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Thread: Wenger's Autobiography

  1. #51
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    Got to agree with the comments on his tenure, first part was amazing, champagne football, great players left right and centre just so exciting, couldn't get enough of it, we also made some really exciting signings. Then the stadium move happened and it went seriously pear shaped, the football became boring, the players one dimensional and unable to do anything but pass 5 yards, no hunger, no desire and susbstandards players making a huge amounts, much more than their talents deserved and achieving nothing.

    I remember him claiming the young players he had in 2009 I think were the best group of players he ever had, which was a laughable claim considering what came before and who can forget the 2% away from domination comment on his claims coming 4th was like a major trophy.

    I think it all went wrong the minute he became comfortable with being 2nd best and when winning was no longer that important and when he changed the style of play to that predictable annd boring pass pass style when he tried to turn us into Barcelona lite without the quality of players.

    Could have been very different but he was too stubborn for his own good and never willing to listen to the advice others gave instead deciding to stick to his tried and failed method.

  2. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ollie the Optimist View Post
    Just finished his book and i was quite disappointed with it.

    It’s very short and skims over his life at arsenal in about 100 pages with no real details. It gives an interesting insight into him as person & what drives him but then again, most of that we already knew.

    He could have written several books just on the time at arsenal and i really wish he had gone into more details. The unbeaten season is covered in about 4 pages!

    I suspect he didnt want to write about what happened towards the end in order not to cause conflict with the club etc but this book was a massive let down imo
    . Will probably still ask Santa for it, but doesn't sound as good as I would have hoped.
    There's so much he could have said about everything that went on in 20 years managing Arsenal.
    This was his chance to give his side of things, it's a shame if he doesn't say much.
    Tbh I watched the Graham Norton show he was on and it was pretty boring. He's a pretty deep thinker but he's not much of a raconteur

  3. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Özim View Post
    Got to agree with the comments on his tenure, first part was amazing, champagne football, great players left right and centre just so exciting, couldn't get enough of it, we also made some really exciting signings.


    It's disappointing if Wenger doesn't talk more about the later time in his Arsenal career. I don't buy into the rhetoric about him becoming a bumbling idiot ™. Money was clearly tight when we moved stadium - Dein has talked about that. And I think that happening just when the billionaires started to have the biggest impact was a factor. But there were other factors. Wenger brought things like fitness methods and knowledge of the worldwide game to the table - and I'll concede it helped that France had a bit of a golden generation just when he was picking some of the cream of that crop. But other clubs caught up, he no longer had that edge. I don't agree that the football suddenly became poor when we got to the new stadium. For a while there was still some very good stuff even if results were more patchy. But over time it certainly became worse. It kinda felt like football moved on and Wenger didn't. It happens.
    I'm glad he won the FA Cups near the end although I wish he'd gone out after the last one. His final season was a bit painful all round.
    Would love to hear more about his side of all that and it's a shame if it's not in the book.

  4. #54
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    One of the most revealing things about the book though was about when Wenger joined Arsenal & spurs fans started the rumour he was paedophile.

    Wenger states that the press actually went to Monaco where his wife & stepson were living to ask the stepson how he was around him. Pretty disgusting from the press and i didnt realise it went that far beyond just nonsense from rival fans.

    You can almost feel the anger radiating off the page when he writes about that bit

  5. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    I wonder will it make it into the NYT Bestseller Top 4?
    Letters buying 5000 copies should help it into the top 100
    Make 2mrw better than 2day

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  7. #57
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Globalgunner View Post
    Letters buying 5000 copies should help it into the top 100
    Top 100 is like a trophy.
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