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Thread: Coronavirus Pandemic

  1. #6151
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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  2. #6152
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    So are you saying people would choose not to take the vaccine sacrament if they had to pay for it at source? But they will take it if they can pay twice as much* later? Good job these are the "smart" people or else we'd be at the mercy of crooks and conmen.
    Who said people are smart?
    A high percentage of people have taken the vaccine, a high percentage of people are not smart.
    But basically yes, if something is free at source then people don't think of it as paying at all. And, full disclosure, I said to a mate about the vaccine being free, he pointed out that it isn't free, I'll be paying via taxes and I thought "fair point". I hadn't really thought of it that way either.
    This is why "buy now, pay later" is so popular. It's a pretty powerful psychological trick, you have the thing now but you kick the can of payment down the road where you don't have to think about it.
    I think a lot of people believe that having the vaccine is the "right thing to do", but my gut feeling is that a lot of them would baulk at the thought of having to pay for it directly. And some people wouldn't be able to. So they could have done some scheme where only people on a certain income have to pay but in the interests of getting it out there to as many people as quickly as possible I get why making it "free" and sorting it out with taxation later - ability to pay is already a factor in taxation. I reckon if was in power and I wanted to get something like this out there to as many people as possible as quickly as possible then I'd have done the same.

    And then you have arseholes who want to punish people who want to make medical choices for themselves, or people who understand the facts and the data and can spot such a transparent scam from a mile off? People who want a two tier system of the clean and unclean, or might as well call them what they metaphorically are, the "good" people (what's the word?) and the Jews.
    Well, you know we are on the same page about the dangers of a two tier society. I'm deeply uneasy about it.
    As for how transparent the "scam" is, most people don't see it that way. And "facts and data" are increasingly hard to get at these days.
    An example - in another part of the conversation with the aforementioned friend he talked about 4 African leaders who had been assassinated because they opposed the vaccine. So I Googled it and it took me 2 minutes to find sources which refuted that
    (Example: )
    Who's right and who's wrong? How do we know? We can spend all day producing sources which back up opposing views, the fact is neither of us actually know what is true. You are not "doing your own research" and nor am I. You're just reading and watching different sources.
    Getting to the truth is increasingly difficult.

    Regardless, because people can't figure out when they are being robbed and think they benefit from "free" stuff (like a "free" health service LOL), I should have to pay for the idiocy? Why? Is this your do as the mobs says or GTFO (and go to absolutely nowhere else that exists where authoritarian dickheads aren't in charge) liberalism in action again?
    I meant to reply to your post about society but I think the moment has gone now. This is on the same theme though. I'd suggest that one of the reasons (let's ignore religion for a minute) humans became the dominant species is because we started to work together in societies. As those have become more complicated they have become more structured. But pretty much everyone buys in to the contract of living in a society, which is why you're right, you won't find a country where you can be as free as I think you want to be. I've suggested ways you might be able to get close to it though. If you find enough like-minded people and pool resources you could probably form a commune which is as close as you can realistically get. But in a society which is increasingly complex and interconnected and requires a complex infrastructure to keep things running, I'm not sure how someone can completely disconnect from it.
    Someone I used to work with used to go on about "Freedom within a framework", I guess that's a pretty description of society. It might not be free enough for your liking, but it is for most people. It's far from perfect but while the last 18 months have seen some unprecedented restrictions on our day to day lives, in general that is not the case. Mostly we are free to do and say what we please and go where we want. There are some limits to that, but none which stop us living our day to day lives as we please. Your objections seem to be mostly theoretical and ideological, I don't believe there are any practical limitations on people living the life they want to lead - aside from their abilities, which is always a limiting factor.

  3. #6153
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Here you go:

    Get in there and make those Jews pay for their disobedience.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  4. #6154
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Here you go:

    Get in there and make those Jews pay for their disobedience.
    You could opt out of being a Jew of course...

    More seriously, is there a reason you're not taking the vaccine? Do you think it's actually dangerous, or could be? Or is it more of a principle?

  5. #6155
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    You could opt out of being a Jew of course...

