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Thread: Coronavirus Pandemic

  1. #2701
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Wengerbabies View Post
    Because a truly free people is the biggest threat to them.

    As for why they can't just let us get on with our lives while they get on with theirs, you know live and let live, I don't know, I want even pretend to understand what goes on in their evil minds.
    The only slight flaw in your argument is that there is no clear direction of travel towards more control. People like you say there is but what actual freedoms have been taken from you in your lifetime?

    Some of the things imposed because of this crisis were eased when the worst of it was over. The full lockdown where you could only go out once a day for an hour is no longer the case. Lots of businesses which were ordered to shut are now reopened. Yes there has been a pause in the lifting of restrictions and other things like masks have been imposed but that's because cases started to go up again. But I don't believe the government are planning a dystopian future where some of the restrictions in place will persist

    TL;DR - what's going on this year is all clearly a response to the situation this year, not part of a direction of travel. Just like rationing and the blackout was a response in the War. They didn't use it as an excuse to keep restricting people when the situation passed. Because why would they? They're not trying to "control" you or oppress you. I don't think "they" really care about you either way.

  2. #2702
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xhaka Can’t View Post
    Russia, Ukraine: we’ll never know what happened because the judicial process is not judicial at all. Whoever holds the power and the majority of either the Senate or Congress, holds the verdict. Why is the evidence redacted? If there is a verdict why can’t we see what it is based on?

    Corrupt banks? Corrupt politicians? Corruption in the medical or any other field? Never argued against any of that.

    There is enough genuine evidence there, and a shitload of it doesn’t fit your narrative.

    You are all in all the time. No nuance, no analysis other than against that with which you disagree. And much of that is questionable.
    We'll never know what happened? Despite the stream of evidence coming out every day? Well I guess we won't know if we studiously ignore that evidence. What we do know though, is the TDS establishment ran a 3 year hoax. That much is established. The corrupt gang that pursued the Trump campaign and then Trump himself came up with zero. Nothing. Despite the willingness to bend, twist and distort every piece of information. We have it all, in their own words. You see, this is why it has become impossible to have a useful discussion with leftists. Their brains are done in. You can push their face into something and ask if they see it. No, they'll say. Nothing there.

    Never said you argued against they idea of corruption. What I said was that's what I talk about, and you then (like so many with no argument) brush it all off as "conspiracy theory".

    Well go on - which bits of "evidence" (you mean the latest report from the WHO, maybe?) don't fit my narrative? And what narrative might that be? That the left has gone insane? That governors, mayors and civic leaders of lefty controlled cities are dragging their communities into the sewer? That greedy bastards are trying to cash in on the CHINESE virus? That Gates is a crook? Which bit triggers you most?

    No nuance? LOL. It's beyond belief. No nuance

    You mean I can't see the grey areas in shitty criminals being held up as martyrs by marxists posing as civil rights activists? Bloke was a shitty criminal. I called him a shitty criminal. How would you like that to be rephrased to fondle your sensibilities?

    Am I missing the "nuance" in the new science? Where almost everything we used to know about health has been reversed? And where hopelessly inaccurate fear porn is pumped night and day? And where personal liberties have been shat upon? Should I be setting up a committee so we can discuss these things over tea? Is it wrong to call out the corrupt, flip-flopping cunts whose incompetence has ruined global economies and rolled back decades or centuries of hard won rights?

    Or is it the new genders? We go from science, biology, physical evidence - to suddenly having 200 genders and instant gender swapping. And perverts stalking schools teaching kids how to bang each other up the shitter? Yeah, yeah, I've missed all the subtlety of this insanity.

    Or busting up the family. Shutting down religion. Defunding the police. Running overtly racist campaigns for "equality". Running a dementia patient for office. Telling us all we'll need to be tracked, traced and carry "your papers please!" so we can do the things we used to do freely just a few months ago? I guess I'm overreacting?

    Or the drugs that actually work as opposed to fantasy vaccines?

    Or the censorship and cancel culture?


    You people have jumped off the deep end and into the la-la abyss of unimaginable insanity. And you want ME to meet you halfway down so we can talk about it?


    Fuck off. You made your bed and don't go blaming me for the way it's made. As I said, I'm not the one making up fantasy stories about Russians. I'm not the one shitting on science. I'm not the one perverting kids. That's you and your lot. So own it, look in a mirror and don't worry about trying to reflect your nonsense on me.

