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Thread: Coronavirus Pandemic

  1. #6221
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Authoritative sources say...

    Für eure Sicherheit

  2. #6222
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Wengerbabies View Post
    Could be natural immunity but to even discuss that as a possibility makes you a tin foil hatter.
    No it doesn’t. It’s a fairly reasonable hypothesis.
    When NQ mentioned it above I did look in to it - I looked up vaccination rates per country and then looked at their current death rates. To be honest there was no clear pattern. There are a lot of confounding factors which make it really hard to know how much is the vaccine and how much is natural immunity. My gut feel is both are a factor. Would we have got back to normal (this is about as normal as things have been in England since before the vaccine, there are almost no restrictions anywhere and the mask thing is not enforced and noticeably fewer people are wearing them now) this quickly without the vaccine? My guess is not but it’s impossible to be sure.
    Certainly the early trial results I’ve seen indicated that the vaccine greatly reduced the severity of Covid so I think it’s hard to argue that the vaccine hasn’t had an impact.

    But even so, I don't necessarily dispute the vaccine may be good for the vulnerable but this obsession that everyone must be jabbbed including kids is sheer lunacy. See the post above, why take an experimental drug for something that is unlikely to affect you?
    I dispute it’s experimental. The AZ vaccine isn’t an MRNA one, and the ones that are - this technology goes back decades. But I basically agree. I never really understood the obsession with vaccinating every single person. I personally don’t feel that vulnerable but getting the vaccine seemed like the pragmatic thing to do and I didn’t feel there was any particular risk of having it.

  3. #6223
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Of course natural immunity has developed, because biology. Of course the disease has run its normal course from pandemic to endemic, because biology. These are well understood realities that can be hypothesised based on centuries of undisputed knowledge (at least before 2020) and, as per the real scientific principle, tested and repeat tested over time. Regardless of "the science" that has suddenly sprung up to explain away the obvious, biology has not ceased, human beings have not crammed a million years of evolution into the magical year of 2020 and come out as a different species. Stripping away all dispute we can fall back on established science and wait until somebody improves or corrects it and moves it along, which has not happened. What's actually happened is denial, the removal of inconvenient, established science. That's because the people driving the pandemic agenda are conmen (I won't call them con-artists because they are too blatant) and, above all else, profiteers.

    In the States they just sacked tens of thousands of health care workers because they (medical people) won't get jabbed - for many different reasons no doubt but, chief among them, because they already had covid and they know they already have natural immunity. In other words, many have been sacked for following established science. But they have denied "the science", which is a religion, and therefore are heretics and must be cast out. Unqualified national guardsmen (guardspeople, people of guarding?) are replacing them. THAT'S how much this is about healthcare, which is not at all. Healthcare never had anything to do with any of it. It was always about the control and the cash and to dispute that is to ignore every nonsensical and anti-scientific step taken by the authoritarian loving tools that masquerade as leaders.

    How badly does the mainstream media lie on these bastards' behalf? I've routinely showed you how massive the lies are. And yet people keep going back to these "authoritative" sources and quoting from them as if a single word of any of it is in any way factual or well intentioned. If dead kids in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen could speak they'd tell what the consequences of believing the mainstream liars is for people on (and now in) the ground. Now these lying bastards are coming after our kids, and half the country is egging them on. It's evil at a whole new level.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  4. #6224
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    Turns out black people are a lot smarter than white people. I didn't know that, but now I do. And, as everyone already knew, Asians are the smartest of all.

    Für eure Sicherheit

  5. #6225
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    So, big surprise, the vaccines turn out to be fucking dangerous. Depending on the incompetence of the company you selected to worship, Moderna could get you fucked up at a rate of 1 in 5000. Pfizer is more godly at 1 in 28000. Seems like the "new science" is shit science, but who didn't predict that already? Well, all the poor saps who got vaccinated with their shit.

