupt government that wants women to carry on feeling unsafe and noone to be able to protest against environmental destruction or, err, government corruption. they've even managed to create a new statistics unit that will be inaccessible under FOI so they can make up as many BS figures as they want and no-one will be able to prove otherwise...
    Do you wear women's clothes? From time to time?
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  8. #5238
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Do you wear women's clothes? From time to time?
    No, sorry, you'll have to buy your own

  9. #5239
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    No, sorry, you'll have to buy your own
    My wrists would give the game away. Not nearly limp enough.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  10. #5240
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Predictable and predicted months ago to squawks of fearful derision from the parrots.
    You'll like this one too, then:

    And actually on this occasion I have fairly consistently said that I don't think vaccines should be mandatory and feared they would become so - if not by law then in effect with "no jab, no job" rules or an inability to travel without one.
    So while I've been sceptical about much of your prophesying about a dystopian authoritarian state we are sliding into, I was always worried about this. And, while we are here, the laws around public protests are worrying too.

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