    Wear a mask and shut up? Isn't that your demand? Well sorry. I won't shut up because I live here too and I'm not up for the place turning into a looney bin just so scared people can virtue signal their compliance.

    Nope sorry. Don't like it? Don't read it.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  3. #2703
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    You should've known that would set NQ off - his whole evidence base is ranters on youtube
    Yeah, you were already called out on that and you ran a mile. Something about you not having the time to put your money where your mouth is. But you do have the time to repeat the lie.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  4. #2704
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Not really. Many others on here have picked you up on this clear pattern of behaviour. You claim to base your views on science but when you see science which doesn't fit your narrative you just declare it not real science.
    And that is a trait of a conspiracy theorist - cling to any evidence which shows you to be correct, ignore or dismiss any evidence which indicates you are not.

    Well, I have a desire for discerning truth. And I think a reputable scientist is a better source than "some bloke on YouTube" or "some bloke on Twitter". You prefer these because they say things which fit your narrative, that doesn't make them more credible. And, amusingly, you think we're the poor saps just parroting other people's opinions. You don't have the self-awareness to realise you do the exact same thing, you just parrot different people.

    Worldwide? Yes it is.

    That whole rant seems to be about the BBC article which I merely posted and didn't comment on. I think we are mostly aligned about this.
    The thing I was picking Wengerbabies up on was using "some bloke on Twitter" as an authoritative source because the bloke on Twitter said something he agreed with.
    Like talking to a brick wall.

    One more time. The sources YOU consider to be authoritative, factual and truthful have the BIGGEST and LONGEST track record of telling catastrophic lies that have killed millions of people.


    Start from there and then tell people how bad their sources are.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  5. #2705
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    Oh good.
    I thought you’d died of* Covid

    *ok, with.

  6. #2706
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Yeah, you were already called out on that and you ran a mile. Something about you not having the time to put your money where your mouth is. But you do have the time to repeat the lie.
    Well it's not like it's just me that says it, is it?

    The irony is you sometimes say things that are true but then spoil it with extreme poaitions, conspiracy theories about Bill Gates and contradictory stuff about whether politicians do or don't matter, plus all the drivel about commies and lefties

  7. #2707
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    Well it's not like it's just me that says it, is it?

    The irony is you sometimes say things that are true but then spoil it with extreme poaitions, conspiracy theories about Bill Gates and contradictory stuff about whether politicians do or don't matter, plus all the drivel about commies and lefties
    Ok, another chance for you. What's the "conspiracy theory" about Bill Gates you mention? Let's just check if you've actually thought about any of this or if you are just blindly typing away in a pre-conditioned response. Go on. Fill out the "conspiracy theory" so we all know what we're talking about here.

    BLM are marxists. Agree or disagree? You can either agree, which means you know what you are talking about, or disagree, which means you're ignorant. Pr you can just run away and call it "drivel".

    And again, I'm not the extremist. You loony leftists just project that BS on sane people who don't go along with your crackpot ideas. Class hate, race hate, gender hate, whatever hate. That's all you people are, and you spend most of your time accusing others of your own worst faults. Well some people take it and grovel. I don't. I spit back in your face.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  8. #2708
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Oh good.
    I thought you’d died of* Covid

    *ok, with.
    As usual - move past any issue you can't deal with. Wait 24 hours. Pretend nothing was said and go again with the same BS.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  9. #2709
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Ok, another chance for you. What's the "conspiracy theory" about Bill Gates you mention? Let's just check if you've actually thought about any of this or if you are just blindly typing away in a pre-conditioned response. Go on. Fill out the "conspiracy theory" so we all know what we're talking about here.

    BLM are marxists. Agree or disagree? You can either agree, which means you know what you are talking about, or disagree, which means you're ignorant. Pr you can just run away and call it "drivel".

    And again, I'm not the extremist. You loony leftists just project that BS on sane people who don't go along with your crackpot ideas. Class hate, race hate, gender hate, whatever hate. That's all you people are, and you spend most of your time accusing others of your own worst faults. Well some people take it and grovel. I don't. I spit back in your face.
    Ooh, getting amgry?

    I've never written a single word on here using the terms race hate, class hate or gender hate, neither have i said anything that could be classed as particularly left-wing, the trouble is people like you are intentionally always trying to drag the mainstream towards the right, thereby enabling you to describe centreground views as 'lefty'

  10. #2710
    Member Globalgunner's Avatar
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    NQ sixth sense.
    "I see lefties"
    Make 2mrw better than 2day

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