    Mind you, it does seem the US agencies do a better job of admitting their bullshit than the mindless handout whores posing as health agencies we have here in the UK. Here in utopia nothing is ever an issue, it's all good. Maybe the AZ gunk is better than the US gunk. Really, maybe it is. Maybe in this country we still had an ounce of regard for public health. I'm not writing that possibility off. Maybe AZ doesn't fuck you up as badly. I hope so. Genuinely, I don't want to see people dying just because they have been naive enough to allow the state sanctioned corporations to abuse them for profit. That's not what I want to see. All I want is for the Branch Covidians to stop insisting thinking people stop thinking. Just do your own thing and leave us alone. Deal?
    Für eure Sicherheit

  6. #6226
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    Just LOL. Can you believe the brashness of these cunts?

    They cause the problems then urgently announce there is a problem. It's just a sick joke.


    If we can just get more government everything will be fine.

    Just keep getting jabbed. Billions of jabs. Trillions in profits. If we can just keep the gravy train rolling we will all be safe. Come on, you know it makes sense.

    Just follow " the science". Blessed be "the science".

    Our vaccine, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy profits come; thy rules be done on earth as it is in hell. Give us this day our daily propaganda; and forgive us our ignorance as we condemn those who expose our ignorance; and lead us not into redemption, but deliver us from freedom. Amen.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  7. #6227
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Para 2

    If the answer is that I've misrepresented your position then fine, you could say that and clarify what your actual position is. I'm trying to understand more about your position. The trouble is you tend to be vague about it, and you insist on thinking I have some ulterior motive or malicious intent. I don't know how to help you with that. But you do seem to think that of a lot of people who disagree with you about stuff, and anyone in a position of power. (I don't regard my IIP as the latter, for the record)
    You haven't misinterpreted my position, you've attempted to subvert it - impossible as that is. You don't want to understand because that would be very dangerous to your mind. You want to dismiss. Wipe it way. Feel safe in your ignorance. That is why you always fall back on mainstream "evidence" to support your fantasies. And, of course, you could say sure, you WOULD say that. Because NONE of the mainstream "evidence" supports my view. Of course it doesn't. That's the intention, surely? If you listen to a criminal's excuses and take it as read then, of course, the criminal will never be guilty. And the victim will always be to blame. So the he said, she said, will never work out in favour of the aggrieved. Instead, look at who benefits. Tell me, oh Mr Mainstream, if we look past the he said, she said, WHO BENEFITS? I suppose you'll say it is a coincidence? Why does it ALWAYS benefit the perpetrator instead of the victim? Or do you have examples where this is not the case? Do you never take a pause to think? An estimated 7-14 TRILLION dollars of wealth has been transferred from the common citizen to the establishment elite during this (cough, ahem) PANDEMIC. How UNLUCKY for us, how lucky for them.

    I'd like to try (in vain) to remind you at this point, you are one of US - you are not in their club. Do you at least realise that much?

    Maybe stop working for them then? Maybe stop sucking their dicks?

    I'm not vague at all. You want me to be vague and yet, on the other hand you call me black and white with no in-between. You are very confused, you don't know what you are saying and you don't know what you mean. You are a Christian who has lost the way.

    If you KILL PEOPLE to make profit then you are malicious. It's not a blight on my character to say as much. There is a track record of death and mayhem that stretches back for your entire life. It's reality. The people died. History book. Read.

    Always the non-powerful dying at the hands of the powerful. Always people like you apologising for it and voting for the next tyrant. Not even content with that degree of evil, you then go on to apologise further. To make excuses. To tell the rest of us there can be not other way. And if somebody else says yes, there can be another way, you throw every ounce of your being into condemning those people.

    There is no measure to explain how evil you are.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  8. #6228
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    There's a HUGE pushback against the pretend vaccine and vaccine fascism - but it's being hidden by the commie cunts in the lamestream media. It's actually very encouraging. Not sure if good will conquer evil, it's always on a knife-edge, but it seems to be a closer fight than I anticipated.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  9. #6229
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Para 2
    I'm not ignoring these btw and I do appreciate you taking the time to reply.
    If you're going to reply to my post bit by bit then that's fine, but I think it would make sense for me to wait till you've finished.

  10. #6230
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Our vaccine, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy profits come; thy rules be done on earth as it is in hell. Give us this day our daily propaganda; and forgive us our ignorance as we condemn those who expose our ignorance; and lead us not into redemption, but deliver us from freedom. Amen.
    Papist scum, where's the power and glory line?
    You used to be everything to me
    Now you're tired of fighting

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