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Thread: The Alec Baldwin upcoming Megatrial

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    I think we should bring back slavery (or at least make it official). I should have the right (written in law, of course) to own people. I would never actually make them toil in the fields (I promise). I'd let them wander free. Just so long as I can own them.
    How have you managed to make a thread about Alex Baldwin shooting someone accidently to now wanting slaves?

  2. #42
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ollie the Optimist View Post
    How have you managed to make a thread about Alex Baldwin shooting someone accidently to now wanting slaves?
    I guess you can't read? Didn't you see your fellow moron pontificating about liberty?

    Anyway, I already categorically solved the Baldwin problem.


    Which of the two words don't you get? Or are you having trouble with both?
    Für eure Sicherheit

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Whoopsie! You "accidentally" missed out "as you define it". For someone who likes to throw around accusations of people dishonestly misrepresenting your views, you sure do like to misquote or misrepresent people.

    Now, you might say liberty isn't something one defines, it's just innate.
    But as I said we are both free to come and go as we please. The issue you have, the thing which makes you claim we don't have liberty, is that someone else has the keys. It's an ideological issue, not a practical one. I don't have an issue with that because I don't believe they will ever use the keys and if they do - one could argue they did during Covid, but it wasn't as extreme or permanent as the dystopia you predicted - then it will be because they need to deal with a situation.

    The blackout was enforced during war time - people had to pay to black out their houses and people could be fined if they didn't.
    1940's you would probably be complaining about the outrageous restriction on our liberties - the government are dictating whether I open my curtains!
    But they didn't do that for the lolz, it wasn't about control. It was an unprecedented rule to deal with an unprecedented situation.
    In fact early in the pandemic you did mention the blackout in a way which makes me think you do understand that stuff like this is necessary.

    So is your complaint that the Covid restrictions weren't necessary? I sort of agree with that - or rather, if you're going to do a lockdown then do it hard and early. That's what Australia have done and they've had very few Covid deaths. But at what cost to business and people's mental health? It's a difficult balance and one which our government a lot of mistakes on. But was it part of a slide into authoritarianism? I don't see the army on the streets. Almost no-one was wearing masks at a recent theatre trip. Nightclubs are open so go fill your boots, if that's your thing.

    And what does this "dark age" look like in practice? What are you specifically predicting, Nostradamus?
    Because your predictions about Covid restrictions have been less than accurate, so what specifically do you think is going to happen?
    Oh wow. Now he's keen on the specifics of language.

    Around and around. Oh yes, we all agree, liberty is liberty - expect when it is not. We are all equal - except when we aren't.

    We can have a principle, except when we don't.

    No, my complaint had nothing to do with covid restrictions being necessary. It had everything to do with a few individuals who assume they have superior rights dictating to the masses who, I assume, are supposed to have inferior rights. But don't bother. I know you can't get there. It's not in your nature.

    You would have surrendered to the Nazis. You would have found a "reasonable" excuse for it.
    Für eure Sicherheit

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