    More seriously, is there a reason you're not taking the vaccine? Do you think it's actually dangerous, or could be? Or is it more of a principle?
    I'm not taking it because;

    I don't need it (see data, long established scientific biological and medical foundations, etc);

    It's experimental and even the inventor cautions against its widespread distribution until extensive analysis over time is conducted;

    It's a catastrophic opportunity cost that is destroying the lives of an uncounted number of people;

    I don't trust any of the individuals in government and industry who are pushing it;

    It's not a real vaccine by any historical standard;

    The testing was conducted by those who stand to benefit most;

    Institutions we rely on for scientific grounding and progress have been subverted to accommodate the vaccine agenda;

    Censorship has been applied to prevent the qualified and unqualified alike from raising legitimate questions and concerns in public places;

    The NHS, which we have paid through the nose for, has been subverted and an uncounted number of people have essentially been condemned to death as a consequence;

    The tests on which the vaccine propaganda was built don't (and never have) worked - again as advised by the inventor of these tests;

    Readily available and cheap therapeutics with proven track records in safety and efficacy (including for Covid in countries such as India) have been discounted, ridiculed and discredited by media propaganda and demonstrably fraudulent studies that went as far as to overdose participants in order to rig outcomes in favour of the pharmaceuticals industry;

    Government, the media and health authorities have deliberately obscured and misrepresented data that would help individuals make informed decisions about the vaccine, the benefits, the risks and its suitability for them;

    Decisions on the economy, privacy, constitutional issues and human rights have been handed over to un-elected and unaccountable (often un-named and unknown) bureaucrats and corporate officers while elected officials absconded and rammed abusive legislation through parliament without scrutiny;

    The vaccine will ultimately lead to a two-tier society where discrimination becomes the norm;

    I could actually keep going with this forever, so much is wrong with this vaccine and the despicable individuals that are driving the agenda.

    I can think of ONE (and only one) reason why the vaccine might be considered as reasonable and useful - for individuals who are elderly, and/ or have pre-existing medical conditions of significance and therefore suffer a heightened and credible risk from the disease. Even then it's highly debatable if the vaccine serves any useful purpose in comparison to therapeutics and/ or sensible preventative measures.

    What's happening is disgraceful beyond measure. Everyone knows it too, but too many have become invested in the whole, ridiculous theatre of it and can't row back for fear of having to question everything else that brought about such insanity.

    I'm NOT "anti-vax". There are several relatively safe and useful vaccines available that benefit society. I've taken my shots when I've had to travel to places where disease might be an issue. But there's a huge difference between vaccines invented by professionals of genuine humanitarian intent and these new non-vaccines that are geared entirely for profit even as they do demonstrable harm on so many levels.

    Am I anti the fake and corrupt vaccine industry that has sprung up around good intentions and the betterment of mankind? Damn right I am. These are some of the very worst individuals in all of human history, profiting on human suffering and misery. These are the foul creatures being worshipped as saviours - just as your Bible predicted. And my Bible too. Not because John had a crystal ball, but because he also lived under the weight of tyranny and the constant threat of these unforgivable excuses for human beings. History goes in cycles.

    I will not comply under any circumstances and there are plenty like me. And we don't all live in trailers and vote for Donald Trump, as ridiculous propaganda wings like the BBC and CNN claim. Some of us are even black, women, Labour voters, doctors and nurses, and people should remember that in the coming days as they are encouraged to participate in the next sad chapter of depravity and inhumanity.

    The truth of this will all come out eventually, just as it did for the Germans who still agonise over their past to this day.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  6. #6156
    Member Globalgunner's Avatar
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    Just wait for his encyclopedic response to your post. It will be epic in its waffle

    Israel has 86% fully vacced and still suffering under its scourge. Does that include the Palestinians btw?...I doubt it

    Military enlisted are refusing it

    Medical workers wont take it

    Meanwhile in the 3rd world with about 2% vaccinated. Death rate remains the same as it ever was

    Laws will soon be drafted to excommunicate the refuseniks.

    We didnt stop the world for Ebola that kills you stone dead in less than 72 hrs and anyone within 30ft of you......but this one is obviously the planet killer that we have all been scared of in our worst dreams.

    Welcome to the new dimension
    Last edited by Globalgunner; 30-09-2021 at 02:03 PM.
    Make 2mrw better than 2day

  7. #6157
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    Quote Originally Posted by Globalgunner View Post
    Just wait for his encyclopedic response to your post. It will be epic in its waffle
    My last reply to your post in this thread was 3 lines.
    You didn't bother replying.
    An ad hominem attack isn't a response to anything
    If you have nothing to say you could just try saying nothing.

  8. #6158
    Member Globalgunner's Avatar
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    An emoji makes it all the more cutting...You cant be older than 12. Im sure of it
    Make 2mrw better than 2day

  9. #6159
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    If you have nothing to say you could just try saying nothing.

  10. #6160
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    Quote Originally Posted by Globalgunner View Post
    We didnt stop the world for Ebola that kills you stone dead in less than 72 hrs and anyone within 30ft of you.....
    Well this is bullshit.
    Ebola outbreaks are taken very seriously because it has a very high CFR.
    Thankfully infected people generally get ill enough quick enough to not travel around the globe spreading it and, most crucially, Ebola isn't airbone, which makes it a lot easier to contain.

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